Chapter 03
Friday afternoon I threw a few things in my gym bag and ran out of the dorm to my car. "A few things" included a couple of changes of clothing, my toiletries, and oh, condoms and lubricant. To say I was rock hard and ready would be a massive understatement. I thought I was a shoo-in to fuck Mom that weekend and I wanted to be ready for any eventuality, as long as it included tons of fucking.
On the drive home, I reflected on where we were, Mom and I, and how we had gotten there. I wasn't sure which of us had taken the initiative. I guess I may have taken the first step, but then maybe she had, so I concluded it must have been a mutual endeavor. That's often the case in seduction, but especially so when Mother and Son are involved. How many women in your life have you wanted to fuck, but just couldn't bring yourself to make the first move? How many women do you think have wanted to fuck you, but couldn't bring themselves to send the first concrete signal? I'm guessing it's a lot, because that's life.
Add your Mother into the mix. I suspect every Mother has thought of her Son in a sexual way at one time or another, and it probably came when it was obvious he was having sex with a girlfriend. Then Mom has had to think, "I wonder if he's a good lover?" That leads her to imagine him in the saddle. It just seems natural.
We all know that every Son has thought (obsessed) over fucking his Mother. That's a given. The old joke is, 99% of men admit they have, in their lives, wanted to fuck their Mothers. The remaining 1% are liars.
So between and Mother and Son, the fire is laid, the tender is ready, and all that's left is for there to be a spark. Making that first move, though, is fraught with perceived danger, which causes paralysis and is the reason only about ten to 15 percent of men have successfully gotten where we all have wanted to be. Simply put, all the fire needs is a spark, and all that's required for the spark is for someone to make the first move. But we're all afraid to send the first strong signal.
The perceived danger that both parties feel, I tell you, lies in your heads and not in reality. Think about it. If the Son makes the first move, Mom is not going to narc him out to Dad. She is not going to throw him out of the house. She knows that is part of a man's development, she has always protected her Son, and she's going to react accordingly. Likely, she'll rebuff the first overt advance. But if the Son persists, showing her that he really loves her and wants her for the right reasons, that she is not just a convenient plaything, then the result can be different.
On the other hand, women in general and Mothers especially, are much more subtle in their signals. Maybe her hugs are a little longer and tighter. Maybe her kisses are a little more passionate. Maybe her looks are a little more lingering. Is she indicating she might be receptive to an advance? Well, you won't know if you don't try. If you're going to try once, you have to be prepared for a long campaign. Mom won't jump into the sack with you the first time you ask, but I guarantee after you ask the first time, she's thinking about it.
All that ran through my head as I drove and the conclusion was that I didn't care how we had gotten there. I was going to fuck the shit out of Mom this weekend.
When I pulled into the driveway, Dad was already loading his gear into the back of his SUV and was clearly excited to be going for the weekend. I didn't remember if he was going fishing or going hunting, but I was more excited than he was. That I know. After talking with him for as short a time as I could get away with, I turned to rush in the house. He stopped me.
"Thanks for spending the weekend with your Mom while I'm gone. She's excited about it, and has a surprise for you."
I thought, "I don't know what surprise she told you about, but the real surprise would be if you knew what we're going to be doing as soon as you pull out of the driveway." But, of course, I didn't say that.
My hard dick and I found Mom standing at the kitchen counter when we went in. I went up behind her, hugged her tightly, and pushed my dick against her butt. She whispered, "I have a surprise for you," and then, just as I was getting ready to whisper in her ear what I thought the surprise would be, the world came crashing down.
"Hi, Squirt," I heard from the door to the family room.
I let go of Mom and turned around. There she was, my older Sister by two years, Debbie. She was a younger version of Mom and had been the subject of many of my teen-aged yearnings, just as Mom had been, but at that point I didn't care.
Cock. Blocked. What the holy pluperfect fuck?
