Chapter 04

Tracy Stephens sighed as she looked at her watch. Another long day at the office and she only had another long day to look forward to tomorrow.

Finishing her paperwork for her boss she closed out the programs and put her work papers in her desk. Getting up she put her blonde hair up with a pin and walked over to the door of her boss's office and knocked. It was a special knock, one that indicated that Tracy was coming in for the last job of the day. Hearing Jack's voice telling her to come in she opened the door and went inside.

Jack's office was very spacious and roomy. His desk was one of the new oaks that she had seen in the catalog a few months ago along with chairs to match. The couch beside it was an old leather one, something he had picked up on his trips down south. The walls had degrees from this school or that school hanging all over along with pictures of his wife and kids.

Jack was a good-looking man, at 5'11" with not an ounce of fat he sat there staring with his brown eyes as his secretary walked across the room towards him. Taking his glasses off he ran a hand through his short blonde hair. He was a classic golden boy, he had the right breeding, the right education, the right parents, family money, you name it, and he had it. He also had the hottest secretary in this part of the corporate world.

Tracy could have been a model he thought. He watched her approach the desk as her brown skirt swayed around her legs and her tits as they moved underneath her beige sweater. Instead of a model she was his beautiful blonde secretary and his whore. On many business trips he had enjoyed the hell out of every hole she possessed. He had even let some potential clients sample her, she had closed many deals for him and that's why he paid her more than most secretaries normally make.

She hadn't wanted to do it of course, but he knew what was better for her than she did. Hell he was who he was after all, that was why he was the boss and she was just another whore that worked for him.

Smiling to himself he watched the attractive woman move around his desk and go to her knees beside his chair.

Tracy smiling up at her boss now reaching up to his trouser pants and slowly undid his belt and unfastened the button. Pulling the zipper down slowly she parted the flaps to the side and hooked her fingers in his boxers and pulled. Jack lifted his hips to help her slide his pants and underwear off as she pulled.

When his pants were at his ankles Tracy used her right hand to grip his semi-erect cock. A fat 8 inches filled her palm as she stroked more life into it, all the while looking into his eyes and smiling. Rubbing the head a moment as pre-cum leaked onto her fingers Tracy asked a question.

"So you're sure Harold would make a better manager than me in Phoenix?" Tracy asked while blowing hot air on his cock.

Jack knew what she wanted, he wasn't a fool, and he knew this whore better than anyone.

"You know I do Tracy, that's why I'm still giving the job to him. He has better connections than you do and he has family money, which is better for potential investment into the company." Jack said looking down at Tracy as she now jacked his rock-hard cock with both hands.

"Well I don't have family money that's true..." Tracy said now kissing the tip of Jack's cock and pulling back.

"But I do have a way about me you know..." She said licking the head as she stroked harder.

"Yes you do girl, a very seductive way, but I need someone with breeding down there, you know that, we've been over it time and time again." Jack said now rolling his head back as he felt her wonderful mouth take his head in.

Tracy put her mouth over the head and sucked hard for a moment, still stroking the shaft, before pulling back. "So, whoever came out of the right snatch gets the big jobs then?" Tracy asked now licking the tip again, her hands never stopping.

"More or less, yes." Jack said.

Tracy moved one hand down to fondle his balls while jerking with the other.

"But you did promise me that position if I did what you asked in Tokyo last month." She said now rolling his balls between her fingers.

"Mmm, yes I did, but what can I say? Promises are meant to be broken baby." He said now panting as he felt her pick up speed.

Tracy now squeezing his balls a little harder knew he about to cum soon.

"So I fucked three little Asian business guys and one of their secretaries for nothing?" She said.

Jack rolled his head back as he felt his cum boiling, straining to get his shaft into his whore's mouth.

"No, you did it for the company... and I pay you well for it." He said.

"So you pay me to be a secretary and a whore for you, is that it? I've worked for you for a year on my knees in this office or on my back for potential clients, but I'm still just a whore for the company..." Tracy asked, her hand now a blur as she jerked his swelling cock.

"Yes..." He panted.

