Chapter 03.1

On an early May day in New York City, perfect for a picnic, Jasmine and Ivanka were sitting on a blanket in Central Park. Zach was laying down, his head resting on Jasmine's thigh as she ran her hand through his hair. Ivanka was scanning the horizon.

Zach said, "He'll be here soon Mom. You in a rush?"

Feeling a bit foolish, Ivanka leaned forward, kissed Zach's lips, then looked to the practically cloudless sky, her blonde hair cascading down her back. "No my darling, just being your type-A Mom ."

Jasmine's purse rang. She scooped out her phone, checked the caller, said, "It's my husband," punched a button, and said, "Hello dear," and, after a pause, "It's a beautiful day here. I'm with Ivanka and her family in Central Park for an old fashioned picnic. Sorry you're missing it."

"Yes, it does seem odd. Who'd have guessed the Walker thing would morph into a friendship with Ivanka, that I'd feel like part of the family. With you on the road all the time, it's nice to have them. How's Paris?"

While her husband answered she hit mute, said, "A very special part of the family," leaned down and kissed Zach, then sat back up and resumed the conversation. When she saw Bob approaching she said, "Bob is here with the food, time to run. I'll see you late tonight."

Ivanka, who'd taken Jasmine's place making out with her son, sat up. "Hello dear."

Bob said, "Sorry I'm late. I got hung up at the apartment. Your sister called, ostensibly to discuss Zach's graduation but she was real upset, started bawling. She and Larry had another fight; he stormed out; she doesn't know where he is. She said she called you but got routed to voice mail."

Ivanka pulled her phone from her bag and said, "I turned the ringer off, I thought this would be a good place to get away from it all. She's called seven times. "

Knowing this was not the first crisis, that Crystal's marriage had been broken since the wedding, and wanting to enjoy the day with the family, Ivanka sent her sister a text: "Busy, call soon."
* * * * *​

Later, while Bob packed up, Zach lay on his back. Jasmine and Ivanka were also laying down, their heads resting on their hands atop his thighs, their fingers inside the legs of his baggy shorts, caressing his dick.
* * * * *​

Once back in the apartment Ivanka checked her phone, then audibly sighed.

"What is it Mom?"

Her fingers flicking the cell phone's screen she said, "It's Crystal, she sent me a text every couple of minutes. Maybe I should have called earlier, it must have been a big fight."

"Why don't you call her now. Jasmine can take care of me. Join us when you're done."

Ivanka headed for her office, Zach and Jasmine to the bedroom, Bob to the den.
* * * * *​

Ivanka emerged from her office to find Bob reviewing project plans on his tablet while a golf tournament was on the television. Noting the look of exhaustion on her face, Bob turned off the televison and said, "You were in there for over an hour. Were you talking to Crystal the entire time?"

"Yeah, although she did most of the talking, and crying. Larry's been gambling and cheating again. When she confronted him she got the usual, he called her 'a controlling bitch' and stormed out; he's been gone two days, she has no idea where he is.

She looked up the stairs, towards the bedroom. "Zach's the one who didn't like Larry from day one. We should have listened to him. Hear anything from upstairs?"

"Jasmine was whooping and hollering a few minutes ago - that woman can be noisy - but they seem done for the moment."

Ivanka kissed her husband's cheek and said, "I'm going to join them. I could use some of that stress relief myself."

Bob's eyes followed his wife out of the room. It was odd, since Ivanka had become their son's lover, he, no longer obsessing about his inability to service her, once again fully appreciated how beautiful she was. When he heard soft moans and hard groans filter down the stairs he closed the door, turned up the sound, happy his wife was getting exactly what she needed.
* * * * *​

Bob looked up from the Wall Street Journal, he preferred the print to the on-line version, and said, "Where are the ladies?"

"They'll be down in a minute. Mom told me about Aunt Crystal. I guess its time for a family chat."

Bob said, "Okay, but you three must be parched. I'll get you something to drink."

