Chapter 03.2
On the flight to New York Crystal opened her computer, played some video-games, sent some messages, talked to Zach and Ivanka, her computer remaining open the entire time. The subliminal message bore deep into her mind.
* * * * *
Ivanka, showing Crystal the guest bedroom, said, "Zach asked the maid to get the room ready for you; I think you'll find everything you need," then gestured to the door across the hall, "I do need to warn you, when Bob gets back you may want to close your door at night. He snores."
Crystal said, "Bob doesn't sleep with you?"
"No. When he started spending time in Idaho I had trouble sleeping, I was used to having someone in bed with me. I mentioned it to Zach, who offered to lay with me until I fell asleep. Then we both fell asleep, slept like babies. The same thing the next night. Zach ended up sleeping me with every night. When Bob got back he and I tried sleeping together, but his snoring kept me awake. I gotten used to Zach, with that tight trim body he doesn't snore."
"Bob couldn't get help for the snoring?"
Recalling the efforts to fix Bob's non-performing thing, Ivanka obfuscated. "We tried, but nothing worked, so Zach and Bob switched bedrooms. Bob moved into Zach's room and Zach into the master bedroom with me. It's worked out fine. Of course, I'd prefer if you kept this to yourself. Especially in light of how close Zach and I are, well, you know how people gossip. We wouldn't want anyone to think something improper was going on."
Zach, carrying Crystal's last piece of luggage, walked into the room. "Where do you want me to put it? Can I get you anything else"?
Crystal said, "On the bureau and no, actually I'm a bit tired. I'd like to lie down for a few minutes."
Ivanka said, "That's a great idea, I could use a nap too," then reached for her son's hand and said, "I was just telling Crystal about our sleeping arrangements."
At that Zach smiled and said, "Well, in that case, mind if I join you?"
Ivanka curled her arm around Zach's waist, kissed his cheek, and said, "I'd love it."
* * * * *
After Zach and Ivanka left and Crystal opened her computer, finding nothing from Larry, but absorbing Zach's subliminal message:
Crystal laid down, her mind drifting. Her beautiful sister and sexy nephew were, with her brother-in-law's approval, sharing a bed. She could see why they wanted to keep that information inside the family. It wouldn't be hard to get the wrong idea. Not only were mother and son unusually close, both were gorgeous, the husband was older and far away, and, why didn't she just admit it, there was a real chemistry between them..
She thought about Larry. Coming to New York had been the right decision, she felt her longing for him was receding. She thought about Zach, smart, sweet, caring, and a hunk. She imagined him cuddling up to her sister right now. It would be nice to be held by a man like Zach.
* * * * *
Upon waking up Crystal checked her computer - nothing from Larry - then followed a delightful scent to the kitchen where Zach and Ivanka were preparing dinner. Zach wore neatly pressed slacks and a button-down shirt; Ivanka a grey turtle neck sweater, black leggings, and four inch black heels.
"Smell's wonderful, and you two look great, you make me feel like a slob. "
Ivanka said, "You look fine. It' just that Zach and I decided to take the time, make sure we always dress nicely for each other."
"Well, it works. You make a handsome couple. How can I help?"
"You can you set the table."
Over dinner the three of them discussed Crystal's domestic situation. Crystal acknowledging her marriage was broken, but said she needed more time before making any big decisions. Over coffee Ivanka's phone pinged and, after checking it, she said, "Good. Bob will be calling this evening. We'll run it though the monitor. Crystal, I'd like it if you'd join us."
"Okay. Is there time for me to shower first?"
Ivanka said, "Sure, but Bob's on a tight time schedule. If we get started without you, just join in."
* * * *
Crystal got of the shower, considered sweat pants and a tee-shirt, thought about how nicely Zach and Ivanka were dressed, and put on some tight jeans, a red pull-over shirt that accented her slender build, and three inch sandals, then re-checked her hair and make-up.
Downstairs Zach was sitting on the couch, his mother standing behind him. Bob, on screen, was saying, "This must be tough on Crystal, but it sounds like you two have it under control. And it must feel good to be back in New York."