Tracy in that moment made a decision that would change the rest of her life. She stopped stroking the cock in her hand and lifted it as if she was going to lick the underside of the shaft. Drawing her free hand back she balled up her fist and threw the hardest punch she could straight at her boss's balls.

Jack screamed, very, very loud as Tracy stood and used some of his papers on his desk to wipe her hands of his pre-cum.

Smiling she saw his face contort with pain as he covered his balls and gasped out words.

"Why....?" He could barely whisper.

Tracy leaned over him hunched in his chair and smiled and in a syrupy sweet voice told him.

"Oh Jack, I'm a mongrel in your eyes, a very good-looking mongrel that only deserves to be on her knees for you. But you see I'm also a woman that doesn't appreciate it when promises are broken, I can be very ferocious sweetie."

"Bitch...fired..." Jack gasped out as his eyes rolled up in his head and he passed out from the pain.

Tracy just looked at her former boss as he lay there unconscious. Too bad she thought. He was a good fuck, but even after all she had done for him he still thought of her as nothing but a whore. She knew in the business world that everyone fucked everyone, wives and husbands at home were just for breeding, deals were closed in the bedroom, not the office. She had thought she was becoming a part of that, fucking her way to the top. But in the end she had been used, and that had really pissed her off.

Patting her well-bred unconscious former boss on the head, Tracy left the office and headed home.

She had changed into her cream colored silk pajamas and was having a glass of wine watching the stock report on CNN when the phone rang. Muting the television she reached for handset and picked up the handle.

"Hello?" She said into the cradle.

"Hi Tracy, it's Mom."

"Hey Mom, how are you doing? Get settled in yet?" Tracy asked.

"Yes baby, we are all set, Davey and the Twins love it here, I'm so glad we decided to move down here, this place is terrific!" Her mother said.

Tracy could hear the happiness in her mother's voice. She was glad, after her asshole of a husband, Tracy's Dad, had left her months ago she had sit with her mother as she cried her eyes out. Her mother had wanted Tracy to go on their little vacation with them but she had had to work. Now she wished they had waited till now to go on vacation. Now would have been the perfect time she laughed to herself.

"What's so funny?" Her mother asked.

"Oh it's nothing Mom, I quit my job today."

"Oh? What happened baby?" She asked concerned.

Tracy proceeded to explain in minute detail everything that had gone on between her and her boss. Including the trip to Tokyo and what had happened and what promises were made and broken. Her mother, Betty, knew what Tracy did, but accepted it as her daughter was ruthless in getting what she wanted and if she didn't get it then there would be hell to pay. And from the sounds of it her boss had paid.

By the time she finished her mother was laughing on the other end of the line, which in turn made her laugh.

"So he passed out and you left?" Her mother asked still giggling.

"Yea, I doubt his breeding is going to go very well in the next few months. He's lucky I guess, he's already got 3 brats running around." Tracy giggled.

After that Tracy talked about her options and her mother listened. Tracy knew she was going to be blacklisted now, no one wanted to hire a woman that had attacked her boss. She wasn't worried about him calling the police, she knew he wouldn't want a scandal in the office, but she also knew he wouldn't let it slide either. He'd go through all the back-channels and sink her career, but she felt it was worth it. She could get another job, maybe not at a big company like that but something smaller, something built from the ground up without old family money playing a part.

"So I'm not too worried about it, it'll all work out." Tracy said.

"So when are you coming back to visit Mom? I haven't seen you for months since the day you guys took off. You could have at least come back and helped with the packing. I know the house had bad memories for you and I understand it, but I would have liked to see you and my siblings again before you had the moving company move you completely out." She said.

"Well that's part of the reason I'm calling, I was thinking maybe you could come visit us, see the new place." Her mother said.

"Hmm, well I really need another job, but I guess it's plausible, maybe a little vacation is just what I need after all the bullshit I've gone through this year." Tracy said thoughtfully.

"I think it would be good for you and who knows? You might even want to stay." Her mother laughed.

Tracy laughed softly and replied it was doubtful.

"How are Davey and the Twins taking it? They found summer jobs yet?"

"Well actually, we're all working in the same place."

"Oh? Doing what?" Tracy asked intrigued.

