Chapter 01.2
"Matthew, welcome home, it's good to finally meet you, I've heard so much about you. Unfortunately, my husband had a doctor's appointment, he'll be joining us for coffee and dessert."
The discussion quickly turned to how Matthew used Ivanka's software in Afghanistan with Ivanka realizing those extreme conditions had revealed several ways it could be improved. When she asked Matthew if he'd mind if she discussed them with her engineers, Matthew, in his genuine aw-shucks way, said yes, clearly delighted to have helped.
Throughout dinner Ivanka paid close attention to the couple across the table. Rhonda was delightful and Matthew funny, polite, smart, and off-the-charts handsome. If Rhonda had chosen Zach to take Matthew's place, her son must be special in the sack. Ivanka also noted that although Rhonda and Matthew had spent the last month apart knowing the other had a lover, they were perfectly comfortable with each other, paying each other all the little attentions of any devoted couple, without any sign of jealously or resentment. Maybe these two, in making their own rules for a relationship, were on to something.
Also wondering about how Zach felt about Matthew and Rhonda's easy intimacy, Ivanka covered his hand with hers and squeezed; he squeezed back, a chill ran down her spine; she missed a man's touch. And although not fully aware of it herself, Ivanka was soon mimicking the couple across the table, leaning into Zach, touching him, smiling, making sure to include him in the conversation, resting her foot against his.
When Bob arrived Zach offered to move so he could sit next to his wife, but Bob, noting how comfortable everyone looked, declined and sat at the end of the table, where in light of what his son had said earlier that day about his temporary status with Rhonda, also studied Matthew. Although Bob was not a guy who'd admit he thought another guy was good-looking, he made an exception for Matthew. His face was carved from granite, his body honed from marble. The waitresses flirted with him, the female customers looked his way, and the owner of the shop who came out, as always, to say hello to Ivanka, did a long double-take. If the lovely Rhonda had chosen Zach to substitute for this guy, well, his son was a stud.
* * * *
After ordering coffee, Ivanka and Rhonda retired to the bathroom.
"Ivanka I do so appreciate your having dinner with us, Matthew is having a wonderful time."
Ivanka, who perhaps had one drink too many, said, "No need to thank me and I don't think I can take credit for his mood. He's clearly elated to be home with you. I gotta say, I was ready to dislike Matthew, for Zach's sake you understand, but he's wonderful. I know it's none of my business, but when I was on the dating circuit women didn't usually date younger guys. Has that changed?"
"Actually, in my twenties I dated older men, looking for guidance and maturity. When I reached my thirties I needed less of that and turned to younger guys. I found they appreciated an older, more experienced woman and they carried less baggage, had fewer hang-ups, and were willing to create their own thing, focus on what they want, not why they can't have it."
Then, taking a moment to find the correct euphemism, Rhonda said, "They're also more vigorous."
* * * *
After Matthew paid for dinner - he insisted - he and Rhonda left for their hotel and, Ivanka imagined, as she waited for her husband to bring the car around while holding Zach's hand, a night of intense sex.
Zach checking his messages, said, "Mom, Walker asked if I could drop by. Any problem if I swing by his place. I'll walk over there, It'll be about an hour."
Ivanka said, "No darling, not for me, and don't worry about your father, I'll handle him. I had a wonderful time tonight, you were the perfect date."
When Bob pulled up Zach opened the door for her and she brushed her lips on his cheek, dragged her breasts across his chest, and said, "My son is the perfect gentlemen, see you soon my darling."
Ivanka kept an eye on her son until the car turned the corner, then said to her husband, "What did Dr. Peters say?"
"Honey, the news was bad. They're out of medicines for erectile dysfunction, it appears it doesn't work any more."
Ivanka took his hand in hers and with just the right blend of conviction and compassion said, "We'll work though this."
Neither statement was entirely accurate. Bob knew his thing worked, it just didn't work for Ivanka. On the other hand Ivanka was not okay with it not working, she'd never been this horny in her life, but the truth was she'd expected the bad news, she'd already decided her husband would never be able to satisfy her again.
The conversation died away, but Bob and Ivanka were thinking the same thing, comparing Bob, who could no longer perform, to Matthew and their son, who most definitely could.
* * * *
While Ivanka headed upstairs for a shower Bob remained behind, giving his wife the chance to masturbate while he checked incoming mail on his computer and its subliminal message seeped into his mind: "YOU CAN NO LONGER SATISFY YOUR WIFE. SHE NEEDS A LOVER. SOMEONE WHO WILL RESPECT YOUR MARRIAGE. ZACH IS THE ANSWER."
"Hey Dad. How's it going?"
"Oh hi son, I was checking messages, waiting for your Mom to get out of the shower. I enjoyed dinner tonight, we don't go out as family enough."