Zach said, "Thanks Dad, a pitcher of water would be just the thing."
* * * * *​

Wearing short silk kimonos, their skin flush, their hair pulled back into pony tails, Jasmine and Ivanka sat on the couch, thanked Bob, and leaned forward for their glasses of water. As they did their kimonos opened slightly and Bob, noting the healthy expanse of tit-flesh, thought of Trixie's body; she was always willing, but no match for these women.

As the women cuddled up with Zach he said, "Mom, why don't you give everyone the news on Aunt Crystal."

"As we know Larry's got a gambling problem, and a woman problem. Last time, when he ran through $250,000.00 in Monaco, he promised to get help. Crystal learned that after a couple of visits with the shrink, he just pretended to go, ducking out of the house for a few hours, probably visiting a girlfriend. He also kept gambling.

"Crystal found he forged her signature on an authorization giving him access to the Dreyfus Trust Fund - she's still trying to assess the losses, but it's in the hundreds of thousands of dollars - they had a fight, he called her the usual: 'controlling bitch,' 'harpie,' 'valkerie,' and stormed out. Later that night one of Larry's girlfriends called screaming at her for closing the account. She was holding a check Larry had given her.

"She said she doesn't know where he is. She also doesn't know whether he's tapped into other accounts, but she also really hasn't looked. She's already blaming herself and is more worried about him than angry. We've seen this before: he'll reappear by the end of the week, work on her guilt and self-doubt, turn on his not inconsiderable charm, and she'll take him back.

"Zach, you're the only one who saw through him from the beginning. What was it?"

"Not sure. There just didn't seem to be a sincere bone in his body. He wasn't courting Aunt Crystal as much as selling himself to her, and the family."

Jasmine said, "I'm surprised Ivanka. You're such a strong woman, I assumed your siblings would be also, but Crystal sounds terribly insecure. She's also a best selling author of romance novels, I figured she'd be good at it. "

Ivanka said, "She's actually my half-sister. Dad had an affair, Crystal was the result. He honored his monetary obligations, but was otherwise uninvolved in her life. Her mother moved to Los Angeles, we didn't see much of each other growing up although I doubt we would have been close in any case. I'm ten years older then she. As to her novels, they're like Crystal, more dreamy-eyed than realistic."

Walking to the bookshelf Bob said, with a glance at Ivanka that indicated this was a topic they'd visited before, "It would be more accurate to say Crystal worshiped her brainy beautiful older sister. Whenever the family got together she'd follow Ivanka around like a baby duck, hanging on her every word. Here it is, her latest book."

Bob handed it to Jasmine, who flipped it over and and looked at the photograph on the back cover, half-listening to Ivanka's half-hearted protest of Bob's observation.

Crystal was beautiful, but unlike her curvy voluptuous older sister was slim, maybe 120 pounds on a five foot six inch body. Her breasts were, at best, "B" cups, her eyes blue, and hair a dark brown which, recalling Ivanka's undyed patch of pubic hair, Jasmine realized was close to Ivanka's in color. Both woman had the same full lips, wide faces and intelligent eyes

When Jasmine placed the book on the table Ivanka said, "What do you think?"

"I can see the family resemblance, especially in the face."

Bob said, "I can call Marissa, our attorney, but she's licensed here and in D.C., she'd need boots on the ground in Florida."

Zach said, "Kathryn's firm has an office down there, I can text her."

Ivanka said, "That would be perfect," then checked the clock and turned to Jasmine. "Its time for you to get out of here. Your husband's plane lands in an hour. No more sleep-overs for awhile."

Jasmine, with a sexy purr, said, "That's true, but I'm always on call. Zach, your class presentation is this week, I'm planing to buy something special to wear. Hope you like it."
* * * * *​

Ivanka, riding Zach in the reverse cow girl, was looking at herself in the mirror: her body strained, breasts bounced, hair swirled about. She glanced at the mirror on a side wall, admired Zach's body, then looked over her shoulder, saw the joy on his face. Planting her hands firmly on the mattress, she flexed her cunt muscles on him and said, "Fuck me son, fuck your mother."

She'd come already, they had been quick and hard and fast, raw and ragged, short ones that burst inside her for a intense overwhelming second, before giving way to another. Still, there was another one inside her, growing expanding, it would be mind-blowing, body-thrashing, pussy-numbing.