"Well Davey is mainly a groundskeeper and the Twins are training to become cooks and me, well, I'm training to be management!" She said excitedly.

Tracy was glad her mother had found something to occupy her time, keep her mind off her Dad. And she said so.

"I'm glad you found a job you like Mom and I think I will visit, I probably won't stay long though, I'll have to get back here and start job hunting."

"I understand baby. So when are you coming down?" Her mother asked.

"Well it's a long drive so I guess I could be there sometime tomorrow. You guys went out east first and circled around, a direct route shouldn't take more than a day." She replied.

"Wonderful, I'll let the Twins and Davey know you are coming." She said excitedly.

"Ok, I have the directions you gave me and I'll see you then." Tracy said.

"Bye honey, I love you." Her mother said.

"Love you too, bye." Tracy said hanging up.

Humming a little tune to herself Tracy got up and went into the bedroom to pack for a weeklong trip.

Driving down the interstate in her BMW Tracy started looking for the exit her mother had told her about. She had been on the road for 10 hours now, only stopping for gas and cigarettes once. She was excited to be on road, she felt so free to be driving down the road with no job to worry about. She felt better now than she had in months.

Finally seeing the off-ramp she checked her mirrors and was surprised to see no traffic at all behind her, just a long stretch of empty highway. Turning onto the ramp she went up it and came to the stop sign, turning right she drove on, with not a thing in sight except the empty road and the rocky desert.

Driving a couple of miles down she finally saw the place. There was a big sign out front that said La Hotel Familia. She saw the bungalows out behind it that her mother told her about, and the long rows of rooms in the main building, which was pretty big to be in the middle of nowhere like this.

Pulling in she parked her car in front of the office and got out. Her mother had said to go to the office first and let the manager know she was visiting.

Tracy was glad to get out of the car after so many miles, it felt good to be on her feet as she stretched her arms above her before shutting the door.

Walking up to the door she opened it and went inside.

A blast of cool air hit her as she stepped inside and she felt a curious feeling come over her, a wave really. It was strange, but she felt a tingle in her belly as if something had passed through her. Shrugging it off she reasoned it was the sudden change of temperature and walked over to the desk. Seeing no one there she tapped the little bell a few times to get the manager's attention.

After several moments the door at the back of the office opened and a Spanish lady walked through looking as if she had just stepped out of the shower. Wearing a light blue robe her shiny black hair was plastered to her beautiful bronze skin as she flashed a smile at Tracy.

"Welcome to La Hotel Familia Tracy, we have been expecting you." The lady informed her still smiling.

"You know me?" Tracy asked, slightly taken aback.

"Of course, Betty has told me so much about you." She said as she came around and out the office door to hug the surprised woman standing there.

Tracy was surprised by the woman hugging her and couldn't help but smile when the Spanish lady pulled back still smiling at her. Something about this woman gave her a good feeling, like seeing a relative you loved, but hadn't seen for years. She saw the woman's smiling brown eyes and couldn't help but be taken in by her. Lost a moment she shook herself and found the other woman talking.

"My name is Maria and this is my place, a wonderful place for the whole family. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay with us Tracy." She said.

"Thank you Maria." Tracy said with sincerity.

"I'm sure your anxious to see Betty, wait here a moment while I go and get her. She has been a very valuable employee these past few months." Maria said walking towards the back humming to herself.

Tracy watched the sway of Maria's hips and thought to herself, if my ass looks that good at 40 then I will be one lucky woman.

It was only a moment later that she heard a little squeak from the back of the office and then her mother was swiftly making her way out the office door and wrapping her daughter in her arms.

"I've missed you baby!" Betty said laughing as she hugged her daughter to her.

"I've missed you too Mom." Tracy said now laughing as her mother tried to squeeze the breath from her.

"Let me look at you." Betty said pulling back.

Tracy stood at arm's length while her mother eyed her up and down complimenting her figure. Tracy had on jeans and a too small purple t-shirt, making her tits appear bigger than the c-cup they actually were. Her hair down and straight, it shone in the light like spun gold. Betty nodded her head in approval and told her she looked great for an unemployed woman. Tracy laughed at that and told her mother she looked great for a career woman such as herself.