Ivanka leaned forward, pressed her breasts to Zach's shoulders, wrapped her arms around him, said, "It's always good to be home with my man," and planted a big kiss on the side of Zach's head.
Crystal's eyes flashed to the screen. Bob hadn't reacted. Wondering whether he could only hear the conversation she came up behind Ivanka, but Bob's eyes immediately focused on her, "Crystal, so good to see you. Zach and Ivanka have been keeping me up, I'm so sorry for what's happened."
Crystal said, "Thank you Bob, Ivanka and Zach have been wonderful."
"Yes, they're a great couple."
As Crystal and Bob chatted Ivanka walked around the couch, sat next to Zach, took his hand in hers, draped her leg over his, leaned her body into him.
The conversation turned to family issues and as Bob and Ivanka repeatedly deferred to Zach, Crystal felt her own growing confidence in Zach validated. Later that night the three of them watched a movie in the home theater, Ivanka's body resting against her son's, stroking his hair, occasionally kissing his cheek. They looked right together; she understood why they kept their sleeping arrangements a secret, people might wonder. Zach was such a good looking mature young man and Ivanka so beautiful. Crystal smiled inside, recalling her school girl crush on her big sister. She felt it coming back.
* * * * *
In her room Crystal turned on the computer and found a profanity laden e-mail about her freezing her accounts, the first message from Larry that Zach had allowed through. After she read it Crystal, for the first time, articulated out loud the thought that had been sitting in the back of her mind: "I am so over you Larry, or at least I'm getting there." She turned off the computer and crawled into bed as its subliminal message dug deeper into her unconscious:
* * * * *
Ivanka handed Crystal a bottle of water, then joined her sister sitting against the wall of Ivanka's home gym. While Crystal had long-admired her sister's commitment to her health, she was surprised by the intensity of the work-out and between breaths said, "You're amazing, you kicked my butt out there today."
"Thank you, but you did fine. I've got to stay in shape to keep up with my son."
Ivanka's phone rang and she stood, walking across the room to get it. As she did Crystal again admired her sister, Ivanka was in superb condition, sexy as hell. She knew it had to be some weird rebound effect from Larry, but what she was feeling this wasn't a pure appreciation of Ivanka's beauty, she wanted her sister. She recalled her and her college roommate sharing Ivanka fantasies. Fuck she needed to get a hold of herself. But still...
She turned her attention back to the present. Ivanka was saying, "Yes my darling," and hung up her phone.
"That was Zach, he's over at Jasmine's giving her a hand, her husband is out of town, he's going to be longer that he thought."
Crystal had heard much about Jasmine. One of Zach's teachers, she'd instigated a proceeding against a friend of his before the Honor Board. Zach had successfully defended his buddy and in the process Jasmine had become a close family friend, almost part of the family according to Ivanka. But still, she was a teacher.
"Are they alone."
"Yes, why do you ask?"
"I thought schools frowned on teachers and students being alone together, especially at the teacher's house."
"Well, we won't tell them, will we, and in any case he's over there as a family friend and not as a student. That does give us time for a spin in the Jacuzzi I was telling you about, we just had it installed in the master bath. Interested?"
Crystal, who was very much interested in spending more time with the scantily clothed Ivanka, was agreeable.
* * * * *
It was her first visit to the master bedroom on this trip, and Crystal stared at the large feminine mirrors on the walls. They hadn't been there on her last visit. Her son, not her husband, slept in the room. Why hadn't they taken the mirrors down when Bob moved out?
Ivanka, noting her staring, said, "You like the mirrors?"
"There something to see. Bob must have loved them."
Ivanka seemed confused, "Bob?"
"Yes, Bob, and the mirrors."
"Oh no, I talked to Bob about mirrors on the walls for years, he never liked the idea, liked it even less as he got older and out of shape. After Zach moved in I asked him about it, he loved it. We picked them out together."
