Part 05

I made my way down the hall to the Guidance Counsellor's office. Her name was Patricia Sato and outside of giving speeches at school assemblies on occasion, I've really never even spoken to her before. She was a Japanese woman but born in America and spoke perfect English, but she had very large breasts for an Asian lady and seemed to keep in shape, sometimes I'd even seen her using the school's equipment to work out in the gym.

I got to her door with "School Counselor: Patricia Sato" printed on the door. I pushed it open without knocking.

Patricia was sitting behind her desk opposite the entryway and seemed enamored with something on her computer. There were two chairs sitting in front of her desk. She looked up at me and smiled when I came in, "Ah, Daniel Patterson, I was expecting you. Please, have a seat." She motioned to one of the chairs and I sat down. "Principal Finigan just sent me an email I was going over. Very detailed about your current indiscretions."

I gulped, being that I had just lost my virginity to the very principal she received her email from. I was a bit worried what that email might say but I decided to play it cool, "Well, um, I have a condition," Not really true but close enough.

"Oh?" Ms. Sato said, cocking an eyebrow and looking pretty uncertain of what I had told her, "And that condition means you have to shoot 'large gobs of pearly white cum all over his sister in the girl's bathroom?'" As Ms. Sato said this last part, she turned to her computer screen and seemed to be reading that part of the email the principal sent her.

I sighed, I had really been hoping that because I had just fucked Principal Finigan in her office, she wouldn't talk about that part. "Alright, well, yesterday, my mother caught me jerking off in my room, and I told her that it was how I relieved stress. I mean, I'm always busy and don't get a lot of downtime..."

"Yes," Patricia said as she picked up a manilla folder on her desk and opened it, "I see from your file that you work a full-time job aside from attending school on a regular basis as you haven't taken a sick day since your freshman year. Anyway, continuing, your mother watched you jerk off?" Patricia said this as if she was asking about the weather, very casually and normal, "Then what happened?"

I blushed as I thought about what I wanted to tell the guidance counselor. I didn't think she had the same benefit as talking to a therapist or something that wherein you get doctor-patient confidentiality and she legally couldn't talk about what you told her. I decided to play it safe and not mention my mother's involvement in anything sexual, "So, um, Barbie volunteered to, um, help me relieve my stress." It wasn't technically lying, Barb had offered to help though that was after she caught Mom blowing me in the kitchen, but I decided not to mention that part. No need to get anyone else in trouble.

"And your mother," Patricia checked her file, "Beth, was just okay with this?"

I considered how to answer, "Um, well, Mom realized how important it was for me to, um, 'relieve myself' let's say and, um..." I trailed off, not sure how to proceed.

"You've been fucking your sister since then, got it," Patricia said as she wrote something down in my file.

"No, nothing like that," I quickly added, hoping whatever she wrote down wasn't too damning, "It's only been, um, oral sex is all." I really hoped that would dampen the blow. Then again, Patricia really wasn't acting that surprised by anything I was telling her. I wondered why.

"Hmm, just oral? You know that's still technically a form of sex," Patricia said as if she were describing a clinical condition. She flipped through my file and stopped on a different page than the one she wrote on a moment ago, "Okay," Ms. Sato glanced at the clock, "It says you have a study hall your first and last period, which you've missed today, and now you're late for your biology class with Mrs. Smith, correct?" We had 8 1-hour periods throughout the day from 7 am to 3 pm, including a lunch hour. My schedule was Study Hall, Biology, English, Algebra, Lunch, Gym, Art, then my final Study Hall.

"Um, yeah, why?" I asked.

"Just confirming, how do you normally spend your study halls, Dan?" She asked in a friendly way.

It was a strange question but I considered it, "Well, I usually catch up on homework I couldn't get to the night before because of work," I explained to Ms. Sato, "or if I don't have homework, I'll ask Mr. Philips if I can go to the library. For the last study hall, I usually sit and read on the field where the cheerleaders' practice. I wait for my twin sister since it usually isn't over until after school and then either Linda's Mom or Aunt Chelsea would take us home, since my cousin, Rita, is also a cheerleader, depending on who could get there." I don't know why I said that last part since she only asked about the study hall itself and not what I do after.

"Hmm, I see," Patricia considered this, "well, I want you to know that I understand what it's like to have to be busy all the time and not really get the 'release' that a young man might need." Again, she was saying this like any doctor might explain that you have a cold and need medicine, "Your sister is being very kind to offer you her body in your times of need, but I'm going to have to talk to both of you together later today. I need to make sure this is both consensual and something you both want. Otherwise, this could lead to severe psychological issues later in life. If you could come back during lunch and bring your sister if you can? If not I'll find her."

