Part 02.1
It had been several weeks since Kate and her daughters had had sex with each other. Since then, Kristina and Zoey were inseparable. They slept together every night, and couldn't keep their hands off of each other.
Kate would join them every once in a while in their sexual trysts, but often preferred to sit back and let her daughters' romance blossom. She often watched them fuck, as it was still her favourite fantasy, and enjoyed masturbating as she did. She longed for something different though.
Kate loved having sex with her daughters, but part of her knew she needed to find her own partner. She knew she couldn't be satisfied as the third wheel in her girls' relationship forever, but wasn't sure she could get back out there to find a girlfriend of her own.
One evening, the sisters were in the bathroom enjoying a sensual bath together. The room was lit with candles, and they were wrapped in each other's arms, kissing tenderly.
Just as Zoey's hand started to slip between her sister's thighs, their mother poked her head into the room.
"Oh, hey Mom! Care to join us? I'm sure we could squeeze you in." Kris said. As she spoke, she leaned over the side of the tub, pressing her wet breasts against the edge sexily.
Kate smiled, stepping into the room.
"Well, that does sound inviting, Honey, but I came up because I have some news." she said. "I just got off the phone with your Aunt Holly. She and your cousins are going to be staying here for a little while."
"Is everything ok?" Zoey asked, concerned.
"Well, you know Holly and your uncle have been having problems for a while... I've been telling her to leave that idiot for years... Anyway, she's finally done it. She said she came home from work to find him drunk one too many times, so she packed up herself and the girls and left him. They're driving down as we speak. She just called me from a hotel!"
"Oh my God!" Kris exclaimed.
"Wow! Well, good for her!" Zoey added. "When will they get here?"
"Sometime tomorrow evening, I would expect." Kate replied. She looked at her daughters and smiled. "So, I suppose we'd better make the most of our time together tonight."
With that, she pulled off her robe, revealing her naked body beneath. The sisters grinned at each other, and scooted to the side, giving their mother room to join them in the large bathtub.
"Sissy... We're heeeeere!" Holly called as she walked into the house.
"Ooooh, Holly! You're early!"
Kate came running from the kitchen, hugging her younger sister excitedly. Kris and Zoey were right behind her, welcoming their aunt and cousins with hugs and kisses.
Holly's eldest daughter, Piper, was happy to see her cousins. It had been a couple of years, and she missed them very much, especially Kris, who was just a year younger than herself.
"Hi, Kris! Wow, I love your skirt!" she exclaimed.
"Thanks! But your pants look super sexy." Kris replied.
Piper's younger sister, Hanna, was a bit shyer, but equally happy to be reunited with her cousins. She was Zoey's age, and greeted both her and Kris warmly.
"Wow, Han! You're hair is so long!" Zoey said. "It's really beautiful!"
"Th-thanks, Zoey! I'm sure it's not nearly as pretty as yours." she said with a laugh.
The girls and women moved into the kitchen arm in arm, filling the room with excited chatter. The girls helped Kate finish preparing dinner, and the six women caught up with each other over a long meal.
"So where are we sleeping?" Piper asked her aunt as she helped dry the dishes.
"Oh, don't worry, me and Kris are gonna bunk together, so you and Han can have my room." Zoey explained, doing her best to not seem too eager to be sharing a bed with her sister.
"Aw... I thought you and I could sleep together, like our slumber parties when we were young!" Hanna pouted.
"Yeah! And I can bunk with Kris and gossip about boys with her, like old times! Hahaha!" Piper laughed.
Kris almost choked on her gum at the 'gossip about boys' remark.
"W-well..." she coughed, looking from her sister to her mother.
"I think that's a fine idea!" Kate interjected, giving her daughters a serious look. She knew she didn't want her sister or her nieces finding out about the girls' escapades, and this arrangement would definitely make that easier.
Kris and Zoey understood their mother's concern, and happily agreed. Kris took Piper by the hand, showing her where she would be sleeping, and Zoey did the same for Hanna.
"And, you, dear sister, can share with me during your stay." Kate said, turning to Holly who was still sitting at the dining table. Holly stood, and hugged her sister tightly.
"Sounds like great fun! A sisterly sleepover! Haha!" Holly laughed.
Kate blushed as she felt her body respond to Holly's embrace. She didn't even want to consider being attracted to her sister, but her trysts with her daughters had certainly made her familiar with the concept. She convinced herself she would have to keep her hormones in check, and returned Holly's hug, laughing along with her.