She looked back to the mirror at the foot of the bed, fucked her son harder, heard his grunts deepen, exploding from his solar plexus, squeezed her cunt on him, then Zach groaned, a final grunt, and she felt him explode inside her, filling her cunt with his spunk.

Her eyes rolled back into her head, her back arched, her cunt muscles spasmed and shook, and she pushed down hard onto his massive tool. When it banged on the door of her womb he fired a third load into her and her own orgasm was born and ripped through her. She was consumed by walls of fire, his cum an accelerant in her already over-heated pussy, where it mixed with the hot cream that flowed thick from her sex into a fiery combustible mess.

She came again; another wave of heat flowed through her. She dug her nails into his legs and whimpered and red sheets, silken sheets, filled her mind. She bit her lower lip, bruising the tender flesh, but it would be long minutes before she registered the pain. For now there was only pleasure and joy and she screamed, "Oh my god, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me," but she didn't hear the words; she only heard the waves crashing in her head, battering her against the rocky shores of a great distant ocean.

She collapsed onto the bed. She couldn't breathe think speak. She was in a colorless abyss, her senses wholly consumed by the pleasure of her orgasm. She smelled sex, she tasted sex, she felt sex, she heard sex.

Afterwards, nestled up against him, loving his warm body, his intense masculine smell, her own body tingling, he asked, "Are you going to take a shower," for she usually did, and she said, "No not tonight my darling, tonight I want to sleep next to you with your sweat on me and your cum dripping from my cunt, you've made me such a slut, plus, well there is something I want to talk to you about."

"What is it?"

"It's Crystal. We can find Larry, we can cut off his access to Crystal's money, but what happens in a week when she takes him back?"

Zach said, "I don't know. What do you propose?"

"I want to fly down there, see how she is, comfort her. While there I can send you a list of her electronic devices and their passwords. Then you could use subliminal messages to reprogram her, like you've done with Jasmine and I."

"So she'd get over Larry?"

"Well, I was hoping for more. Since you've removed by incest inhibition, made me prefer it in fact, and turned me bi-sexual, well I've been thinking about Crystal. I love my sister, and I care about her, and I worry about her, and I haven't always been there for her. I want her to join us, to become a permanent addition to our family, become our lover. I don't think she'll need as much work as Jasmine and I did."

"Why's that?"

"No one ever came out and said it, but it was clear that Crystal and her college roommate, along with some of their friends, were lovers. Some of them invited me to play, but I never did. And Bob is right, growing up Crystal put me on a pedestal, she had a crush on her older sister. You'll have a lot to work with."

"It appears I created a monster. Why don't you fly down. If it looks good we'll discuss it with Jasmine, but if all looks promising I'd be for it. After all, have I ever told you no. It would also be a chance to apply what I've leaned from working on you and Jasmine on someone else, and I'm sure we can help Aunt Crystal."

"Thank you. I've been reviewing my schedule. I can cancel most of it, I should be able to fly out tomorrow afternoon."
* * * * *​

The next day, for the first time in awhile, Zach woke up alone. His mother was in Florida, Jasmine sleeping next to her husband. He stretched, he liked having the bed to himself for a change.

When he got out of the shower there were two messages on his phone. The first was from Jasmine. She was wearing in a bright red bra, matching thong panties, and 4 ½ inch red open-toed stiletto heels. The accompanying message said, "I'm looking forward to your presentation today. I'm thinking about wearing this. What do you think?"

"Look's great."

"Thanks, I think you'll like the dress also."

The second message was a topless selfie of his mother blowing him a kiss with the message, "Love you, miss you. I'll text you a list of Crystal's personal devices and the passwords."
* * * * *​

Jasmine wore her hair up, in a bun. Her jewelry was understated, small gold earrings, gold bracelet, gold wrist watch. The size four knit burgundy dress began with a turtle neck and ended mid-calf, the slit only reached slightly above the knees. It had long sleeves. Nonetheless, it clung to Jasmine's 34-24-34 body.