Though Barbie and I weren't the closest, we still had a few classes together, not on purpose as I'd avoid her like the plague if I could before yesterday. "Yeah, I can tell her during Algebra," I said, though I was already worried about what might happen during lunch. God, I was stressed.

"Good, I don't want you missing any more class today," as she said this she wrote a "please excuse BLANK for being late" note for Mrs. Smith and handed it to me. "Just don't forget to come back at lunch or I'll have to come and get you, okay?"

I nodded, "yes," and I took the note and walked out of the door. I realized that after everything that had happened I left my bookbag in the girl's bathroom. I was sure it was probably already ransacked. Luckily when I got there it remained untouched, I guess no one else had used the bathroom in between first and second period. I noticed there were still large pools of my cum on the floor too but after I left I didn't really care.

I got to Biology class especially late, I handed my note to Mrs. Smith, who was a redheaded woman in her mid-forties, I actually hung out with her daughter sometimes who was in my grade. She seemed like a cool older lady, who also kept her body fit as I'd see her jogging early in the morning on the way to school sometimes, so she was very attractive but as one of my friend's mothers I tried not to notice.

All bets were off there as I openly stared at Mrs. Smith's cleavage in her tight dress as I gave her the note. Almost immediately the bell rang and I was out in the hall again.

My best friend, June who was 18 like me, came up to me with her friend and Mrs. Smith's daughter, Debra, who was also 18. The three of us usually hung out together when I had enough time to hang with people, which was almost never since I got my job at the factory, "Where have you been all morning?" June asked, "I figured you were sick but then we saw your book bag in the girl's bathroom. That was weird." June is a little shorter than me, and slightly overweight but by no means fat. She was a very cute girl actually with a great set of tits but I pretended not to notice since she was like a sister to me, then again, with what I was doing with my own sister this meant all bets were off and I couldn't help but stare at June's tits like a pervert without a care in the world, though really I was quite stressed and wanted to get some release sometime soon and I was starting to associate my stress with sexual release.

"Yeah," Debbie said, stepping up next to June. Debbie was Mrs. Smith's 18-year-old daughter and they both had long red hair and giant tits. Unlike June, Debbie was thin but still had humongous breasts, like her mother, "And there was a bunch of yogurt or something spilled on the floor. It smells nasty though."

"I thought it smelled fine," June said to her friend, "But it tasted funny."

"I told you not to taste it," Debra said rolling her eyes.

I blushed but didn't say anything about that, though my cock twitched in my pants as I thought about June tasting my semen from the floor. I wondered if she licked it straight from the floor, then shook my head and knew I was just having perverted thoughts caused by stress again, "Um, I have to get to class. I was just confused and went in the wrong bathroom," I added quickly before running off to English class. I don't know why I ran, June and I made sure we had the same schedule, except last period which she had Band and I took the last Study Hall to line up with Barbie's cheerleading.

So, I got to my chair in English out of breath, and June and Debra sat in the two chairs next to me only a minute later, "I don't know why you ran away like that," June said with a laugh as she sat down with her friend.

"Yeah, it seems pointless now," I said, sharing in the laughter. Then Miss Jackson came in and started teaching us all about contractions or something. I was too distracted worrying about what was going to happen at lunch.

I went through my next three classes in a haze. I barely noticed telling Barb about our planned meeting with the high school guidance counselor. And then lunch happened. Barb caught up to me in the hall, "So, what's this about?" She said, "Linda told me her Mom still hasn't called to leave an angry message about what a slut she is, so I figure the principal still hasn't called her."

"Yeah, she told me she wouldn't but I had to go see the guidance counselor first." I explained, "I think she just wants to talk to us." I looked down and noticed that Barb was wearing a different cheerleading outfit since the one she had on that morning was definitely still stained with my cum, "Where'd you get the new uniform?" I asked as we continued to walk.

Barb shrugged, "I simply showed the other one to Connie and she gave me a new one, Linda too."

"She didn't ask questions about it or nothing?" I asked.

"No, but I think she knew what happened to us, more or less. I mean, it was pretty obvious," Barb didn't seem too freaked out that her cheerleading coach knew that Barb's uniform was stained with semen, that made me wonder if I should ask Barb why she wasn't wearing panties in such a short skirt.

I opened my mouth to ask, but then Barb pushed open Ms. Sato's office door. I was so lost in thought before I didn't notice we were there already.

"Ah, you're both here." Ms. Sato said when she saw us come in from behind her desk, "Please have a seat." She motioned to the chairs in front of her desk, I noticed that there were three chairs there now instead of two.

I sat in the middle one and Barb sat to my left, "What did you want us here for?" I asked.