"Debbie. What are you doing here?" She had graduated from college already and had her first job as a product engineer, living about four or five hours away. She was so busy with her job and her social life, I guess, that we had not seen her for almost half a year.
"It's my home too, you know," she laughed as she walked in to give me a big hug and then kissed me on the cheek. Her breasts were bigger than average, and I felt them squeezed between us. I hugged her back. My diamond-hard cock, of course, had deflated when I heard her speak. She continued. "I was talking to Mom and she said Dad was going away for the weekend and you might be coming to stay, so I thought it would be fun to have a weekend at home. Just the three of us. Don't you think that will be fun?"
"Oh, yeah," I said as we pulled away from our hug. "Sure. It'll be a blast. I'm glad you came." What I was really thinking was, "Are you fucking shitting me? I was going to fuck Mom and now you've screwed up everything. Not the first time you've cock-blocked me."
Dad came in about that time to tell us all goodbye. "I'm sorry I won't be home, Debbie. Maybe you can come back soon when I'm here, OK? Promise?"
She gave him a big hug and kiss. "Sure, Dad. I'm sorry it worked out this way. I'll come back real soon and we can have some special bonding time. I promise."
"Special bonding time?" What the hell did that mean? I had never considered that Debbie might have the same feelings for Dad that I had for Mom. Could that be? But since the scales had been lifted from my eyes with the progress I had made, I thought, with Mom, maybe.... Anyway, what the fuck?
We ordered pizza and settled in for a movie night. I kept trying to get Mom alone so I could ask her what was going on but, as usual, my Sister was in the way. Mom ended up sitting on the couch and Debbie and I were sitting on the floor, eating our pizza and drinking beer. After a few beers, I got up to go and pee and, when I got back, I sat on the floor at Mom's feet and leaned my head back against her knees. Mom reached down to scratch my head, and I couldn't help it, I moaned.
"Our little Stevie feeling a little neglected?" Debbie said as she got up to go and relieve some beers, too. "Those college girls aren't as horny and easy as you had hoped?"
When she left, I jumped up and kissed Mom, and she responded as I had wanted.
"What, Mom? Why'd you invite Debbie?"
"Oh, Honey. I didn't. I told her you were coming, and it was her idea. I'm glad she came, though. I've been missing her, and we can have a good weekend together." Her voice got softer. "Besides, Stevie. Don't you think we have gotten a little out of hand? I just don't think I can do what you want, My Love. I've never done anything to hurt your Father, and I can't start now - especially with you."
I looked in her face and I know the surprise and hurt showed. She hugged me. "Oh, Steve. I love you so much. I just don't want to hurt you, or anybody. Don't hate me. I've had a lot on my mind. We'll talk more later, but let's just go on as we are, but no more. Okay?"
"I love you, Mom. I don't want to hurt you, either. Whatever you want."
We heard Debbie as she entered the room. Guiltily, I guess, Mom and I kind of jumped apart and I sat back down on the floor. Then it was Mom's turn to go. I studiously avoided looking at Debbie while I focused on the TV screensaver, then she elbowed me so I would look at her. She didn't say anything, but gave me her trademarked one-eyebrow-raised look. I know I must have blushed bright red - my face was burning - and then Mom came back.
After the movie, Debbie said she was tired from the drive and we all went to our bedrooms. A couple of hours later I was asleep and I heard my cellphone vibrate with an incoming call. It was Mom.
"Are you okay, Honey?" she whispered. "You mad with me?"
"Of course not," I whispered back. "I just want you so much I think I'm going to explode."
"I know, I know. Believe me, I know what you're feeling. You think women don't have the same feelings? It's like I told you, though. We would be taking too much of a risk, and good Mothers don't put their Sons at risk. I can't do that to you."
I was exasperated. This was not at all how I had envisioned things going. I guess my exasperation showed in my voice. "Remember Rule Number One, Mom. 'No one can ever know.' We'll be careful. You know what you do to me, don't you? What you've always done to me?"