Crystal was startled by the answer, she had assumed the mirrors had been installed while Ivanka shared the bedroom with her husband. Not sure of what to say, Crystal decided to change the subject and segued into a question she'd been wondering about. "They're nice, real nice. Speaking of Zach, I've been wondering, he hasn't mentioned a girlfriend, does he have one?"
Ivanka said, "No, not at the moment."
"That surprises me, he's such a sweet good-looking kid."
"Well, I didn't say he's doing without. He, his generation, they are so much fluid about romance and sex than we were. He has several lovers, older women - he's always preferred older woman — who know they can trust him to be discrete. Some of them, I'm sure, have been right here, enjoying these mirrors."
Crystal said, "He told you all that?"
"As I said, over the last months, as Zach has taken over his father's responsibilities, we've grown so very close. I suspect he tells me everything."
"So these woman are okay with you?"
In a sexy voice, pulling her sweaty work-our clothes from her body, Ivanka said, "I know them all, he's in good hands. Ready for the Jacuzzi?"
Crystal stripped and followed her naked hot older sister to the tub.
* * * * *
Over breakfast the next morning Zach said, "Why don't the three of us go out for dinner tonight, someplace nice. You two can dress up, wear something fun and sexy."
Ivanka said, "That's a wonderful idea Zach. With Bob getting back tomorrow it would be fun, just the three of us."
Crystal wondered, why not wait for Bob, but it would be fun and said, "Sounds great, but I'm afraid I didn't pack anything fun and sexy."
Ivanka said, "This is New York. There are plenty of places to shop. I'm busy today, I'll ask Jasmine to go with you."
* * * * *
Crystal had heard that Jasmine had been a model, and expected her to be bright, engaging, and beautiful, but was still surprised by how bright, engaging, and beautiful she was. After thoroughly enjoying the morning shopping - they'd settled on a slinky long red dress that Jasmine said Zach would love - the women were sharing lunch.
Crystal launched into her tale of domestic woe, finding comfort in Jasmine's non-judgmental ear, before realizing she'd monopolized the conversation and said, "Ivanka says you're like her, married an older man, that it works for you. Maybe I should take that route, marrying a man my own age hasn't worked for me."
Jasmine said, "I think if there is a lesson to be learned, its that you shouldn't be bound by rules and convention. It's part of what I learned in that spat with Zach; I was too rule-bound. Now I search for what works, regardless of convention. It's got me thinking about returning to school for further study, pursuing a Masters."
"What do you mean?"
"I have a double undergraduate degree, education and sociology/psychology, which is what I teach. I thinking about a masters in the latter, focusing on non-standard relationships. I had thought about using myself as a model, a black woman married to an older white man, but that tussle with Walker and Zach got me thinking more out of the box than differences in age and race. I've become interested in polyamory and incest."
"What is polyamory?"
"It's when people are romantically and sexually involved with more than one person at the same time. It's not cheating, it's done with full disclosure and everyone's consent."
"Like swingers?"
"No, the whole idea of polyamory is that the relationships are permanent, or at least long term, and committed. The idea is that having multiple partners provides a more rewarding experience. You get different points of view, you're not looking to one individual to fill all your needs not is anyone looking to you to do the same."
Crystal said, "Yeah, that was part of my problem with Larry. What about incest? I always heard it was wrong, and dangerous."
"When minors or power imbalances are involved, it is. But between consenting adults, I don't see why it should be, there's no evidence it's harmful, and it's far more common than you think. The health dangers are vastly overrated, especially with the advances in medicine."
"So are you saying incest and polyamory are acceptable?"
"Yes, I am. I mean you must be conscious you live in a society that condemn them, but as a lifestyle, as a personal choice about how to live your life, absolutely."
"Have you discussed this with Ivanka?"
"Of course, with she and Zach, and Bob also. They've encouraged me to pursue it. If you're interested I can recommend some web-sites on the subject."
Thinking about her burgeoning desire for her sister and nephew she said, "Yes," then turned back to her companion, a quizzical look on her face.
Jasmine interpreted it correctly.