"I had a good time too Dad, hanging with you and Mom. I was afraid you weren't enjoying yourself, Mom and I monopolized the conversation."
"You took good care of your mother tonight, better than I could have."
Freshly scrubbed, wearing a short white terrycloth robe, Ivanka came down the stairs. As Bob headed upstairs for a shower she sat across the table from her son, fiddled with the belt of her robe, exposing some of her impressive cleavage, and said, "I really liked Rhonda and Matthew. I guess I expected something to be wrong with them, but there wasn't. Maybe there onto something, do what makes you happy despite the world's rules. "
"Yeah. They don't see why they should deprive themselves, or each other, of sex, they both like it way too much. More power to them."
The conversation veering far too close to her own situation, Ivanka said, "Well, a handsome young man like you must have something already lined up.
"I have friends who are girls, but no girl-friend-in-waiting, if that's what you mean?"
"So you're available?"
"Yes, you have someone in mind?"
She smiled, shrugged, and said, "Good, you shouldn't tie yourself down."
Over the next several minutes Zach turned the focus of the conversation to Ivanka and she, occasionally batting her eyes, savored the attention. Why couldn't her husband be as solicitous as her sexy son?
Then, hearing the shower turn off, Zach leaned forward, reached for Ivanka's hand, turned it over, ran a finger on her open palm, and said, "Everything okay between you and Dad?"
Distracted by the shiver that ran down her spine, Ivanka paused before saying, "What makes you ask that?"
"Well, its not that you two are fighting, there just seems to be a little distance between you guys lately."
Her eyes studied his, wondering what he'd picked up on. Then realizing she should have already answered his question, that her delay let him know he was right, she said, "Things are fine honey. I guess we've both been busy with work."
She looked to his hand, she was enjoying his touch. She ran her fingers along his, then hearing her husband on the stairs, started to pull her hand away, but Zach increased the pressure of his hand on hers, just a bit, kept it in place and idly traced a circle on her palm with his fingertip. Ivanka wet her lips and looked into his eyes just as Zach glanced over her shoulder.
"Hey Dad."
"Came to say goodnight, I'm gonna hit the hay."
Zach continued to play with her hand, indifferent to his father seeing what he was doing, and Ivanka, without turning to face him, said, "I'm enjoying myself dear. Why don't you go ahead dear, I'll sit up with Zach awhile longer."
* * * *
The next day Ivanka stared at her computer, then went for a glass of water. She'd assumed something had to be wrong with Rhonda and Matthew's relationship - what couple would agree to let the other take a lover - but there was no questioning the joy they took in each other's company. Zach was right, they ere happy making their own rules. She contrasted it with her situation. She and Bob played by the world's rules, but despite her best efforts she was increasingly frustrated by her husband's inability to satisfy her sexual needs. She loved Bob, she didn't want to leave him. She could she take a lover. But no, even if she found someone she wanted, her public image, home guru, devoted wife and mother, would not survive the revelation and in this city, where everyone knew your business, people would find out.
She sat back down in front of her computer, absorbing the subliminal message flowing across its screen: "MODEL YOURSELF ON RHONDA AND MATTHEW. PURSUE AN UNCONVENTIONAL RELATIONSHIP. ZACH WOULD BE PERFECT, HE TURNS YOU ON, NO ONE WOULD KNOW. TAKE YOUR SON AS YOUR LOVER," then, deep in thought, stared at her glass of water, twirling it in her hand. Any lover would have to be someone attracted to her and to whom she was attracted, someone who was good in bed and loved sex, someone she respected and who'd respect her and her marriage, someone whose presence in her life would not be questioned, someone Bob could accept.
As the continued to assimilate the subliminal message she returned to the incest laden web-sites she'd viewed a few days before, again concluded that although her thoughts were outside the norm, they were far more normal than she'd ever imagined.
Her mind clouded with lust, Ivanka went for her vibrator, found the batteries dead. She remembered that Zach kept a pair of rechargeable batteries plugged into the wall of his room, hurried there, put them in her vibrator, took a deep breath. The room smelled like Zach. Aroused by his scent and by the forbidden act of masturbating in his room, Ivanka lay on the bed and brought herself off while imagining Zach coming home, finding her, taking her.
* * * *
That morning Bob had gone to the office, where he was staring at his computer, pretending to review plans. At dinner last night he'd felt like a third wheel, but that was okay. It was nice to see Zach and Ivanka enjoying each other's company, more equals than mother and son, more like... Whoa, what was he thinking? This was crazy. But was Zach the answer? No, he wouldn't go there. As he again tried to focus on the plans on his computer his unconscious mind incorporated the subliminal message flashing there: "YOU HAVE FAILED IVANKA. YOU MUST ALLOW HER A LOVER. IT MUST BE SOMEONE YOU CAN TRUST. ZACH WOULD BE PERFECT."