"I know. We'll talk about it when we can. Just be patient. That's all I ask. Patience is a virtue, you know."
I was getting ready to say something, when I heard Debbie in our shared bathroom. "Debbie's in the bathroom," I whispered. "Gotta go."
Debbie opened my door and peeked in. "Who you whispering to? Got a hot one on the hook?" She walked over and pushed me into the center of the bed so she could get in. "Anyone I should know about?"
Debbie and I had done that regularly as we were growing up - sharing each other's beds for snuggle time - but it had ended when we both got older. I had managed to cop a few good feels over the years, but those days had passed.
"Nobody special," I said. I'm sure it was unconvincing. I mean, it must have been somebody special for us to be talking on the cellphone at two in the morning.
Debbie shifted the conversation. "Say. What's going on with you and Mom? You guys were sure acting strange tonight."
"Mom?" I blurted. "Why Mom? Nothing. No. Nothing's going on." I was always sharp with the repartee, right?
Debbie laughed. "You can tell me when you're ready. I know something's going on. I just don't know what yet. You know you've never been able to keep a secret from me." She laughed, and it was the truth. She always knew. Everything. She knew when I got my first kiss, when I got my first blowjob, and when I got laid first. Damned Debbie.
"Mind your own business," I snapped, and pushed her out of bed. "Now go on and let me sleep."
She laughed as she walked to the door to the bathroom to go back in her room. "When you're ready to talk, you'll tell me."
And that's the way the weekend went. I was a mess. I had a severe case of the blue balls from my constant erections around Mom, and Debbie didn't help a bit. You want confessions? Hell, yes, I had wanted to fuck my Sister when we were in the house together. Who wouldn't? She was a younger version of Mom, as I said, with bigger breasts and an ass that wouldn't stop. She teased me unmercifully after I hit 18 and had my first pussy, and she knew it. She'd pose suggestively at my bedroom door after we had gone to bed and shared the bathroom. "You want this, don't you, Little Brother? Well, you can't have it. You'll just have to settle for your pathetic girlfriends."
The truth was that the first real kiss I ever had was Debbie. The first breast I had ever felt was Debbie. The thing was, we never got beyond that, and it was her fault. Finally, I stopped trying.
Dad came home Sunday afternoon and was full of stories. I'm glad he had a good time. I wished I had had a better time. Oh, I had fun - it was like old times back together - but it sure wasn't what I had wanted. It sure wasn't what I had thought I was going to get. Debbie left first and I carried her bag out to the car. She hugged me tightly before she got in and slipped her hands down to my ass. "You still want this?" She laughed when I stammered. "Well, you still can't have it, but you might get what you really want if you play your cards right."
"Huh?" I was still quick with a response. "Huh? What are you talking about?" She had gotten in her car by this time and I was standing at her driver's window. She ogled the tent in my pants caused by an ever ready erection.
"You guys. You always think you're so cool, and you're always so transparent. Call me sometime and we'll talk," and then she drove away.
When I was ready to go, Mom walked me out to the mudroom while Dad was upstairs, showering.
"You okay?" She looked down at the floor, then shyly looked into my eyes. "Oh, come here and hug me," she said as she took me in her arms. I hugged her tight, slid my hands down to her lovely ass, and then kissed her deeply.
"Now I'm okay. I've wanted that all weekend. Damned Debbie." I slid my left hand from her butt and cupped her right breast between us. I moaned in her mouth as we kissed.
"We'll be okay," she said. "We'll get through this, one way or another." Damn, she was a good kisser. I wondered if it was genetic. Debbie was a good kisser, too.
Monday morning, Colin and I got together in the Union for our usual coffee chat.
"Well? How did it go?" I had told him I was going to spend the weekend at home, and he was obviously dying to know what had happened.
"Nothing," I said. "Absolutely nothing. I don't want to talk about it, now or ever. Just drop it." I had compromised myself with Colin once, regretted it, and was not going to do it again. Rule Number One would be the prime directive, dammit.