Tracy told her mother she looked attractive in her brown floral print dress that came up to her thighs. Her mother had apparently been spending some time in the sun, her skin had become a very pleasant shade of bronze and complimented her wavy brunette locks.

"No bra Mom? Wow, this must be a very informal job." Tracy laughed as she noticed her mother's nipples poking against the material.

Maria standing to the side laughed at hearing that and told Tracy that yes it was very informal.

Betty blushed slightly and changed the subject.

"So why don't we sit down?" Betty said leading her daughter through the back door of the office while Maria followed.

"Come in and take a load off Tracy." Betty said as they entered the back room.

Tracy looked around slightly shocked. It looked like a penthouse apartment back here! She thought.

To the side of the door was a desk made of the finest oak and polished to a high sheen, a rich brown color. A brand new lap-top computer sat there with a fax machine and copier beside it. A very comfortable leather chair was behind it and also a filing cabinet against the wall.

Turning in a circle Tracy surveyed the room with awe as she looked up at the high ceiling and various paintings on the walls. She didn't recognize any of the works but they were all beautiful. Vibrant colors and great strokes of a brush had made those masterpieces she thought. There were a lot of doors leading to side rooms, around 10 in all she counted.

And her eyes lit upon the sculptures next, small works of stone and clay on raised pedestals next to the walls. Finely carved and chiseled she knew they were handmade, they had the look of living stone, factory made copies didn't have that.

And finally her eyes settled on the massive bed at the back of the room. It was the biggest bed she had ever seen, it could easily fit 10 people she thought. Big red silk sheets covered it with a great mass of pillows, it looked to be the most comfortable bed ever created! This must be one very successful little place she thought out loud.

"Yes it is very successful, but not in the way you think Tracy." Maria said with a small smile as she leaned against the wall, her hand lightly rubbing over an amber and turquoise piece that looked like the earth made from large gems.

"This is where you live and work Maria?" Tracy asked, still amazed by what she was seeing.

"Yes, this is my home and office. This is my apartment where I run this place out of, the rooms off to the side are the kitchen, guestrooms, and baths, and the pool is out back." She said.

"Wow, I guess this is a nice place to live and work at Mom." Tracy said appreciatively as she sat in the large leather sofa across from the desk.

Betty and Maria both joined her and they chatted away with small talk for a few minutes before Betty finally said she would see about getting Davey and the Twins and left out the front door.

As Tracy sat there and chatted with Maria she couldn't help but notice how good-looking she was. She had thought of her as an attractive woman before but now as she sat there and saw all the little details of this woman she saw that she was really beautiful instead of merely attractive. Gazing at her Tracy found herself surprisingly aroused by this woman. She had been with women before, but mostly at her bosses urging, she hadn't considered herself bi-sexual before but now, she was reconsidering it.

Staring at her and picturing those luscious lips gently sucking on her nipples she hadn't realized Maria had stopped talking until she said something else.

"Oh! I'm sorry, what?" Tracy asked, shaking herself slightly.

Maria laughed and asked her again.

"So do you like what you have seen so far?" Maria asked with a twinkle in her eye.

Tracy didn't miss the reference this time and blushed slightly and apologized.

"Oh no need for that Tracy, it makes an old woman feel good to be thought attractive." Maria laughed.

"You aren't an old woman Maria; you're quite beautiful in fact for your age. I'm guessing you're in your 40's?" Tracy asked.

"A little older than that but close enough." She said mysteriously, winking at her.

It was at that moment she heard twin squeals of joy and hadn't fully turned toward it when she was wrapped up in matching sets of arms as the Twins smothered their older sister with a group hug.

"Tracy!" They both yelled at the same time as they smothered their big sister with their arms.

Tracy laughing now hugged them back and realized they had been at the pool. Both wore matching yellow two piece bikinis and had on suntan lotion. Pushing them back a bit she smiled and got to her feet telling them to let her breathe.

