Chapter 07.2
Maria told them to make themselves at home and took their orders with a notepad quickly scribbling down what they wanted, nothing fancy, just burgers and fries, and smiling, said she would return soon with their order.
When she left Teresa suddenly realized, she hadn't paid for the room, given her credit card information, she hadn't even told the woman her name!
"Babe..." Teresa turned to Mark.
Apparently Mark had come to the same conclusion as he had a confused look on his face.
"I didn't tell her my name, or pay for anything..." Mark said frowning.
"Me either, what the hell is going on here?" Teresa said
Mark shook himself and decided a shower and the woman of his dreams was more important now than anything else.
"Well we'll figure it out later, right now I'm wanting to see that body of yours all wet and soaped up more than I care about finding out if I'm in the Twilight Zone or not." Mark said grinning as he took her hand.
Teresa smiled a small smile and followed him into the master bedroom.
When she left Teresa suddenly realized, she hadn't paid for the room, given her credit card information, she hadn't even told the woman her name!
"Babe..." Teresa turned to Mark.
Apparently Mark had come to the same conclusion as he had a confused look on his face.
"I didn't tell her my name, or pay for anything..." Mark said frowning.
"Me either, what the hell is going on here?" Teresa said
Mark shook himself and decided a shower and the woman of his dreams was more important now than anything else.
"Well we'll figure it out later, right now I'm wanting to see that body of yours all wet and soaped up more than I care about finding out if I'm in the Twilight Zone or not." Mark said grinning as he took her hand.
Teresa smiled a small smile and followed him into the master bedroom.
After a rather long shower and some sensual washing by each other they both felt refreshed and wonderful. They had wanted to fool around a bit but decided their hostess would be back before they got done and didn't want to keep her waiting, so they had exchanged some kisses and washed each other and then got out and dried off.
After toweling off the water they both put on the robes hanging from the closet, thick and fluffy white ones that were pure comfort to the touch and felt as if they were made out of the finest fabric, the lightest touch of softness feeling like a caress of their skin. Making their way to the kitchen Teresa looked inside the refrigerator and to her surprise saw all kinds of beer and imported wines and liquors. Teresa and Mark were both were a bit bewildered when they saw the stock inside, they even noticed one bottle of very expensive wine that in a restaurant would easily go for five hundred a bottle, they both vowed not to touch it.
Taking a cheaper bottle, Teresa poured herself a glass while Mark went with a lite beer, they settled on the couch snuggling while waiting on Maria to arrive with the food.
Sipping her wine Teresa spoke.
"I don't know what this place is, whether it's the Twilight Zone or a just very expensive place, but for right now it feels like heaven on earth." She said contentedly snuggling closer.
"Yea it's weird, but damn if I don't feel great. Even the beer is the best I've ever had." Mark said laughing.
Just then the doorbell rang and Mark went to answer it.
Opening the door, Mark was expecting Maria with their food but got a shock instead.
Standing there was the biggest guy Mark had ever seen, towering above him looked to be a construction worker. A big guy, with huge muscles, shaggy blonde hair and slightly faded jeans and a white t-shirt.
Upon opening the door Mark at first was slightly shocked to see this huge guy standing there, then he shook himself and politely asked if he could help him.
Teresa had got up behind Mark and was just as shocked to see this giant standing outside the door when Mark opened it. She immediately didn't like him, she saw his ice-blue eyes and the way they flitted back and forth between her and Mark for a heartbeat before settling back on Mark. Teresa moved up and put her arm protectively around Mark's waist as if she meant to keep him from falling into an abyss, her arm was like a piece of iron, nothing was going to remove it.
The big man stood there a moment and suddenly spoke.
"Do you know why you are here?" He said in a deceptively soft voice.
Teresa and Mark both looking up at him slightly bewildered at his question looked at each other and Teresa replied.
"We just pulled over for the night, we're on our way to California for a vacation, but if you don't mind me asking, who are you exactly, do you work for Maria?" She asked.
At hearing her name the giants eyes slightly narrowed and then became normal again, the gaze no less intense.
"I do not work for her, rather I work against her and all she does..." He spoke in that soft voice once again.
Teresa tightened her arm around Mark when he said that.