Later that evening, while Zoey showered, Hanna was getting dressed for bed in her cousin's bedroom. She wore a pair of tight boxers and an oversized flannel shirt that buttoned all the way down. She climbed in bed, deciding to read for a bit while she waited for Zoey to finish getting ready.
When she climbed under the covers, she noticed something hard brushing against her leg. She reached for the object, and was shocked when she pulled out a large plastic dildo!
The dildo was attached to a harness of some kind. As Hanna inspected it, she realized what it must be for. 'Is this for a woman to fuck another... woman??' she thought.
She knew her aunt was a lesbian, and wondered if it was hers, but then why would it be in Zoey's bed? As she pondered that very question, she heard footsteps out in the hall. Panicking, she thrust the toy under her pillow, just as Zoey walked in drying her hair with a towel.
She was dressed in her usual sleepwear, a thin sweatshirt that hugged her body and a pair of plaid boxer shorts.
"Hey, Han. Whatcha reading?" she asked.
"Huh?" Hanna responded, confused. After a pause, she realized she was still holding her book. "Oh! Just uh... re-reading twilight." she stammered.
"Ooo! Do you want to watch the movie in bed? I've got the whole series on blue ray!" Zoey exclaimed, rushing over to her entertainment unit.
Before Hanna could say a word, the disc was playing, and Zoey had climbed in to bed next to her. Throughout the movie, she couldn't stop thinking about the object under her pillow, and wondering about her cousin...
Kate lay wide awake while Holly slept soundly beside her. She couldn't help watch as her sister's breasts rose and fell with her steady breathing. Kate licked her lips.
'I can't be thinking this...' she thought. She pressed her thighs together, sighing as the pressure sent pleasure to her pussy.
She turned to her side, facing away from Holly, and tried her best to get to sleep.
Piper and Kris had stayed up late, talking and hanging out just like they had when they were younger. Throughout the night, Piper kept bringing up the subject of boys, but Kris always seemed eager to change the subject.
She wondered why her cousin had been so evasive, but now it was late, and the two were in bed for the night. Kris was already fast asleep, and Piper wasn't far behind. She turned her back to her cousin, laying on her side and snuggled into the covers.
Just as she was about to fall asleep herself, she heard her cousin murmur something in her sleep. Piper opened her eyes, waiting to see if it would happen again, but Kris seemed to have gone quiet.
Then, she felt Kris cuddle up behind her. In her sleep, Kris wrapped her arm around her cousin, and breathed deeply the scent of her hair. Piper shifted awkwardly, but didn't push her cousin away.
When Kris murmured again, it was much clearer, and sounded more like a moan. She pressed her body against Piper's, her hips pushing into the girl's backside.
Piper blushed as she realized what was happening. 'Kris must be having a sexy dream or something...' she thought. She tried to pull away, but Kris held her tighter. When she cupped Piper's breast in her hand, the girl finally had enough.
She grabbed Kris's hand and gently pulled it from her chest.
"Kris?" she said.
Her cousin seemed to wake up when Piper spoke, and realized what she was doing.
"Oh.. Sorry, Pipes... I uh... must have been dreaming." she muttered, before quickly turning to her other side, facing the other direction.
"Th-that's ok." Piper answered, trying to play it off like it was nothing. It didn't seem like nothing, though... at least not to her. For a long while after that, she thought about what had happened between her and Kristina, confused about what to think of it all.
Kris, too, took a long time to fall back to sleep. Scared of revealing her family's secret, she swore to herself she would be more careful from this point forward.
The next day, Hanna was in Zoey's room alone again, trying to read her book. Trying, because she still couldn't stop thinking about the strap on she'd found in her cousin's bed. Having the toy under her pillow had made it uncomfortable to try and sleep, but she didn't dare move it, for fear of Zoey discovering what she'd found.
Her curiosity growing, she decided to try and inspect the device again while she was alone. Just as she was about to lift the pillow, Piper walked into the room, and she quickly tried to make it look like she wasn't up to anything incriminating.
"Hey, Sis. How's the book?" Piper asked, plopping down next to Hanna on the bed.
"Um... It's good! What's up with you?"
"Oh... not much. Kris and Zoey went with our moms to grab some take out for dinner."
Piper seemed a bit distracted to her sister, but Hanna couldn't quite put her finger on what was wrong. The two girls sat in silence. Piper was fiddling with a stuffed bear she'd picked up off Zoey's bedside table. Just as Hanna was about to go back to reading her book, her sister spoke up again.