Pulling back the girls were all smiles as they greeted each other and kissed cheeks. Tracy noticed immediately that both of her sisters had gained weight, from the small little tell-tale bulges in their bellies but she thought nothing of it since they were bound to gain a little working in a kitchen. And she especially didn't want to mention it; it was rude to tell a woman she had gained weight.

A moment later Davey walked in from the front door and Tracy couldn't believe it was actually him! His usual normal guy look was replaced by a sculpted and toned body of an athlete. Wearing a pair of jeans and no shirt he smiled when she saw him and rushed over to embrace his sister. Hugging him back now Tracy noticed his skin was warm and his muscles were hardened from work. He had been outside and his sparse chest hair was sweaty but he smelled like a man now instead of just her brother.

Pulling back he welcomed her and said he was glad to see her. Tracy smiled back and said thank you.

"So how was your trip Sis? Davey asked as he sat down in one of the chairs by the desk.

"Well it was uneventful..." Tracy trailed off as she saw Julie and Shana sit down beside Davey in the other chairs.

The girls sitting didn't cause her to pause, what she saw as they sat did.

Each Twin took one of her hands and placed it on Davey's thigh, in a very un-brotherly fashion. Tracy wasn't a fool, and now looked over to her mother as she leaned against the desk. To her surprise Betty's belly was bulging out slightly too! In that moment she knew, something wasn't normal about this situation.

"Ok what is going on here? Why are all three of you pregnant?" Tracy asked her smile gone now.

Betty looked over at her daughter and smiled at her, a smile of joy and happiness. Davey and Twins let their mother do the talking, just sitting there with grins on their faces.

"We'll explain it to you later sweetie, right now though I bet you're tired from the trip. Why don't you go lie down in the guest room and get a little rest. Davey will go get your bags and bring them in for you." Betty said moving to open the door to the side.

Tracy hadn't been tired before, but now as soon as her mother had mentioned rest felt a great weariness come over her. Like she had gone without sleep for days. She could feel her eyelids grow heavy as she got up and followed her mother obediently.

"Ok Mom, but later I want to know what's going on, ok?" Tracy said as she walked behind her.

"Yes baby, I promise." Betty said as she opened the door to the guest room.

Inside it was almost as large as the first room where Maria's bed was. The bed was big and comfy looking; a table was over to the side and along with twin lamps on bedside tables. The window to the right had blinds that effectively shut out the majority of the sunlight, making the room pleasantly dim.

She heard Betty telling her to catch a nap as she shut the door, then made her way over to the bed and collapsed on it, exhausted.

Almost as soon as her head touched the pillow she was asleep, dreaming beautiful dreams of paradise.

Tracy was giving a long slow blowjob to the man. This wonderful mystery man she loved and wanted. She desperately needed him, needed his seed to pour forth into her. Sucking hard she strained to take all of him into her mouth, relaxing her throat she felt his head slide deeper until his cock was all the way in.

She was on her knees now, she felt her man slowly fucking his cock into her from behind. His hard shaft parting her lips and tunneling up into her, going so very deep...

Then she was on her back and he was on top of her, she could feel his shaft going in and out. A hot steel rod going in and out of pussy, she felt the hardness of this male and she felt like she was his, his woman. Crying out she felt the release of a huge orgasm as the pleasure washed over her...

As her orgasm passed she saw his face.

"Davey..." She whispered.

He smiled down at her and continued his rhythmic fucking of her channel, bringing her even more pleasure. Smiling back up at him she pulled him down for a kiss...

Gasping Tracy sat straight up in bed. Shaking now she looked down and saw she was only wearing panties. Her mother must have come and undressed her she thought. Feeling her pussy she realized she was sopping wet. Her dream had caused her to orgasm in her sleep! Shivering now at her memories she couldn't believe her dream man had been Davey, of all people! It had been so wrong but she had loved every second of it!

Getting up she took her panties off tossed them down next to her bag. Taking out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt she started to put them on when the door opened.

"Ah you are awake, I was just coming to tell you that your Mother and siblings are in the pool and was wondering if you would like to join them?" Maria said setting down the towel she had in her hands.

Tracy looked over at Maria standing there and impulsively asked her.

"Maria what is this place?"

Maria smiled and answered her.