"Just wait a minute, I'm not quite ready yet," Patricia said and I expected her to start going through papers or use her computer but she just sat there and smiled at us, like she was a friend. I wondered if she really was an ally or not.

"Well, I need to eat lunch, and-" Barb started to say but shut her mouth as the door swung open behind us.

I turned as in walked Barb and my mother, dressed in her waitress outfit, "Okay," Beth said, annoyed, "This had better be good, I'm missing lunch for this."

"So am I," Barb said, echoing Mom's complaint.

Mom walked in and scowled at us, "Why are both of you here? Did something happen?"

"Well, yes," Patricia explained to my mom, "you see we happened to catch your son and daughter, well, to put it bluntly, your daughter was performing oral sex on your son in the girl's bathroom. From what I've heard, he spurted a copious amount of sperm onto both Barb and another girl in the cheerleading squad, requiring showers for both girls and new uniforms."

Mom sat in the remaining seat as she heard that, looking particularly calm about the whole scenario. She seemed to realize at the end of Ms. Sato's speech that she was supposed to be surprised, "Oh no!" She said but it was so fake it didn't fool anyone.

Patricia chuckled at that, "Look, Beth, I'm going to be straight with you. I already know that you allow your son and daughter to be sexually active together. Dan told me."

Mom glanced at me, seething with anger, but as she did she also glanced down at my crotch and it was obvious to anyone with eyes that my cock was rock hard again. What can I say, Ms. Sato talking about my sister making me cum earlier was a hot memory. And something was turning me on about the way she talked about it so casually. Anyway, my mom looked down at my hard cock in my pants and her angry expression transformed to one of pure lust. She licked her lips and I knew she was thinking about sucking my dick again.

"I think," Mom said turning back to the school counselor, "that my son has a very stressful life thanks to school and work. I also think that relieving that stress is important for my son to have a happy and healthy life, especially now in his senior year of high school. He gets this relief by cumming. I would rather he was able to do that in a safe and loving environment than having to hide behind closed doors or go to diseased sluts in order to do it." She glanced back at my dick, the lust in my mother's beautiful blue eyes told me how much she was dying for me to take my cock out. I decided, fuck it, and took my pants down from around my waist and my hard cock sprung out.

"Now what is going on here?!" Ms. Sato shouted, suddenly quite shocked to see my hard cock.

"My son needs stress relief," Mom said as she wrapped one of her soft hands around my cock, "and it's my duty as his mother to give it to him."

"But you're his mom!" Patricia shouted as she got to her feet and I wondered how soundproof her office was, "Siblings fooling around makes sense, they can keep each other's hormones in check, but mothers are meant to be authoritarian caregivers. You can't be your son's boss if you're sinking below him in stature by-by" She started to stutter, unsure of what she should say next.

"By sucking his giant, veiny cock?" Mom suggested and then got on her knees in front of me and started licking my cockhead as pre-cum leaked out of it in a steady stream and pooled on my mother's tongue so she could swallow it down.

Patricia fumed with anger. She came around in order to grab my mother by the hair and rip her mouth away from my dick. But as her hand came towards my mother's head I grabbed her wrist out of instinct. "Don't you dare hurt Mom," I ordered, forcefully, "And how dare you judge any of us? You don't have the right."

"My son, my protector," Mom said, her voice aching with affection and lust as she then engulfed my cockhead. I hadn't let go of Patricia's arm and she gasped as she watched a mother do such a depraved thing to her own son.

"Why is this bothering you so much anyway?" I asked, not the least bit bothered with Mom doing this right in front of my high school counselor, truthfully it was really turning me on by how much this was freaking out Ms. Sato, "I mean, you didn't care at all when you found out my sister was sucking my dick, how is this different?"

Patricia tried to pull her hand away from me but I just tightened my grip. She scowled, though my cock twitched in my mother's mouth because of how hot this was.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" Patricia shouted, and I thought she was talking to me at first but then she turned and I saw that Barbie had gotten on her knees behind Ms. Sato, reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down to the counselor's ankles. I noticed that Ms. Sato then stepped out of her panties without a second thought, and I knew she wanted whatever was about to happen to her.

"You tried to hurt my mom, consider this your punishment bitch." Barbie said, as calmly as the good therapist talked to me earlier, and then she stuck her head under Ms. Sato's skirt and started to lick her pussy from behind.

"You can't do that to me, I'm-OOOOOOHHHH." She moaned out in pleasure, "You're very good at this Barbie! You've obviously eaten a lot of pussy!" I thought that was odd, I mean, as far as I knew Barb had only gone down on Mom yesterday, and now she and her cheerleading friend aren't wearing panties? I felt I needed to discover more, but I was also getting a blowjob from my horny mother while my twin sister ate our school counselor's pussy in her office. This was too fucking hot, I grabbed my mom's head and started forcing her even harder on my cock.