"So.. something, uh, k-kind of weird happened last night..." she stammered.
Hanna put her book down again, and waited for Piper to continue.
"I think Kris kind of, um... well, she groped me in her sleep last night."
"Oh my God!" Hanna exclaimed before she could stop herself.
"I know! She like, grinded against me and felt up my boobs... Freaky, eh?"
"Do... do you think she's a lesbian? Like Aunty Kate?" Hanna asked hesitantly.
"What? I don't know... Do you think she might be?"
Hanna didn't answer, but seemed to be thinking for a moment.
"Ok... Swear you won't tell anyone - but I found something last night that might have something to do with what happened to you." she said, reaching under her pillow. When she pulled out the strap on, Piper gasped, clasping her hand over her mouth.
"Holy shit! Is that... is that what I think it is?!?" she asked. She reached for it tentatively, taking it from her sister to inspect more closely.
"Yeah... it was in Zoey's bed when I climbed in last night."
"In Zoey's bed? Do you think it's hers?"
"Well, I don't know! I thought maybe it was Aunt Kate's... but after what you told me, maybe it's Kris's? Or it could be Zoey's! I'm so confused! Like, are they all lesbians, or something?"
"I don't know..." Piper answered, staring at the strap on incredulously.
They heard a car door slam, and Hanna quickly took the toy from her sister, stuffing it back under her pillow.
"They're home! We'll figure this out later. Let's go help them bring in supper" she said, getting up from the bed.
"Yeah.. ok. Wow..." Piper followed her sister out of the room, glancing over her shoulder at the pillow one last time.
That night, Piper was once again having trouble falling asleep. She was back in Kris's bed, facing away from her cousin just like the night before. She couldn't seem to stop thinking about the strap on Hanna had shown her, or the way Kris had groped her in her sleep.
She wondered if her cousins were lesbians like their mother. She wondered who Zoey may have used that strap on with, and part of her wondered if she would feel Kris's hand squeezing her breasts again. She found it hard to admit, but a growing part of her hoped that she would.
She suddenly felt her cousin turn over in her sleep, and she stiffened, waiting to see what would happen. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she held her breath in anticipation.
When she didn't feel her cousin touch her, she was surprised how disappointed she felt. She realized she wanted to be touched, and the thought sent a shiver through her body. Unconsciously, she pushed her ass back slightly on the bed, until it pressed into Kris's body.
She held it there, waiting nervously. After a few minutes, she finally felt her cousin start to move again. She felt Kris's hips pressing against her from behind. Kris draped her leg over Piper's, and slowly started to grind against her cousin.
Piper could feel the heat from Kris's pussy on her ass, and her own arousal flared. She pushed back harder, and the two girls slowly started pumping their hips together.
Kris was beginning to wake as her body got hotter, but wasn't completely aware yet of where she was or what she was doing. In her sleep addled mind, she was fucking her sister. With that thought, she reached forward, cupping Piper's breast and squeezing it. She started to fuck harder, her pussy beginning to wet her panties.
Piper was on fire, her hips rolling desperately against her cousin's thrusting cunt. She gasped as Kris squeezed her tit, and pushed her chest into the girl's hand. Unable to resist herself, she finally spun onto her back, pulling Kris down on top of her into a passionate kiss.
Kris returned the kiss eagerly, her tongue dueling with her cousin's. She pushed her thigh between Piper's, and the two started humping each other eagerly. Kris pawed at Piper's tits, kneading the soft flesh through her tank top.
When she lowered her lips to her cousin's neck, Piper let out a passionate wail.
"Yes! Kris! Don't stop!" she cried.
Kris froze, realizing then who she was with. She quickly pulled herself from her cousin's body, and switched on the bedside lamp.
"Piper?!?" she exclaimed.
Still gasping for breath, Piper sat up.
"Well, yeah! Who did you think it was?" she asked.
Kris's eyes grew wide as she realized what she'd done. She'd cheated on her sister, the love of her life, and she couldn't forgive herself. Tears welling in her eyes, she leapt from the bed and ran from the room. She needed to confess to her lover and pray for forgiveness, right away!
Confused and incredulous, Piper jumped to her feet and followed in her cousin's tracks.
Hanna was also wide awake in bed, still wondering who the strap on belonged to. She'd considered outright asking Zoey before bed, but chickened out at the last minute.