He laughed at me. "I understand, Buddy. I won't pry. Either you did, or you didn't, but it's none of my business. If you ever do want to talk, I'm here."
The next couple of nights, my thoughts were racing so that I had trouble getting to sleep. I have never had a kiss more delicious than those kisses from Mom. They spoke volumes. They said, "What is impossible, may just be possible after all." You know, I didn't even care, really, what was possible. I had kissed Mom, just like kissing any hot woman, and it was beyond my wildest dreams. I had my hands all over her ass. I held her breast. She put her hand on my hard dick. What could be better? Could anything ever be better?
About Wednesday night, I think it was, I woke to the sound of my cellphone humming on the nightstand by my bed. My eyes bleary, I saw that it was Mom and it was two in the morning.
"Mom? Everything okay? Dad okay?" He was older than her and we always worried about his heart, so immediately I feared the worst.
"He's okay. I couldn't sleep and wanted to hear your voice," she whispered. "Whisper so you don't wake him."
Wow. That made me think. She was laying in bed, right next to Dad, and she was whispering with me. That was hot - the hottest thing I could imagine. Whether she knew it or not, and I think she did, that was hot.
"Okay," I whispered back. "I couldn't sleep either."
There was silence between us as I could hear her breathe. "Baby, we can't do this," she said. "It's so wrong."
I didn't answer right away. I had had time to think. I wasn't going to push her into anything. She was my Mom. If she wanted it, I was all in. If she didn't, I was okay with it. Damn. Just the hot makeout sessions with her were more than I had ever dreamed. If that's all we ever did, it was good enough for me.
If she were anyone else, I'd have been trying to come up with an answer to get her to fuck me, anyway, despite her cold feet. I had enough experience to know there was almost always hesitancy on a woman's part, but that she would usually fuck me eventually. She just had to convince herself to do it. She had to make me think she wasn't easy. But this was my Mom. Screw this up and I could destroy the whole family, so I hesitated and then spoke from my heart. "Mom, I love you. I have always wanted you, and how you've responded to me is something I'll cherish forever. But it's your call. You decide, and either way, I love you. You know that."
"I love you, Stevie. I just don't want to hurt you or your Dad, or screw you up somehow. Maybe we should cool it, like I said. You're still my little boy, you know."
Again I paused. "Whatever you want, Mom, but I have to tell you, I'm a man now. I'm not your little Stevie anymore."
She giggled breathlessly. "Oh, I could feel you're not a little boy anymore. Now go to sleep, like I'm tucking you in. I hope it's okay I called. I just wanted to hear you, to know you're okay."
"I'm more than okay, Mom. I'm on top of the world. We'll talk later, okay?"
"Good night, Lover," she said and then clicked off.
"Good night Lover?" Okay, so she tells me on one hand that we should cool it, and then she calls me her "Lover"? Mixed messages, Mom.
I had an exam the next day, so I tried to go to sleep quickly, but it was slow coming. I was worn out the next morning, but I'm a college student so I'm used to getting by on little sleep. I think I aced my exam, but if I didn't, it was pretty close. That evening I was pumped. After supper I was studying, but couldn't keep my thoughts focused. I wonder why? I finally gave up, and picked up my cellphone.
Mom answered. "Hi, Honey. Everything okay? Dad's right here."
I figured she told me that to keep me from saying something compromising. Wouldn't want to say, "Mom, you have great tits," while the phone's on speaker, would you?
"I had a test today in calculus, and I think I aced it," I said. I was a math major, but the advanced calculus I had to take for my degree still kicked my ass. I think it kicked everyone's ass.
"Oh, that's great, Steve," Dad said.
"Yep, better than great," Mom added. "You must have been inspired."
"Oh, I was inspired, alright," I laughed, and Mom laughed, too.
"Whatever inspired you, keep it up," Dad said. "You're doing great."