"Yeah Mom, fucking suck my dick you fucking slut!" I shouted at her like I was angry but this was more for the torture of Patricia than anything else.

Turns out my "torture" was working as right after I ordered that to Mom, Ms. Sato shouted, "NNNNnnNNOOOOOO, MOMMIES SHOULD SUCK THEIR SON'S COCKS OR EAT THEIR DAUGHTERS PUSSSSSSIIIIIIIIEEEESSS!" She yelled as she started having a mind-ending orgasm.

"FUCK I'M GOING TO CUM MOM!" I shouted as well as I kept fucking Beth's face, "TAKE IT ALL MOMMMY-SLUT!" I yelled as the first salvo shot out and down her throat, she swallowed like there was now tomorrow, determined to swallow my giant load. She kept up this time, and looked very proud of herself as she swallowed the last of my jizz.

"Oh, so yummy," Mom said as she wiped a little cum from her lips with a napkin from her waitress skirt, which she was still wearing, "I guess I got my lunch anyway. Speaking of which I should probably get going. Back to work and all that. It was a pleasure meeting you Ms. Sato." She and a post-orgasmic Patricia shook hands and I laughed a little as it felt more like a casual conversation with a coworker than someone you just had a sexual experience in the presence of.

"Oh, yes, a pleasure," Patricia said to my mother though she seemed really confused on how she would feel right then. She glanced down at me, of course, my cock was hard again already just thinking about how crazy sexy all this was. "It looks like your son already needs more stress relief."

Mom glanced at my cock and smiled, "Yes, my son is very virile, and that's exactly why I need to be a good mother to him by giving him plenty of blowjobs. Though, unfortunately, I have to get back to work so his sister will have to help him again." She glanced at Ms. Sato, "Of course, feel free to help. Dan obviously needs as many 'assistants' as he can get." God I loved my mother right then.

Ms. Sato gulped and then looked at my cock like a woman in heat as Mom walked out of the room to get back to work on time. I smiled at her and took her hand, then I pulled her closer, I knew she wasn't wearing panties already. I pulled her to me, I was brimming with so much sexual confidence, which was odd considering what a nerdy virgin I was yesterday, but I didn't care. I got one pussy and I was aching for another, and this Japanese-American MILF was going to be mine.

Patricia didn't resist in any way as I pushed her skirt the rest of the way up and grabbed her soft bare ass with both hands and pulled her up on the chair with me. She straddled me and my cock stuck up between us and my shaft rested against her pussy lips and she ground her clit against my cock.

She hadn't said anything in a while so I began to worry. I suddenly let go of her ass, "Ms. Sato, I know things are a little crazy with me lately, so if you don't want this you better-"

As if to answer me, Ms. Sato slid her sopping wet pussy up my shaft until her opening was resting right against my bulbous cockhead, "Oh trust me Danny, I fucking want this." And with that her pussy engulfed the tip of my cock as she penetrated herself onto me. She was incredibly tight, even though she had twin, 18-year-old daughters in my grade, I wondered if she got a C-section when they were born, "Oh shit, you're cock is so fucking big! We need to go slow." She said, but I almost didn't care as I grabbed her hips and forced her the west of the way on my cock like a sex maniac.

"Jesus Christ," my sister moaned, as she got to the side of the chair and leaned in so her face was right next to my dick and our school counselor's pussy as we fucked, "I can't believe how fucking hot this looks! I think I need some stress relief too!" And then Barbie got on the chair facing me so she could force my head under her skirt and make me start licking her pussy as I fucked Ms. Sato.

Ms. Sato was bouncing on me like a wild woman, "I was wrong!" She shouted, "You need to fuck your mother! And your sister! And me! Especially fuck me! You need this stress relief and you need a pussy to fuck! You need to fuck miiiiiinnnnneee!" She moaned out this last part as she came hard on my dick.

"Brother you are such a fucking stuuuudddd! EAT MMMMEEE!" Barb moaned as her pussy spasmed into my mouth and I swallowed all of her juices.

I grunted but kept eating my sister's pussy as I came deep in the high school counselor's pussy. It was such a strong orgasm that I literally rose off the chair, lifting my sister on my face, as I filled Ms. Sato's cunt full of jizz. Then all three of us collapsed on the floor in a pile of bodies. The three of us were so sexually spent that we soon fell asleep in each other's arms, not even caring that me and Barb were supposed to be in our next class.​
Next page: Part 06
Previous page: Part 04