Mark taking the hint suddenly didn't like this guy or what he was saying, he sounded like a crazy person, one of the nut-jobs you hear about that travel around preaching about the apocalypse or seas turning to blood or raining cats or something.
"Well, look, we don't know anything about-" Mark started to say but was cut off by the giant.
"Exactly, you don't know anything about this place or her " The last word her sneered slightly.
Mark was getting angry and Teresa a little afraid as she started thinking of the phone on the table beside the door and if she could get to it to dial for help.
Just as she felt Mark tense slightly as if readying himself to move quickly, Maria suddenly appeared on the walk beside the bungalow. In her left hand she had a plastic bag and in the other, an iron rod that was quite large, long and looked to be very heavy.
The giant turned in an instant and was now glowering at the newcomer with his back turned to Mark and Teresa now.
"What do you want bitch?" He sneered out.
"Oh I'm simply delivering food to my guests, and I would have to ask you what you are doing here bothering my tenants?" Maria said with a glint to her eye as she set down the bag on the concrete walkway and hefted the rod she had in her hands, patting it up and down into her now empty left hand.
"And what else are you delivering? You think I am blind woman?" The giant said in that deceptively soft voice.
Maria now lowered her voice and spoke softly.
"I think you are a fool to walk back into my domain ..." She said taking a step forward.
The giant shook with fury and flexed his hands, but other than that made no threatening move towards her.
"One day soon, the Reckoning will be here, and we will have our differences resolved, of that, you have my word and my will on it." He said in a soft whisper.
Then he turned and started walking down the drive to the street where he continued a ways, then turned a corner and was gone.
Maria set her rod down next to the drive, picked up the bag and proceeded up the steps to two very bewildered people staring at her.
"Oh don't worry about him, he's just an old fool that can't accept change, especially since he's my ex-husband and a lazy lout that can't accept responsibility for anything" Maria giggled as she herded Teresa and Mark back inside.
On hearing that they both immediately relaxed and felt a little embarrassed for Maria, both knew how crazy ex's could be. All thought of the giant disappeared when Maria set the bag down on the table and smells inside wafted about the room, making them both feel almost famished.
Setting plates for her guests Maria doled out the food and said there was plenty more in the bag if they wished for 2nds and prepared to leave.
Teresa before sitting down asked Maria to sit a moment with them if she wasn't too pressed for time. Mark was busy digging in as Maria smiled and sat with them to talk.
"Maria, I realized I didn't give you my or my boyfriend's name, we haven't even paid for our stay for tonight..." Teresa asked suddenly unsure of herself.
"Yes?" Maria asked smiling.
"Well, how do you know and why haven't you asked for payment?" Teresa said laughing and feeling kind of foolish as if these questions suddenly seemed irrelevant.
"Oh it's not important right now that you pay upfront, that's why this business is so successful, we treat our tenants as family, not as people paying for a service." Maria said placing her hand on Teresa's on the table.
When Teresa felt Maria's hand touch hers she felt a calm come over her, like nothing in the world mattered now except she enjoy her food and company. In the back of her mind she knew Maria had given her no answers, but she felt they weren't important at the moment, so she smiled back and started eating.
Mark on the other hand was still wondering about the giant that had come to the door, he just couldn't get over how big and mean looking the guy was.
"So who was that guy Maria? I know you said he was your ex but damn, that guy looked like he could tear through a brick wall with his bare hands." Mark said.
"Oh well, he is a builder really, construction, you know the kind of guy that can do everything, that's why he's so big and strong looking." Maria said.
"You can say that again, definitely the concrete looking type." Teresa said as she was dipping a fry into some sauce.
"So what's his name?" Mark asked.
"Mark, don't go asking that kind of thing of her, being an ex it might be bad memories to ask too many questions." Teresa chided him.
"No it's ok Teresa, I don't mind, he's changed his name several times for various reasons, I used to know him as Cronus, but of course he doesn't go by that now." Maria said politely
"Cronus? His parents must have been heavy into Greek Mythology or something." Mark said finishing his food and throwing the wrapping into the trash.
"Well, they were as far as I know, I never met them, we didn't stay together long, we we're just too different, had too many different ideas about things, and I can tell you the split wasn't amicable." Maria said frowning.
"From what we saw today I can guess" Teresa said throwing her trash away as well.