"Yep," Mom said. "Keep it up. You can do that, can't you, Steve?"
"I don't think I'll have any problem keeping it up, Mom. I've got it right where I want it now."
"Yes, maybe you do," she said. Hell, just sending those coded messages with Mom was hotter than anything I had ever done.
We chatted for a bit more, then we started saying goodbye and I promised to be home again for the weekend.
"You going to move back in?," Dad joked. "You've been spending a lot of time here."
I laughed back. "Maybe I'll spend the whole weekend again. I don't want you renting my room out, you know."
Mom jumped in. "That would be great, Honey. Bring your stuff and we'll make another weekend of it. I'll fix your favorite breakfast." Did she know that my favorite breakfast was watching her ass as she moved around the kitchen in her jammies? Probably not.
Sleep came faster that night because I was so tired. I was not so tired, though, that the vibrating of my cellphone didn't wake me. I looked before I answered. Two in the morning and it was Mom.
"Hello?" I answered in a whisper.
"Hi, Baby, I just wanted to hear your voice. That was nice you called us tonight."
"I was just thinking about you, and wanted to tell you about my exam."
We sat in silence for a bit, then she whispered, "Oh, Steve. What are you doing to me?"
She had asked me that before and I had told her, "Loving you." At the time, I think that was the right answer. She had been teasing me since then, though, and I was seeing a side of my Mother I never thought I'd see. She was, I realized, a passionate woman. She had teased me that very night with her comments. We had had a hidden conversation within the open conversation, and both of us knew what we were saying. Maybe it was time to turn the heat up a bit. Maybe it was time to turn the heat up a lot. Either way, I was thinking, it was time to push a little and see what her reaction would be. If she shut me down, then so be it, but at least I'd had my hand on her perky little tits, so I had that going for me. But, at the end of the day, she had called me.
"What am I doing to you?"
"Yes, Honey. What are you doing? You're driving me crazy."
I laid my cards on the table. "What am I doing? I'm trying to fuck you, Woman."
Did I just do that? Did I just tell Mom I was trying to fuck her. I'd never heard Mom say "fuck" before. Hell, she might not even know the word, as far as I knew.
She gasped, and I thought I had blown it. There was a pause and I was quickly thinking how I could back out of this mess I'd created, when she whispered, "Are you? Do you want to do that with your Mother?"
In my mind I could hear the horserace announcer scream, "Aaaaand, they're off!" I had been a horny teenager and phone sex was a pretty basic component of a sex life that seemed to never include intercourse. Kissing, sucking tits, fingering pussy, getting hand jobs, and phone sex. That was the life of a horny teenager. So, if there's one thing I felt confident in, it was talking dirty to a horny woman.
"Oh, yeah," I whispered. "I want to fuck you so much I can't stand it."
"Ooooh," she moaned in a whisper, and I knew I had her.
Imagine this - she was in bed with my Dad, her husband, and whispering to me in a secret phone call. I was whispering to her. I had told her I wanted to fuck her. Could anything be any hotter?
"You know what else?," I whispered.
"I want to suck those perfect breasts. Your nipples were hard for me, weren't they? Your nipples wanted me to suck them, didn't they?"
"Yes," she whispered as she drew out the word. "Yessssss."
"Does your pussy want me to slide my finger in? Is your pussy hot now?"
"Oh, yessss. I want your finger in my pussy." She was whispering so low that I had to strain to hear her. I could hear Dad's snores in the background.
"Does your pussy want me to kiss her?"
"Do you want to?"
"Oh, Baby," I whispered to her. "I want nothing more than to eat your beautiful pussy. Will you like that?"
"Oh," she moaned and it was like a high-pitched squeak. "Yesss. I want you to eat my pussy. It's been a long, long time."
I had an inspiration. I was laying there with my hard dick in my hand, and I'd bet she had her hand on her pussy. So, I asked her. "Are you touching your pussy now?"