"It is a place where you are free Tracy, a place of true happiness." Maria said mysteriously as she set the towel down on a chair and smiled one last time at Tracy before leaving.

Tracy sighed to herself and wondered just what Maria had meant by what she had said. Taking her bathing suit out, a stylish blue two piece bikini that left little to the imagination, she thought again about how her mother and sisters were all three pregnant. She knew Davey was the father, unless there were some other male's around here somewhere. But what she didn't understand is how they had seduced him, or the other way around. And more importantly, why?

Shaking her head she put her top and bottom on with her sandals and grabbed the towel on the way out.

Entering the big room again she headed toward what she thought must be the backdoor where the pool would be located. Trying a couple of doors she found a closet and another bedroom, both as big as her room. Until finally she found one that had a marble walk-way leading around a bend of bushes.

Walking down it she heard the sound of laughter and splashing, she knew then this was the right path.

Coming around the bend on the walk-way she saw a huge Olympic-size pool, complete with a Jacuzzi off to the side. Davey and Twins were all wrestling in the water, Maria sat beside Betty chatting with her and Betty was tanning to the side of the pool with nothing but sunglasses on, bare as the day she was born. Tracy could now see with vibrant clarity the slight bulge of pregnancy as she stared at her mother's tanned stomach.

Maria, naked as well except for sunglasses, waved for Tracy to join them as she sat beside Betty on one of the lounge-chairs.

Tracy walking over to them spread her towel out on the empty chair and sat down just as Betty sat up.

"Did you have a nice nap sweetie?" Betty asked.

"Yea Mom, I did..." Tracy said, still slightly uneasy with this situation.

"And now you want answers I guess?" Betty said swinging her legs around to the side and sitting on the edge, unknowingly giving her daughter a full view of her smooth pussy and lips.

"Yea, I do..." Tracy replied.

Looking at Maria for a moment Betty started explaining.

"Well Tracy, when your siblings and I started out on this little vacation we had no place in mind. We just wanted to get away, me more than them. So we drove for days, spending the night at motels, seeing different sights, just getting away from the normal things for awhile ya know?" Betty explained.

Tracy nodded, indicating for her to continue.

"And well, one evening we wound up here, at Maria's place..." Betty paused a moment with a smile for Maria who smiled back.

"And then things kind of progressed from there. I realized I didn't need Phillip to make me happy, I didn't need a lot of money or even a ring on my finger from any man. All I needed was what I had already, the love of my children, who I am thankful for everyday." Betty said.

"And Davey knocking you all up? Is that part of it?" Tracy asked, not accusingly, but rather curious than anything else.

Betty and Maria both laughed at hearing that.

"Well that is a part of it yes. But it's what I wanted, what the Twins wanted too." Betty finished.

Tracy sighed and took it all in. Glancing over at her brother as he played grab-ass with the Twins she understood what her mother saw in him, what the Twins saw in him, he had turned into one hell of a hot guy. Turning back to her mother she smiled.

"I guess I can see why you guys wanted him; he has turned into a hottie hasn't he?" Tracy laughed softly.

"Mmm, you have no idea baby..." Betty said looking at her son as he taunted the Twins with their tops in his hands, keeping them out of reach.

"Well since everyone has seen everything I guess there's no reason for me to be wearing this now." Tracy said untying her tops and bottoms and removing them.

"Tracy you have a very lovely body..." Maria said appreciatively eyeing her up and down as Tracy sat back on the chair and lay back to get some sun.

"Thank you Maria, I wish my breasts were as big as yours though, you have me beat on the cup size department." Tracy smiling at her.

"Oh mine aren't that much bigger, your mother though, she has much bigger breasts than the both of us." Maria gesturing to Betty.

Betty hefted her twin bronze globes and smiled.

"Well I'm sure they will get even bigger soon, milk tends to do that." She said as she lay back.

All three women giggled at that and sat in silence a moment.

Betty sitting back up a moment asked Tracy if she had any sunscreen on.

"I completely forgot to apply any." She laughed as she took the bottle from her mother.