"But no more talk of the past, tell me more about yourselves, it's obvious you two are in love with each other, how did you meet?" Maria asked
Mark and Teresa both looked at each other and Mark started talking.
"Well, it's a little unusual actually..." He began.
"Very unusual really." Teresa said laughing looking slightly embarrassed.
"Oh its ok if you don't wish to say, I don't mean to pry" Maria said soothingly.
"Oh no, it's ok, it's just that some people look badly on us for the age difference and the circumstances of when we first met." Teresa said
"Not me, I can assure you, I don't judge, especially when its two people that love each other, I think that triumphs over all, there can be no age barriers when it comes to love." Maria said.
Taking a deep breath Teresa looked at Mark and he nodded, she began to tell the story.
"Well, when I was in my late teens and starting college I needed a part time job, something to help me through school, as my parents paid for my education, room and board, food, everything, except spending money. Just stuff I wanted such as a new computer, CD's, the like.
"In my first year I decided to start baby-sitting again, as I had done it all through high school and it helped me pay for a car so I decided to keep doing it while in college. I wasn't the type to bring boyfriends over so I had a good reputation that made me well liked with parents. And then I started sitting for Mark when he was 4." She finished with a flush to her cheeks that was barely noticeable but to Mark he knew she was embarrassed. Mark continued from his point of view.
"And when she left after graduating college it was like my life was leaving me. I was only 7 or 8 at the time, and I knew I was a kid, but for some reason all through my teenage years and college I just couldn't get her out of my head. Every detail, her soft skin, the way she used to grin at my little games, the movies we watched cuddled together on the couch. None of it left me, and it over-shadowed every woman I dated, and decided they just didn't stack up to Teresa." He said wistfully staring at Teresa as she gazed back at him.
Teresa continued then.
"And then one night over a year ago we met at a rock concert, he was just standing there talking to his friend while I was pushing through the crowd to get to the concession stand. We saw each other and we knew, we were going to be together. I didn't know who he was exactly at the time, I just knew that I knew him, and that he knew me, and we went to a quiet room and talked and kissed and the rest is history." Teresa sighed as she finished.
Mark took her face in his hands and kissed her in front of Maria.
"You two are so lovely..." Maria whispered happily as the lovers kissed in front of her.
Pulling back from Mark, almost breathless Teresa turned back to Maria who was smiling at them both.
Teresa felt like she could tell Maria anything in that moment, and Maria asked her.
"What is missing from your life Teresa?" Maria asked knowingly.
Teresa looked down at the table a moment before replying.
"I want to have children someday." Teresa said looking up at a surprised Mark and a tentative Maria.
"Why haven't you yet?" Maria asked her.
At this Teresa bit her lip and at first refused to answer, the one answer she was afraid to speak even to Mark, whom she loved dearly.
"What's wrong babe?" Mark asked, not concerned in the slightest that they were talking intimately in front of a stranger.
"I don't know how to tell you Mark, I just don't know ..." Teresa said, with tears in her eyes.
"You're not saying... that you maybe can't have-" Mark began but Teresa cut him off.
"No, no, no my love, not that, it's just..." Struggling to get the words out Maria helped her.
"She loved you like a son for so many years, it's hard for her, that you might think of her as a mother having her son's child. You might get upset at the idea." Maria finished for her.
Shocked Mark looked at her and his girlfriend. Then suddenly grinned.
"Is that it? You were worried about what I would think babe?" Mark asked almost laughing.
"Hey, I'm serious you dick!" Teresa now laughing lightly punched him in the arm.
Turning serious now, Mark run his hand lightly down her arm with a small smile, and admitted.
"For years I thought of you as my real mother, I really did, my other mother just kind of went about her own business, never spent time or watched movies or played cards with me. I never told you, but I always loved you for that and wished you could have been my real mother."
Teresa kissed him again, long and sensuous as Maria sat there smiling knowingly.
When she pulled back Teresa ran her hand down the side of his face, her brown fingers lightly tracing his tanned jawline, the dark and white contrast looking beautiful to her.
"You know that you can have your wish if you both want it." Maria said.
"What?" Teresa asked in a breathless whisper as her heart started to pound for no reason, as if she were on the verge of throwing her boyfriend down on the carpet and having her way with him then and there. She felt more alive now than ever before, she knew something strange was going on, but she didn't care, she was alive!