The headmaster, dick stiffening, watched her walk by, her movements graceful and measured, somehow both understated and overtly sensual. That tussle with Zach had done wonders for her. Six weeks ago she'd been an unapproachable bitch, now she was one of his best teachers, always available to help a struggling student. But still, that dress. Although there was nothing inappropriate about it, nothing specific to complain about, on her it was fricking spectacular. How could a student, male or, in this age of sexual flexibility, female, be expected to concentrate when she was wearing that?
* * * * *​

Standing in her classroom, horny teen-aged eyes riveted on her, Jasmine introduced the day's topic, and used a student's question to initiate a class discussion, glided across the room and sat behind her desk. She saw Zach touch his phone, then looked to her own: "Love the dress, elegant, sexy, spectacular."

She typed in her response, looking up to see him smile as he read, "I was hoping you would. I had my husband take me out shopping last night, I picked it out especially for you. Are you ready to give your report?"

Zach nodded and Jasmine stood, brought the discussion to an end, and said, "Zach interned with Dr. Anna Richardson at Princeton last semester. I've asked him to talk to the class about his experience and her research. Zach, please join me."

Zach took the seat next to Jasmine, Walker dimmed the classroom lights, and Jasmine toggled a switch on her desk: a screen descended from the ceiling.

Zach's presentation focused on the more mainstream aspects of Dr. Richardson's research and benefitted from her laboratory's state-of-the-art graphics; it was visually arresting. With the class' focus on the screen Jasmine sent Zach a text: "I am so hot for you."

Zach smiled, pressed a button and Dr. Richardson's voice took over, explaining what was happening on screen, and responded to Jasmine's text, "Are you wet?"

"Oh yes."

"Take off your panties."

Looking both ways, making sure no one could see, Jasmine worked her dress up her legs, slipped a hand underneath, found the hem of her panties, pulled them down her legs. When the delicious cold air hit her pubes she crossed her legs, mashing her wet pussy lips together, which sent a bolt of joy through her body. After giving it a second to pass, she leaned forward and picked her panties off her ankles.

When she sat back up her phone vibrated: "Take a whiff, then hand them to me."

She bunched the panties in her hand and confident no one in the darkened room could discern what was going on, brought them to her face, pressed her nose to them, smelled her own arousal, then slowly carefully tracing the length of his always impressive erection with a perfect fingernail, she deposited them in Zach's lap.

Zach liked a well-painted manicured nail. There were few areas in which Jasmine clearly surpassed the extraordinary Ivanka, but her nails were preternaturally strong and thick and while Ivanka's were beautiful - she paid close attention to them - Jasmine's were unworldly.

He brought her panties to his face to enjoy their musky scent; she ran her nails on his cock once again.

Dr. Richardson's voice stopped. Zach passed the panties to Jasmine and resumed his presentation.

Jasmine dropped them into a desk drawer - brushing her left breast with her arm, sending a delicious chill through her body - as she did so. When her phone vibrated with the instruction, "Play with yourself," she scanned the room, eased her hand under her dress, which still sat high on her thigh, took a second to compose herself, making sure her face would not reflect what she was about to do, and pushed two perfectly manicured fingers inside her vagina. Despite her best efforts her chest heaved and she exhaled sharply from the bottom of her lungs.

She glanced around, making sure no one noticed, and pushed the fingers deeper, moved them about. Zach's voice grew less distinct, becoming a pleasant background noise.

When a student started a rambling description of his own internship, Zach took the opportunity to look at Jasmine. She was in another world, her face flushed, jaw slack, eyes dilated, breathing slowed. She'd be moaning soon. He tapped his phone, sending the message he'd already loaded.

Startled by the vibration, it took Jasmine a moment to focus and read the message: "Take your fingers out, taste them."

With a sideways glance at Zach, she pulled the fingers from her sex, covered her mouth with her hand and, visible only to Zach, licked one side of her fingers, then flipped her hand over and licked the other.
* * * * *​

Class ended a few minutes later and Jasmine stood, walked to the center of the room, enjoying the sensation of the building's cool air on her sex. Thanking Zach, she wished all a happy lunch, wondering how many of these horny kids, inspired by her dress, would find a private place to copulate. She turned back to Zach, who was making a show of organizing his materials.