Generously she rubbed her arms and legs giving her a shiny oiled up look, going over her stomach and tits, she rubbed and massaged the oily substance into her skin. All the while she was getting turned on.

Looking out at Davey as she rubbed the potion into her skin she couldn't help but remember her dream, of him driving into her, of sucking his cock, of him kissing her. She pictured him being the one to rub the lotion into her skin instead of doing it herself.

Finally covering every part of her front she asked Maria to do her back as she lay on her stomach on the chair.

Maria started out slowly, working oily fingers around the very tips of Tracy's toes. Her fingers sliding and parting the digits as she rubbed and eased her fingers over her feet. Moving higher she rubbed the oily substance into Tracy's calves next, rubbing in circles sometimes then changing to push more on the muscles. To Tracy it felt more like a massage than just rubbing lotion on, it felt wonderful as she started to moan softly.

Maria had worked her way up Tracy's calves to her thighs now and was pushing and probing, kneading the muscles, getting them to relax. When her hands reached Tracy's she gently rubbed oil into the cheeks, slightly parting them and running her fingers along the crevice. This caused Tracy to become even more aroused as she panted slightly. Maria now pushed a single oiled finger between the cheeks and went back and forth for a moment, sliding up and down, driving Tracy crazy. Feeling the woman shake under her Maria then slid her finger and hand lower to find a very wet pussy touch in the palm of her hand.

Taking her hand she lightly rubbed through the folds and discovered Tracy was extremely wet. Smiling to herself Maria continued her massage by bringing her hands back to Tracy's lower back which brought a groan of protest from Tracy.

Working her hands over the woman's back now Maria pushed and kneaded stubborn muscles as she rubbed in lotion. With two fingers she made a V and put one on each side of the girl's spine and gently stroked up and down, going farther and farther up her back until finally she reached her neck. Now moving her hands to Tracy's shoulders Maria rubbed the lotion in while massaging the muscles there, her thumbs rubbing light circles on the skin after her job was done.

Tracy by that time was laying there with her eyes closed and thoroughly aroused as she had a very good rub-down by Maria's experienced hands. Feeling her hostess work her fingers and palms over her body, she just had to be a masseuse Tracy thought.

Tracy then felt hot breath on her ear as Maria leaned close to her.

"You are very wet Tracy, very, very wet, and you need someone's touch, would you like to cum baby?" Maria whispered seductively.

"Yes...but..." Tracy whispered back.

"Ok sweet girl, lay there and let us take care of everything..." Maria whispered again before Tracy felt her shift on her back.

The next thing she felt was a warm wet tongue slowly licking her thighs, urging her to prop her ass in the air on her knees. When she scooted up she felt a tongue work its way into her tight hot pussy, gently probing inside causing her to moan. Then almost a second later she felt another tongue gently probing at her backdoor, the tip slightly poking and prodding, causing her to groan and writhe a bit on the chair.

Tracy now desperate to cum was about to turn around when suddenly her mother was kneeling beside her and leaning down. She held one of her glorious bronze orbs in front of Tracy and gently put the nipple to her daughter's lips.

"Open wide and drink sweetie..." Betty said as she placed the nipple in Tracy's mouth, urging her to nurse.

Tracy didn't give it another thought; she took the pro-offered nipple and sucked greedily, like a woman dying of thirst. Sweet warm milk flooded her mouth as the tongues continued to work their magic on her pussy and ass.

Sucking more and more milk into her mouth she heard her mother groan as she fed. She drank and drank until her mother ran dry. Feeling the nipple being pulled away she almost begged to have it back when her mother presented the other breast to her and she immediately latched her mouth back on. Suckling more milk out she drank it down as she felt the tongues leave. She wanted to pull away for a moment to tell them to continue but Betty grabbed her daughter's head and held it in place.

Then Tracy felt it. It was Davey; she felt the head of his cock gently swiping up and down her hairless folds, getting the head nice and slick, ready to penetrate his elder sister's hot tunnel.

Tracy groaned into her mother's breast as she felt Davey readying himself, her mother responded by gently pulling her mouth off her breast and leaning down to lock lips with her just as Davey shoved his cock home.