"He can be your son, and you can be his mother, I will grant the wish if you want..." Maria whispered mysteriously.
Mark could feel it now too, his heart hammering at his chest, feeling like he was about to have a heart attack, felt something magical, something tingled in his body, like liquid silver running through his veins that brought warmth and life flowing through him.
At the same time both shouted "YES!"
Maria smiled and stood, coming around the table she unbuttoned her blouse and let it fall to the floor, she had no bra on and as the blouse fell to the floor her large breasts were on display to both her guests.
Taking each of their heads in her hands she slowly guided them to her brown very large areola and urged them to suckle.
"Drink young ones, and be one together." She whispered.
Mark and Teresa in a trance, both took a nipple between their lips and time vanished.
Mark felt his heartbeat, a slow steady rhythm, he didn't know where he was or what he was, all was darkness. Darkness and warmth, all around him he felt love, an abyss that held him in loving embrace and comfort.
He felt something, a movement. Suddenly he was choking, needing air, the warmth was suddenly becoming pressure, movement, now light, the light, he moved toward it, something pushed him, he broke free and air once again filled his lungs, and suddenly his lips touched something rubbery and warm, he suckled.
Teresa was suddenly in a room, white with glowing lights in the ceiling, she was on a comfortable bed and was sitting atop the sheets, naked as the day she was born, only her stomach was showing a huge bulge, she was pregnant! She didn't remember anything, not how she got here or how she came to be pregnant, but suddenly she felt the pain.
Labor pains good and strong were coming at her hard and fast, feeling her water brake she knew her baby was coming, she didn't have time to think of anything else, as the pain and want to bring a new life into the world consumed her thoughts.
Squeezing and pushing she felt him come into the world, her hands were at her sides, and she closed her eyes, she knew somehow that he would end up in her arms. At that moment, she blacked out.
Teresa awoke in bed, with Mark's head cradled in her lap, he was gently suckling on one of her big breasts. She felt tired, like she had just run a marathon as she felt her man drawing her milk out of tits.
"My son..." Teresa whispered gently stroking his face as he nursed.
Letting her nipple pop out of his mouth he whispered back.
"My mother" Mark smiled.
"I don't know what happened baby, but I don't care, you are mine now, my sweet son, and I will always be here for you." Teresa said leaning down to kiss him.
Mark kissed her back and moved on the bed until he was atop her, gently nudging her legs open he got between them.
Breaking the kiss Teresa feeling naughty asked.
"Looks like baby wants his mommy, is that it Mark? Do you want to make love to your mother?" Teresa asked seductively.
"You know I do momma." Mark stated as he slid down further to start kissing his way to between her thighs.
"Oh baby, I would love, but I am rather exhausted" Teresa groaned.
"Perhaps I could help with that." Maria stated from the side of the bed where she just appeared.
Shocked both looked at her, neither had noticed her sitting there, and now she was totally naked. Her big soft tits and tanned body on display, Teresa thought to herself, I wish I had a body like that.
"Oh Teresa you are so modest, you have a wonderfully proportioned body, big and soft in all the right places" Maria said as she crawled over to the lovers.
Sitting next to Teresa she put her hand behind Teresa's neck and gently urged her forward to her nipple.
Teresa still under this woman's spell allowed herself to be drawn in to suckle from the Spanish woman.
She closed her lips on the proffered nipple and suckled gently. A burst of life flooded her lips when she drew in deeply of the milk Maria had offered her. A tingling that went from the top of her head down to the tips of her toes, she felt Mark moving beside her and suddenly they were both sharing Maria's wonderful milk as each looked at the other as they nursed and Maria cradled them both gently.
Mark felt life spilling into him as suckled, an electric spark racing up and down his spine, renewing every fiber of his being, strength and energy flowing through him. He felt like he had rested for years and now was ready to do anything.
Pulling back now, Teresa looked at Maria with almost an awe-like expression. Mark she saw was doing the same.
"Who ARE you?" Teresa asked.
"I'm just someone that likes to see people live and love." Maria said mysteriously.
Teresa looked down and noticed that Maria's pussy was practically dripping, and while she had never considered herself bi-sexual before she simply couldn't resist, she lean down and slowly ran her tongue over the outer lips of Maria's folds.