Now, she found herself getting aroused as she thought about the secret she kept under her pillow. She shamefully began to wonder what it would feel like to have it inside her.
Making sure her cousin was sound asleep, she gently pulled the device out to inspect once again. She brought it to her nose, sniffing it to determine if it had been recently used.
"What are you doing?" a voice suddenly rang out in the darkness.
Hanna jumped, fumbling to hide the strap on again. Too quickly, though, Zoey sat up and flipped on the lamp next to her, staring down at her cousin caught red handed.
"Um... I... I found this..." Hanna began in a quiet voice.
Blushing a bright crimson, Zoey snatched the toy from her cousin's hand, and stuffed it in a nearby drawer.
"So it is yours..." Hanna couldn't help but say it.
Zoey whirled around, but was just as quiet when she admitted:
"Yes. It is."
"You're a lesbian." Hanna blurted.
Zoey was surprised, but answered. "Yes. I am."
They were quiet for several seconds, before Hanna finally asked her cousin:
"What's it like?"
Zoey didn't know how to answer her cousin. She felt ridiculously awkward talking about this with her.. with sweet innocent Hanna. She just stared back at her, fumbling for words. Hanna's face was pink, and she looked like she was getting aroused by their conversation. Zoey noticed this, and wondered allowed:
"Han? Are you... are you into this kind of stuff?" She leaned forward, putting her hand on her cousin's thigh. Hanna looked down at Zoey's hand, and something inside her went off. She lunged forward, kissing her cousin passionately.
Zoey was taken aback by Hanna's forwardness. She fell back on the mattress, her cousin landing on top of her. After the initial shock, Zoey felt her body respond to the kiss, and she returned it with growing passion.
The two girls started to make out harder, their bodies grinding together. Absorbed in their arousal, they'd both lost all inhibition, and were consumed by lust.
As they continued to hump each other on the bed, the door flew open, and a tearful Kris came into the room. She froze in her tracks when she saw them. Zoey noticed Kris right away, and pushed Hanna off of her, stumbling off the bed.
"Kris!" she cried, rushing to her sister. "Baby, I'm so sorry! It doesn't mean anything, Baby, I swear!" She could feel the tears welling herself. She reached for Kris's hand. Kris accepted it, but broke down.
"Oh, Zoey... it's ok, I don't care! I love you. I... I kind of just cheated on you too... Th-that's why I'm here. to confess." she looked at her feet and sniffled, ashamed of herself.
"Oh, Baby, it's ok! I forgive you too! I'm just so happy you're not mad!" The two sisters embraced, crying in each other's arms.
Just then, Piper arrived, and stopped in the doorway, watching the sisters hug. Hanna was still sitting on the bed, trying to piece together what was happening. Were Kris and Zoey lovers? And who did Kris cheat with?
She looked at her sister and realization dawned on her face. Piper saw her sister's gaze, and blushed. Just then, they were surprised by a soft moan. They looked back to their cousins, and saw them making out tenderly with each other.
Oblivious to Hanna and Piper, Zoey and Kris were lost in each other, kissing intensely while wrapped in each other's arms. They backed themselves towards the bed slowly, making sure not to let their lips part.
Hanna quickly slid to the side, dodging her cousins just as they fell to the mattress. Kris lay on top of her sister, moaning as her tongue explored the younger girl's mouth. Zoey pushed her hands under Kris's shirt, starting to lift it up over her torso.
Realizing she was in the way, Hanna got off the bed and joined her sister at the door. They stood side by side, watching their cousins make love to each other before their eyes.
"Did you really, like, make out with Kris?" Hanna asked.
Piper blushed and nodded, unable to look her sister in the eyes.
"It's ok, Pipes... I... I was making out with Zoey when you guys came in." the younger girl confessed.
"Really?" Piper asked, turning to look at Hanna. The younger girl nodded, and both girls, embarrassed but aroused, turned their attention back to the action.
The sisters on the bed finally broke their kiss so Zoey could lift Kris's shirt over her head. As she pulled the top free, Zoey seemed to remember her cousins were in the room, looking over at them for the first time.
Kris, now topless, started kissing her sister's neck, running her tongue over the younger girl's throat. Zoey stopped her, still looking at the girls in the doorway. She whispered something to her sister, and Kris stopped what she was doing.
"Are you sure?" she asked in a low voice.
Zoey nodded and Kris looked over at her cousins. Slowly, the girls on the bed got up, and approached the girls at the door.