"Well, honey ..."

Her phone buzzed. Zach handed it to her.

Jasmine said, "It's the assistant-headmaster. He wants me to come to his office. I suspect he wants so discuss the dress."

"I suspect he wants to see you in it. You look magnificent."

"Thank you darling. I better get downstairs."

"No way, I've spent this entire class looking forward to your mouth."

Holding up the phone she said, "What about ...?"

He stood, took the phone from her, said in a stage whisper, "Don't worry, I'll handle him," and kissed her magnificent lips. Jasmine, her body shaking at the sweet perfection of her lover's mouths, said, "Of course my darling."
* * * * *​

Kneeling on the mat she'd brought to school for this particular purpose, having built up a load of saliva in her mouth, Jasmine undid Zach's belt, pulled his pants to his knees, and pressed her face to his prick; she loved its size, warmth, it's masculine scent.

She dropped a gob of spit on the head, licked up its underside, licked up every side, let her spittle coat its length, then took him in her mouth. At first she focused on the cock-head, throughly wetting it, and only when another load of spit accumulated in her mouth did she slide her face down his length.

She reached for his balls, held them in her hand, rolled them between her fingers, imagined the warm sperm inside that soon would fill her mouth. The flavor would linger there the rest of the day, she'd taste him as she lectured her afternoon classes. It was one of the reasons she loved sucking his cock during lunch.

After she'd throughly drenched his dick she let him slip from her mouth through tightly compressed lips, swallowed a testicle, held it on her tongue, lightly sucked, gave the other the same loving treatment. When done she said, "Y'know Zach, Ivanka and I are in complete agreement, we love your dick."

Not waiting for a response she took him back in her mouth, ran her tongue over, under, and across the cock-head and, guided by his groans, revisited the spots he'd liked best. He placed a hand atop her head, let it lay there, as he enjoyed the bounties of her talented relentless mouth, groaning as she returned to his balls, held them, stroked them, coddled them, gloried in them: after all they made the cum to which she was a shameless addict. When she felt them retracting into his body she pulled her face from his cock, rubbed it across her pretty features, licked up the sides, kissed the testicles, swallowed him once again.

Jasmine and Ivanka often sat with a cup of tea or coffee talking about Zach, discussing how best to please their mutual lover. It had helped make Jasmine an expert in Zach's needs, and now she expertly sucked him to the edge of an orgasm, let him drift back down, sucked him back to the top.

She'd also learned to recognize when it was time and a second before Zach said, "Fuck, I'm ready," Jasmine forced her head down, driving Zach deep into her mouth while her lips and tongue palpitated his dick. Zach's grip on her hair tightened and he exploded, filling her mouth with the warm wet ejaculate that would be her lunch. She pulled her head up, looked into his eyes, let his spunk loll over and around her tongue, savored its powerful taste, swallowed, then licked his dick, searching for any drops that had eluded her when she heard the door to her classroom open. Zach's hand covered her head, letting her know not to move. The high laboratory bench made her visible only to someone sitting directly before her, where is where Zach happened to be.

Moving some papers around on the desk Zach said, "Hello Mr. Miller."

"Hello Zach, don't bother to get up. I've been calling Ms. Stokes. Have you seen her?"

Zach gestured to her phone on the bench. "I guess that explains why it keeps vibrating. She must have left it here. I did a presentation today, I was straightening up, making some notes on how to improve it. Ms. Stokes left, I guess it's that rule about faculty and students being alone together. We wouldn't want to break the rules, now would we sir? Have you tried the teacher's longue or the lunch room? She might be having a drink or gobbling something down right now."

Taking the hint, Jasmine took his half-hard dick into her mouth, intent on returning him to full erection.

Satisfied that they were alone the assistant-headmaster said, "It's nice to see you the two of you put that commotion about Walker behind you."

"Well thank you sir, but you've got to give her all the credit. A lesser person would bear a grudge, but I guess Ms. Stokes knelt at the altar, prayed, swallowed her pride."