Bob stood, went to the window. Rhonda and Matthew accepted that the other had a lover. He had one: Trixie with her penchant for quickies and blow jobs. Could he live with Ivanka having one? He didn't want a divorce; it would have to be someone he could trust. Ivanka's sexual appetites had become voracious, she would need a regular lover, someone whose presence in Ivanka's life, in their home, would be unexceptional, someone Bob liked. He searched for candidates, but he could think of only one, Zach. He found his mother attractive, he wouldn't be a threat to the marriage, he had the kind of sex drive Ivanka required, hell the two of them already had chemistry.
Bob turned back to his computer, decided to learn more about mother-son sex, visited the web-sites suggested by a subliminal message, the same sites his wife had reviewed. When done he felt better. His thoughts about Ivanka and Zach were not as odd as he'd imagined; mother-son lovers were far more common than he'd have guessed.
* * * *
They were at the point that had frustrated Zach for so long and which, with Dr. Richardson's help, he'd overcome. He'd known he could gain access to Ivanka's bed, but what of her secret doubts and occasional recriminations, what of his father's lingering resentment. No, he'd have to re-structure the family, create a new regime which his parents would happily accept, one that would address his mother's need for sex and attention and his father's desire to step out of the his wife's growing shadow and relieve himself of the embarrassment of sexual impotence, one that would make Zach central, place him in charge. It would require a bit more patience.
Over the next weeks Ivanka and Bob were exposed to a new set of subliminal messages:
And, bit by bit, everything changed.
Ivanka no longer thought of her husband as a sexual being; she no longer condemned herself when images of Zach filled her mind when she masturbated.
At home Ivanka always looked her best, checked her make-up and hair, openly courted Zach's covetous glances. Her necklines dipped down; her skirts grew shorter; her outfits tighter; her heels higher. Each morning, wearing a sheer nightie, she'd share a cup of coffee with her son; each night, braless and wearing a long tee-shirt, she'd go to his bedroom to check on him, give him a goodnight kiss. During the day if Bob walked in on them talking and laughing, he'd back out and apologize for disturbing them. In the evening, Zach's preference for dinner was solicited, then passed by Bob for perfunctory approval. After dinner, while watching television, Ivanka abandoned her favorite chair, preferring to sit with Zach, draping an arm or leg across his body, holding his hand.
Bob was pleased. It was nice to see his wife and son so happy
* * * *
Wearing a white blouse and a red skirt, a combination Ivanka knew Zach liked, Ivanka saw Bob and Zach sitting at a table holding menus. Pulling out her compact, she checked her make-up, put on some lipstick, and started towards them, thinking how mature and handsome and sexy Zach was.
Once she arrived at the table Zach stood, said "Hey Mom, you look great," and she hugged him, loving his strong masculine smell, his lean strong body, the way he cut his hair.
Zach pulled out a chair for her. Ivanka looked to her husband, Bob nodded his head, signaling his approval, and Ivanka sat across from her son.
Zach ordered tea, Bob a beer, Ivanka red wine, and then, leaning forward, her full attention on her son, Ivanka talked about her day. Zach responded with questions, thoughtful, specific, and considerate, the kind Bob didn't ask anymore. She told him about a small success at work, nothing earth-shattering, but still a success, wanting him to admire her, pleased when he did.
The waiter returned with their drinks and asked about dinner. Bob said, "The usual, t-bone, rare." Ivanka, who hadn't opened her menu, said, "Zach, why don't your choose for me." After re-checking the specials Zach ordered curried corn soup and short-rib pot pie for Ivanka. As he did Ivanka thought it was not what she would have selected, but it was perfect. She took his hand and said, "Thank you my darling."
Bob saw a business colleague, excused himself to say hello, and Ivanka turned the focus of the conversation from herself to Zach, asking him to recount the details of his day, covered his hand with her own, felt goose bumps erupt over her body, wondered if Zach noticed. When she let go of his hand and took a sip of wine Zach said, "Hold it a second," picked up a napkin, reached for her face, and swabbed the corner of her mouth, then turned the napkin over. There was a drop of wine on it.
"We wouldn't want that on your lovely blouse."
Leaning forward, arching her back, Ivanka said, "Do you really like it?"
"Very much."
"I wore it hoping you would," then gestured to the napkin and added with a seductive purr, "Thank you for taking care of me."
He raised his hand, stroked her cheek, stopping at the edge of her mouth where the wine had been, let his finger tip linger there, removed it. Feeling an electric charge, Ivanka wet her lips while Zach said, "You're welcome, you've taken care of me for so long, maybe its time I took care of you."