Maria sighed contentedly as Teresa made sweet love to her pussy. Looking over at Mark she noticed his raging cock as hard as steel as he sat there watching his mother go down on this mysterious woman who could revive a dead-man if she wished.
"Mark why do you hesitate? Your mother needs you now" Maria whispered smiling and glancing towards Teresa's upturned ass looking so deliciously vulnerable with her knees under her.
Mark grinned and moved around behind Teresa and put himself into position.
Teresa feeling Mark get behind her took her mouth off Maria for a moment.
"Yes baby, please fuck mommy, mommy needs it badly, give it to me..." Teresa whispered.
Mark took his 9" cock and slowly teased Teresa a bit making her moan, rubbing the head up and down the folds of her lips getting it nice and slick for entry.
Rearing back a bit, he slowly pushed forward and mounted his mother for the first time since she became his mother, his cock slowly sinking into her mature pussy.
Teresa felt the white-hot bar of fire entering her channel and tunneling deep inside her, when she felt him nudge up against her cervix she knew he wasn't all the way in, she used her muscles to coax and pushed hard to get his head further in, and little by little she felt him sink the last thick inch into her pussy as his pelvis met her ass cheeks and she moaned deliciously into Maria's soaking wet pussy.
"Oh you are so very good Teresa, your lips are absolute heaven." Maria moaned with her eyes closed as her black lover moved her lips and tongue around, in and out, of her pussy.
Mark was now pulling out and slowly sinking back into his mother's tunnel, her vise grip on his cock never slacked, it was as if she were trying to milk his cum out of him and keep it there between her legs forever. He looked down and saw his favorite view, his white shaft slowly sinking into her dark and pink folds, it never failed to get him excited. Picking up speed now he started going faster and getting to that sweet spot that approached her cervix he would slow and gently nudge it, as if his cock was saying, let me in, I am here, I am back where I belong. And it welcomed him back, it opened and let him back in each time.
Teresa was practically thrashing now from the long continuous orgasm her new son was giving her, she felt him enter and pull back each and every time, a long, never ending orgasm of her son bring her euphoria. He brought her to the edge and pushed her over it countless times now as she continuously moaned into Maria's pussy. She couldn't concentrate on the woman she was giving pleasure to anymore, she just rested her head and lips on Maria's stomach now as her son had his way with her.
Maria held Teresa as she rode out her orgasm, whispering sweet nothings into her ears as Mark fucked into her back and forth at a faster and faster pace.
"Do you want him to cum inside you Teresa?" Maria said over her moaning.
"Yes, oh god yes, please baby cum inside your mother!" She almost screamed out.
Mark hearing that picked up the pace and really started pounding Teresa hard, giving her everything he had left, throwing his hips forward he no longer slowed down, he plowed into her cervix and somehow she opened and let him in with no pain.
Stroking hard now, Mark knew he was going to cum in a matter of moment, his powerful arms and chest were all covered with sweat as he powered into her.
"Do you want another child still Teresa?" Maria asked as she held her.
"Yessssss..." Teresa moaned.
"Then Mark will give it to you, when he cums..." Maria trailed off.
"But I'm... on birth control..." Teresa huffed out as her son kept fucking her.
"Not today my dear..." Maria said seductively as Teresa started shaking again through another powerful orgasm.
Mark knew it was coming, he felt, the most powerful orgasm of his young life was about to roar out into the woman he cared more about than life itself. Feeling it rushing, last point of no return, he felt the damn break.
" OH GODDAAMNNN!!!!!!" Mark shouted.
"Yes baby, fill mommy's pussy!" Teresa tried to shout, but all that came out was a furious whisper, a needing in her voice that told Maria and Mark everything.
Mark felt like his life was draining away, the fire racing through his cock and into the depths of Teresa's womb, on and on he felt his seed rush into her, the liquid heat pooling into her lovely, lovely womb, the same womb he felt he had come from, he had returned.
Feeling the last of strength give out Mark suddenly collapsed to the side, having enough mind to fall to the side than having his heavy weight on top of the two women, he lay there and gasped for breath, shaking slightly.
Maria feeling Teresa shaking and her breathing struggling to return to normal gently guided her to her left breast while she guided Mark to her right. Urging them both to suckle she held them as they both fell fast asleep, mother and son.