Jasmine slid her face down the length of his dick as the assistant-headmaster said, "If you see her Zach, ask her to come to my office."

"Will do sir. I'm sure she'll come as soon as she can."
* * * * *​

With ten minutes left in the lunch break Jasmine, Zach's cum dripping down her thigh to merge with the top of her stocking, knocked on the assistant-headmaster's door.

"Hello sir. Zach Washington said you wanted to see me. Sorry about the cell phone, I hadn't realized I'd left it behind."

Mr. Miller had known what he wanted to say, but his careful preparation deserted him. Yes, she was beautiful, yes that dress, while classy and expensive, was on her amazing body a bit much for school, but there was something more. Although his mind was unable to identify what, his instincts knew sex when it was standing in front of him. It was standing in front of him.


Disconcerted, he realized he was staring.

"Yes please Ms. Stokes, sit down."

Jasmine sat, arched her back, presenting her chest to him, and as she crossed her legs wondered, what would happen if she spread her legs a bit more, gave him a gander at her panty-less cum-filled pussy.

"What can I do for you sir?"

"I wanted to tell you how happy I am that you put this Walker thing behind you, it's just that..," stopping mid-sentence when Jasmine sucked her lower lip in her mouth and wet it. As he ground to a halt she said, "I'm sorry sir, but my lips are dry. Would you mind if I put on some lipstick?"

"No, no, that would be fine."

He watched her do so, carefully smack her lips together, wet her lips once again. His dick was straining in his pants; god she was hot, fuck, she even smelled like sex.

She re-crossed her legs and one of her shoes came loose; it dangled from her toes.

"Thank you sir. I tried to learn something from it, become less of a disciplinarian, become more student-friendly, let you do your job."

She leaned forward, fitted the shoe back on her foot, giving her interrogator, with her attention drawn elsewhere, the opportunity to scan her body and try and look down her dress, then settled back in her chair, pushed her hair behind her head, lay an open hand on his desk. Her nails were perfect.

"You also need to give the credit to Walker and Zach."

He just stared at her.

"Is there anything else sir?"

"No, that's all."

"Then there is something I wanted to ask you sir."

"Yes, what is it?"

She stood, walked around the desk; he swivelled his chair to face her.

"It's my dress sir. My husband and I were supposed to go to a formal get-together, something for his job, immediately after school, although it's already been cancelled. So, as you can see, I dressed up. I've noticed some of the boys staring at me, not that they don't always, but more, what is the word, lasciviously than normal. Do you think the dress is too much?"

"It's a lovely dress, very classy, but you may have a point, you may want to tone it down. These are teen-aged boys after all."

"Thank you for your honesty sir. Now it's time for me to get back to class."

When she turned to go he moved his erection so it lay flat on his stomach, then walked her out, blatantly studying her ass as she ambled down the hallway leading to the school lobby. Thinking he needed to get his wife alone tonight, he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the headmaster, her eyes on the same place. When Jasmine opened the door at the end of the hall she turned, waved to them, a simple flick of the wrist, then merged with the students. The headmaster said, "Did you read her the riot act about that dress?"

"Yes ma'am, something like that."
* * * * *​

As Jasmine walked back to her classroom she smiled. Zach had known exactly how to handle the assistant-headmaster.
* * * * *​

Larry was sitting in front of his computer. He'd learned from a friend of Crystal's that his sister-in-law, the formidable Ivanka, was coming to town. She and that damn kid of hers, what was his name, Zach, had figured out his game a long time ago, but Ivanka had always been hands off, letting Crystal handle her own problems. Why the sudden interest? Well, he wasn't about to let the meal ticket walk out the door. Ivanka would try to keep Larry from contacting Crystal, knowing that if they stayed in touch, if he could just see Crystal, he'd work his, "I'm sorry, I was a bad-boy, I'll be better," bull-shit on her. Ivanka might stiffen his wife's spine, but she'd returned to New York and Crystal would be all his. Until then he had to keep Crystal interested. He hit the send button.
* * * * *​

While Ivanka waited downstairs Crystal fired up her computer, accessed the secret e-mail account she and Larry had established years ago when, over the family's vociferous objections, they started dating . She was sure Larry would contact her, that he'd be sorry, that he'd understand how much was at stake, that he'd really change this time.