Smiling, Ivanka said, "I'd like that, now that you're a man."
The food appeared, Bob reappeared, they ate, Ivanka and Zach talked, Bob throwing in an occasional comment or observation. Bob ordered another beer, then an after dinner drink while Ivanka and Zach shared a slice of cheesecake over coffee, Ivanka's foot resting on Zach's.
Bob's phone pinged, a smile split his face as he checked the message.
Zach said, "What is it Dad?"
"I've been awarded that job in Idaho; it will be the biggest project I've ever done."
With genuine pride and enthusiasm Ivanka said, "Well you've earned it dear, all your hard work over the years," and signaled the waiter to bring three glasses of champagne.
Outside the restaurant Bob handed his son the keys. "Zach why don't you drive, I've had a bit much to drink."
* * * *
As Zach pulled the car up Bob, recalling his son's earlier gallantry, opened the door for his wife, insisting she sit in the front. Bob stretched out in the back and watched Ivanka, half-consciously, reach over and play with Zach's hair on the drive home. Thinking the two of them would want some time alone, Bob said he'd shower first.
* * * *
Ivanka poured herself a glass of wine and joined her son on the balcony. There was a chill in the air and she moved close, grateful when he circled an arm around her. She snuggled up to him, enjoyed the strength and security of his body, felt her body warm up.
They talked; he made her laugh; she reached over, touched his arm, a light passing affectionate gesture. She turned, offered him a sip of her wine, held the glass to his mouth as he did, then, and remembering his courtly gesture at dinner ran a finger along his lips, making sure no wine remained; she kissed his cheek.
"Would you hold me, its getting nippy?"
"We could go inside."
"No Zach, I'd like it better if we stayed here, just the two of us, the city at our feet, and you held me."
He wrapped his arms around her, she pressed her swelling breasts to his body, looked up at him through dilated eyes. When he ducked his head her lips were waiting. They met and she felt a fire inside herself, warm and bright and fierce. She touched her tongue to his lips.
"Honey, the shower is..."
Bob, in robe and pyjamas, standing in the balcony's doorway, stopped mid-sentence. He'd felt it all evening, but now it was tangible, a powerful sexual desire running between mother and son.
"I'm so sorry to disturb you guys. I just wanted to let you know I'm going to bed. I've got a lot to do tomorrow. I'll get out of your hair."
Lightly tapping his mother's backside, Zach said, "It's okay Dad, it's time for Mom's shower."
* * * *
As Ivanka, alone in the shower, thoughts of Zach filling her mind, worked her clit - she no longer hid her masturbating, but still, her husband suspected, she had no idea how loud she could be - Bob actually got erect, but he had no intentions towards his wife. She belonged to another. When, wearing flannel pyjamas, she crawled in bed and pecked him on the cheek he said, "It's time, isn't it. Time for Zach to occupy this bed."
"Yes. I think it is. You sure you don't mind dear?"
"No. You shouldn't spend the rest of your life masturbating. He's the perfect answer for our marriage."
Ivanka smiled, touched the tip of Bob's nose with a finger tip, and said, "Thank you dear. I'm lucky to have such an understanding husband."
* * * *
Wearing a short gown, Ivanka checked her hair, put on some lipstick, and headed downstairs. While she'd intended to bring Zach a cup of coffee in his room, she heard the coffee maker running and the animated voices of her son and husband. She walked by Zach, said good morning, dragging three fingers across his shoulders, poured two cups of coffee, placed them on the table before her men, kissed her son atop his head, fixed herself a cup, and returned, sitting next to her son, crossing her long legs, reaching Zach's hand.
"What are my two boys so excited about?"
Bob said, "The governor's office in Boise is getting a lot of political heat, they want me to fly out today. The governor wants to hold a press conference tonight, he wants to look like he's doing something.
"My first thought was I couldn't, your set to receive the Business Woman of the Year award tonight, but I mentioned it to Zach and he said he'd take you, go in my place, I mean if it's okay with you dear."
Ivanka squeezed Zach's hand and growled more than said, "Oh no, that would be perfect," then, thinking her response a bit too enthusiastic, wanting to spare her husband's feelings, turned to him and said, "Not that I won't miss you dear," before, face beaming, she added, "But I will have the handsomest sexiest date there."
Unoffended, Bob said, "Zach, take good care of your mother while I'm gone."
* * * *
Reaching behind her head, Ivanka undid her hair, letting it fall free. Several blonde strands drifting across her face. Eyes locked on Zach, Ivanka pushed a few aside as she walked towards him, brown eyes never wavering. Even her blinking was slow and controlled.
"I had a wonderful time tonight Zach, you were the perfect companion."
"Thanks Mom, I had a great time. After all, I had the foxiest date there."