This was going pretty fast. Hell, it was going lightspeed fast. She hesitated, and then said in a low, little girl voice, "Yes."
"Do you have your finger in your pussy?"
Again the little girl voice. "Uh, huh."
"Are you wishing it was my finger? Do you wish it was my cock in your pussy?"
"Oh, yeah," she whispered. "I've thought about what it would be like."
"What else have you thought about?"
"What else would you like?," she whispered.
"You know what else I'd like," I answered.
I paused this time. I had something going here, and didn't want to push too hard. As far as I knew, this was Mom's first time with phone sex. But hell, I'd told her I wanted to eat her pussy. Fair is fair, right?
"I want you to suck my cock for me," I whispered slowly, drawing the words out.
"Ohhhh," She moaned.
"I want to see what kind of blowjob you give," I whispered, feeling more confident as she responded to me. "Do you give a good blowjob?"
"I hope so," she whispered. "I think so, but it's been a long time. I hope you won't be disappointed."
Now those words spoke volumes. First, the worst blowjob is pretty great. Who could be disappointed with any blowjob? And a blowjob from your Mother? Damn. How could it not be the best blowjob ever? And did that mean what Debbie and I always suspected? That Mom and Dad didn't get it on much anymore? But more than that, her answer said that it was a done deal. She didn't say, "You might be disappointed." She didn't say, "I won't do that." She said, "I hope you won't be disappointed." She just told me she was going to give me a blowjob.
"Oh, God, Mom. You're killing me. I'm about to explode, I'm so hot."
"Are you, Baby? Are you hot for me? My little Motherfucker?" Damn. Mom was getting into this. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she had done this before.
"Do you know what I'm doing right now?," I asked her.
"Uh, huh." Again, in the little girl voice.
"I'm stroking my cock, thinking about your lips on me."
"Ohhhh," she whispered. "Do it for me, thinking about me sucking it. Are you thinking about cumming in my mouth?"
Jesus. She was really getting into this.
"Fuuuck," I whispered. "Fuuuucking you."
She whispered back, very low so Dad wouldn't hear, "Fuuuuck me."
We went on that way until we both had a good cum. When she did, it was obvious and she squeeked in a high tone. I reveled in it. I had made Mom cum, and now I knew what kind of sound she made when she did. I couldn't wait to hear that sound in my ear. I knew it. It was going to happen, maybe, after all. No woman could talk like that without finally fucking. She was as hungry for it as I was.
We established a pattern. Every night at about two, she'd call and we'd have phone sex until we fell asleep. I started taking a nap in the afternoon because I was so tired, but I wasn't going to give up those calls.
I couldn't go home that weekend, but the next week, Friday finally came. After my last class, I threw some clothes and toiletries in my bag and headed for home. Well, let's be honest. My hard dick was heading toward home, and I was just tagging along, trying to keep up. This time I didn't pack condoms or lube. I didn't want to jinx things by assuming too much.
I pulled into the driveway to see the garage door open and Dad loading gear again into the back of his SUV.
"What's up, Dad? Whatcha doing?"
"I'm becoming a regular mountain man, I guess. We're going back to the same place and maybe I'll get lucky this time with a big buck. Wouldn't that be great? If I got lucky?"
"Hell, yeah. Bring the meat home," I said. It would be more great than he could ever imagine, if I got lucky, too.
"Go in and say hello to your Mom," he said. "I'm about loaded, and then I'm shoving off. I'm sorry to leave you like this again, but it's a rare opportunity."
"Yep, rare opportunity," I answered. "Can't miss a rare opportunity."
I walked into the house and found Mom in the den. She rushed to me, and fell into my arms.''
"Did he tell you?"
"Yep. Going deer hunting again. A rare opportunity." I kissed her deeply, running my hands down to her butt.
"Oh, God, Steve. Take it easy. We'll have all weekend, no matter what happens, so just take it slow and easy."