Zach read Larry's e-mail. It was quite good, carefully crafted to appeal to Aunt Crystal's insecurities. After deleting it he entered the subliminal message that would begin colonizing his aunt's mind:




Crystal refreshed her screen, there was nothing from Larry, refreshed it again, still nothing.
* * * * *​

While the lawyers explained in great detail what they could do, what they should do, Crystal's mind was on Larry. Why hadn't he written her? Maybe he didn't care, maybe her sister had been right about him

The lawyer cleared his throat, Crystal realized he was summing up. She re-focused, there were two questions. Did she want to freeze her assets, denying her husband access? Did she want a divorce, did she want to file the lawsuit that would terminate her marriage? Sensing her sister's reluctance, Ivanka placed a hand on Crystal's back and in her most comforting voice said, "Let's just freeze the assets for now dear, we'll take some more time to think about the marriage."

Crystal knowing she could trust Ivanka, nodded her head in agreement.
* * * * *​

Crystal went upstairs to check her computer, found nothing from Larry, and returned to the living room to find Ivanka on the phone, happy smile on her face. Ivanka held up a finger, signaling she was almost done.

"That would be wonderful my darling. I've missed you so much, I'll feel so much better when you're here. I know Crystal will too."

It was a man's voice, but Crystal couldn't make out the words, then Ivanka giggled and said, "You too my darling, I can't wait to see you again. I'll cover you with kisses. I love you so much."

Ivanka turned off the phone; Crystal said, "Is Bob coming down?"

Ivanka, twirling her hair with a hair, her face glowing, said, "Oh no, Bob's in Idaho. That was Zach, he's going to fly down and give us a hand. He's become the most amazing young man, he'll be so much help."

Crystal thought her normally sober sister sounded a bit giddy, but if Ivanka placed this kind of confidence in her son, he had to be impressive.
* * * * *​

That night, before going to bed, Crystal flipped on her computer, stared glumly at the screen. There was nothing from Larry, but there was the subliminal message:




Turning off her computer, Crystal decided to go to Ivanka's room, talk things out with her, she knew she could trust her, but stopped just short of knocking. Her normally conservative sister was having phone sex.

"Oh baby, I'm running a finger on my thigh, I'm close to my panties, yeah the little red silk ones you bought for me. Ohmigod darling, there all wet, soaking wet. God, you make me hot."

"Before I tell you, tell me. Are you playing with your cock, is it big and hard thinking about me?"

"I'm working on on my clit my darling, nice and easy; I'm so hot for you its throbbing."

"I'm taking my panties off, sticking my fingers inside, oh fuck, I'm so wet, wet enough for your fat cunt-stuffer."

"Oh yeah darling, I'd like that. I'd love it, yeah, it makes me so damn hot when you pin me down by my wrists. When you bite me, leave your marks on me. I want your hands all over my body, dominating me, turning me into a slut, fucking me like a slut."

"Oh yeah, I love when you're rough with me, when you let me know I've been a bad girl, that I've earned a spanking. When you get my fanny all red, then fuck me however you want. When you're on top, when I feel the weight of your body on mine, pinning me down, it makes me so fricking horny."

"I love screaming your name when you cum inside me, fill me with your seed. Hearing you moan with pleasure turns me on. Bend me over, spank me, take me from behind, pull my hair, treat me like an animal, fuck me like a whore, make me your bitch! Fuck my cunt! Squeeze my tits! Tell me when you're close."

"Do it again, slap my ass. Make me helpless. This pussy is yours, whenever you want it."

"I've been thinking about the first time you fucked me, it was so forbidden, so hot, god, the thought of it makes me insanely horny."

"Don't ever stop fucking me. Have your way with me."

"Oh darling, oh yes, oh yes, I can feel it, getting close, getting close, I'm going to come, fuck yes. Fuck yes, fuck yes, fuck yes, Zach. FUCK YES, FUCK YES, FUCK YES, FUCK YES, AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE."