Tracy moaned long and loud into her mother's mouth as she felt her brother bottom out inside her, the head banging up against her cervix in once quick thrust.

Pulling away from Betty Tracy sucked in a huge breath and Moaned loud enough to be heard a mile away. The feeling of her brother sliding his cock in and out was better than any other cock she had ever felt before! He was filling her to the limit her pussy could take, right to the edge of pain and pleasure, and she loved it.

Tracy could feel this wonderful brother of hers slowly pushing in and pulling out, taking his time. It was driving her crazy as she started to pant.

Betty now moved onto her knees and presented Tracy with her matronly pussy. Tracy didn't hesitate; she immediately started licking the soft folds of her mother's cunt causing Betty to moan in pleasure. With her mouth full of pussy and her cunt full of cock Tracy didn't notice the Twins in a 69 on the marble flooring to the side of her until they started gasping and groaning.

Pulling back from Betty for a moment she saw the two minxes licking each for all they were worth. Grinning she turned back to her mother and resumed her feast.

Tracy ate her mother for what seemed like hours, but in reality had only been a few minutes, the tasty juices coming out of Betty were just too damn good for her to stop. She felt Davey going faster and faster, his hard cock plunging deeper and deeper, she knew he was going to cum soon.

She had just started to probe her tongue inside her mother as far as she could go when all of a sudden her orgasm hit her. She had felt that feel good feeling of getting royally fucked but she hadn't felt the build up for such a huge orgasm. It just suddenly came on her like a storm blowing in out of nowhere.

Tracy screamed, very, very, loud. She saw stars, she saw bright white lights, she saw heaven in those brief moments. Shaking and gasping she arched her back as she felt the cock she had dreamt about earlier going deep inside of her, giving her a release she had never felt before. Then she heard Maria's voice in her ear.

"Tracy you are cumming sweetie, it feels good doesn't it? Ooh I know it does, do you like the way your brother is fucking you? Do you baby?" Maria whispered seductively as Betty sat beside her daughter on the chair next to them.

"Yes..." Tracy panted as she felt her brother go even faster inside her; she could hear him panting now.

"And do you want him to keep fucking you? You know what will happen if he does don't you? You will have his children if he keeps going, do you want that?" Maria whispered rubbing her hand over Tracy's back.

"YES!" Tracy moaned as she felt another orgasm wash over here making her quiver and moan.

"Then here it comes baby, Davey is about to shoot his baby juice, his sperm deep inside you. You are going to look so beautiful when your breasts swell with milk..." Maria trailed off as she brought her mouth around and covered Tracy's, their tongues now dueling each other.

Betty had her hands now cupping and pinching her daughter's nipples, heightening the pleasure she was receiving, smiling as her daughter came from the fucking she was getting from Davey.

Tracy, her mouth now locked with Maria's screamed as she felt Davey's cock swell inside her and start to fire off hot streams of cum inside her channel.

Jerking her head back she arched her back sharply as she felt his cum splash inside her womb, the liquid heat setting off orgasms as they landed inside. She felt him pull back and slam back in one last time as he continued to shoot her full of his seed, giving her every last drop he possessed.

And finally when the last shot of cum had hit the back of her womb, when she had been taken in the very last drop of cum deep inside her pussy, she collapsed on the chair face down, panting. Tracy felt hands on her back, rubbing gently as she quivered, coming down from her orgasm. She felt Davey slowly pull his still hard cock from her well-used pussy, she could feel some of his cum leaking out, lightly tickling her clit as it made the way down her thigh.

Catching her breath Tracy rolled over.

Davey was standing there, along with the Twins and Maria. Betty still sat to the side, all were smiling at her.

Tracy then laughed, she couldn't help it, she felt so damn good she just burst out laughing. The rest of the family quickly joined in.

And finally after a minute Tracy got herself under control and sat up. Looking down she could still see the sticky cum streaming from her cunt and was thankful for a towel underneath her. Looking back up at her mother she grinned and winked at her. Then looking at Maria she spoke.

"Well I certainly hope you have a good health plan, I have a feeling I'm going to need it in nine months." Tracy said as everyone joined in laughing with her.​
Next page: Chapter 05
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