"You're wondering why I, a young woman married to an older wealthy man, a fairly conventional relationship, am so interested in the unconventional.
Crystal smiled, a bit embarrassed, and said, "Yes, although I guess its none of my business."
Jasmine said, "Don't feel bad, it's a perfectly legitimate question and, after all, were practically family."
She placed a perfect nail on Crystal's hand, drew it slowly across her skin, and said, "Let's just say, for the moment, that my life is not as conventional as it may appear."
It felt, to Crystal, that the finger was sliding through her wet labia.
* * * * *
Back at the apartment Crystal checked the time, she didn't need to get ready for several more hours, and visited the web-sites Jasmine recommended, which worked in silent conjunction with the computer's subliminal message:
After ninety minutes the burn between her legs could no longer be ignored and, for the first time she gave in to the urge that had been building inside her for days, masturbating to the image of making love to her nephew as her sister looked on with approval.
* * * * *
Running a few minutes late, she had wanted to look perfect, Crystal saw Ivanka and Zach sitting on the far side of the restaurant. There was an unmistakable chemistry between mother and son, and why not? He was a sexy young man and she a beautiful woman. Was the way they looked at each other inappropriate? Some would say so, but they didn't stare or leer and, more importantly, they treated each other with love and respect. How could that be wrong?
Crystal wondered, would Zach like her dress? Would he eyes linger on her, they way they lingered on his mother? Recalling the move she'd practiced at the apartment, she made sure that with each step her leg slid out the dress' long slit. Ivanka, who was wearing heels, pencil skirt, and a white blouse with enough buttons undone to show off a wide expanse of cleavage, and Ivanka stood and greeted Crystal with warm hugs. She liked the feeling of their bodies pressed to hers. The meal, the company, the evening, were fabulous.
Before going to bed that night Crystal revisited the web-sites, drank in the subliminal message, and when the fire between her legs threatened to consume her, crawled into bed, took her time, stroked her clit, came over and over, imagining Ivanka's mouth buried in her sex as her nephew looked on with approval.
* * * * *
The day before the graduation Crystal met with her lawyers, then promptly returned to the apartment. Bob was having family photographs taken and had asked Crystal to participate. She found Bob talking to Jasmine.
"Jasmine, it's good to see you again. Thanks again for the help with the dress."
"You're welcome, I'm told you looked mighty fine it in."
"I tried. Where are Ivanka and Zach?"
Jasmine, her voice a purr, said, "Both upstairs, taking a shower. She and I and Zach have been huddled together for the last few hours, working out the kinks, relieving the stress of the end of the school year."
Crystal heard the door to the master bedroom open and looked up to see Ivanka and Zach, holding hands, hair damp, in robes, walk onto the upstairs balcony.
"Hey sis, I'm glad you're home, come help me get ready."
"Love to."
Zach said, "Jasmine, I could use a hand too"
"On my way."
* * * * *
Ivanka and Crystal decided on something simple: a knee length pink sleeveless sheath dress and nude patent leather Stuart Weitzman sandals with a buckle ankle strap and 4 ½ inch stiletto heels. Her shoulder length hair hung straight down and jewelry was limited to her wedding ring and pearl earrings.
There was a knock on the door, then Bob's voice, "Are you decent in there?"
"Yes dear, you can come in."
He stepped in the room and said, "The photographer is ready... Wow, do you look good, Zach will be pleased."
"Thank you, I hope he likes. Crystal and I are about done. We'll be down in a few minutes."
Bob left, Ivanka checked her make-up, and she and Crystal headed downstairs to find Jasmine tending to Zach, straightening his tie, running her hands on his face to make sure his skin was clear for the photographer.
* * * * *
The photographer had set up in the living room. Because his instructions for the session were unusual, he wanted to make sure Ivanka understood what was planned.
"Your husband told me he wants pictures of the three of you, but you and Zach always together, then some of just you and Zach.
Reaching for Zach's hand, Ivanka said, "Yes, exactly, me and my darling beautiful boy."