Back in her room, hand laying limply between her legs, immersed in the happy aftermath of her orgasm, Crystal wondered, was that Bob on the phone? Was her sister having an affair? She'd thought she heard Ivanka call him Zach. Did her lover have the same name as her son? No, too unlikely, she must she misunderstood. Who had made Ivanka, always cool calm and collected, turn into a sexual demon? Who could make Ivanka, always in command, beg to be spanked? What would it be like to feel that kind of passion? Whatever her sister had going on, she could use some it.
* * * * *​

Back in bed, fondling her breasts, Ivanka called her son.

"You were right, I heard Crystal come down the hallway and stop at the door. After I came I got up, on very shaky knees I'll let you know, you owe me, and listened at her door. She was masturbating, brought herself off. She's not as loud as Jasmine, but close."

"Thanks Mom, ready to go again?"


"Good, let me tell you all about my class presentation."

Before he went to bed that night a weary Zach updated the subliminal message on Crystal's computer:





* * * * *​

Waiting for Zach at the airport, the usually preternaturally calm Ivanka re-checked her make-up, then turned to Crystal and said, "How do I look? Do you think he'll like this outfit? "

How could anyone not, Crystal thought. Although classy, the short tight dress advertised her sister's amazing curves, killer legs, and impressive chest. But there was something else going on, after listening to Ivanka engage in phone sex last night, Crystal was feeling a definite sexual buzz in the presence of her beautiful sister.

"You look great. You seem so excited to see Zach."

"Yes, these last few months, and especially since Bob took that job in Idaho, Zach's filled in as the man of the house, taken over his father's responsibilities. He's performed magnificently. He's going to be so much help to us."

Crystal turned her eyes back down the concourse, reassured by her sister's confidence in Zach.
* * * * *​

Zach strode to his mother, gave her a big hug. Ivanka ran her hand down his back as if reaching for his butt, then stopped.

"Damn," thought Crystal, "My nephew has grown up; he is a man and he is some fine."
* * * * *​

They went straight to the lawyers' office. Ivanka, shawl wrapped around her shoulders obscuring the generous cleavage she'd displayed at the airport, sat next to Zach, covering his hand with hers, sometimes dragging a nail over his skin. Marissa, who'd flown in the night before, reported they'd shut down Larry's access to Crystal's assets. In fact, they'd caught a break. Larry had attempted to withdraw $75,000.00 from a trust fund, but while he'd initiated the request hours before the asset was frozen, the order had been inexplicably delayed. The account was frozen only seconds before it was received.

Zach kept his poker face.

Marisa then turned to the big question, "Crystal, do you want to initiate a divorce?"

Crystal looked to her sister, then her nephew, then back to her sister. Ivanka, seeing the uncertainty on Crystal's face, said, "Could you give the family some time alone?"

"Of course."
* * * * *​

Ivanka said, "You okay kid?"

"No. He cheats on me, he told me he wouldn't take any more money. He lied about that, lied about the women, lied about getting help for the gambling. It's just that, I love him."

Zach picked a box of Kleenex off the end of the table and handed it to his aunt. She cleared away the tears and mascara that had run down her face.

Ivanka said, "Zach, what do you think?"

"My graduation is next weekend. You were going to come up anyway, why don't you fly up to New York now, spend some time with the family, enjoy a change of scenery. It might help clear your head."

Crystal said, "Will it be okay with Bob?"

Ivanka turned towards Zach with adoring eyes and said, "If Zach invites you everything will be fine. With Bob being in Idaho most of the time, he's accepted that Zach is the man of the house."

"Well, thank you, I'd love to come up."
* * * * *​

Crystal completed packing, then opened her computer. There was nothing from Larry, but there was a new subliminal message:







When she went downstairs she found Zach and Ivanka sitting together, talking, voices low, Ivanka playing with Zach's hair. It reminded Crystal of the way Ivanka touched him at the lawyer's office, like intimate friends, or beaus. No, that was crazy, she was upset, not thinking straight. Zach was simply an impressive intelligent, attractive young man. She could understand why her sister relied on him.​
Next page: Chapter 03.2
Previous page: Chapter 02