Kris stood in front of Piper, and licked her lips seductively. Piper eyed her cousin's naked breasts, and felt her body tremble with excitement. Kris slowly closed the gap between them, wrapping her arms around her waist, and kissing her lips.
Piper hesitated a moment, but eagerly returned the kiss, encircling her arms around Kris's neck.
Hanna and Zoey watched their sisters make out with each other in silence. Hanna was incredulous. She couldn't believe what her sister and cousin were doing. She was also incredibly turned on. Her nipples pressed into the fabric of her top, and her pussy was seeping juices into her panties.
She turned to see how Zoey was reacting, and saw her cousin was already staring back at her. She shuddered as Zoey leaned in, and closed her eyes, anticipating the feel of soft lips pressing into her own.
As Zoey drove her tongue into her cousin's mouth, Hanna let out a shivering moan, hungrily returning her kiss.
For several minutes, the four girls made out passionately, their hands nervously exploring. Piper had worked her way to feeling her cousin's naked breasts, and couldn't get enough of the feel of her supple skin. She pinched and twisted her nipples gently, causing Kris to whimper against her moist lips.
"I can't believe this is happening..." Piper whispered, before her lips were crushed again by her cousin's.
Eager to go further, Kris took her cousin by the hands and pulled her back to the bed. Piper followed willingly, until the two collapsed on the mattress, pawing at each other's bodies as they made out.
Kris managed to pull Piper's top off, and immediately lowered her face to suck at her naked tits. Piper lay back against the pillows, groaning as she felt her cousin's tongue and lips play with her sensitive nipples.
At this point, Zoey had Hanna's shirt completely unbuttoned, revealing her round, perky breasts, and was running her hands over her naked skin. Hanna was on fire, her nipples aching with need and her legs trembling. She groped at her cousin as they made out, pulling at the hem of her sweatshirt.
The two younger girls finally tore their lips apart, quickly ripping each other's tops off completely, and crashing back into their frantic make out session. They pressed their naked chests together, their nipples scraping against each other deliciously as they sucked each other's tongues.
Zoey slid her hands down Hanna's back, cupping her ass through her boxer shorts. Her cousin gasped, pushing herself back into her open palms.
"Oh God... Zoey..." Hanna moaned, panting for air. Zoey didn't answer, but instead moved down her cousin's body, running her tongue along the slope of her breast.
As she bent lower, she grabbed Hanna's shorts, pulling them down her legs and revealing her naked ass beneath. She kept moving down, until she knelt in front of her cousin. Looking up into Hanna's awestruck face, she leaned forward, and touched her tongue to the girl's naked pussy.
Hanna groaned, her knees buckled, and she threw her head back in bliss as she felt her cousin begin to eat her dripping snatch.
While Zoey was working over one cousin, Kris was on her way to doing the same for the other. Leaving Piper's breasts coated in her saliva, Kris was tugging at the girl's bottoms, eager to reveal the rest of her naked flesh.
Piper was breathing heavily as she watched her cousin perched between her thighs. She heard a moan coming from across the room, and tore her eyes briefly away from Kris's to see who it had come from.
Seeing her sister standing naked before her, with Zoey's head buried between her thighs sent a thrill of excitement through Piper's body. She stared at Hanna's face as it contorted with pleasure and was surprised how beautiful the younger girl looked.
As she watched, Hanna opened her eyes, and saw her sister staring. Hanna's face blushed a bright pink, but she held eye contact with her sister as she ground herself against Zoey's bobbing face.
Piper trembled as she watched her sister in the throws of passion, then suddenly her own head flew back and she let out a strangled groan. Kris's lips had touched her sensitive pussy, and the feeling was exquisite. She dug her fingers into the girl's hair, holding her desperately against her convulsing pussy.
Kris smiled up at her cousin, and immediately began to lap at her flowing cunt. Her juices leaked everywhere, coating Kris's face as it sawed up and down against her open snatch.
"Fuck, Kris! That feels...s-sooooo good, Babe!" she whimpered, her hips thrusting desperately.
Even as she spoke, her eyes drifted back to look at her sister. Hanna was still returning her gaze, staring wide eyed at Piper as she was fucked by their cousin.
Zoey had moved her lips up to focus on Hanna's clit, and was sucking the slippery pearl greedily into her mouth. As she concentrated her mouth at the top of the girl's pussy, she slid her fingers into the gooey tunnel below.
Hanna gasped for breath, and stumbled back until she fell hard against the wall behind her. Zoey made sure to keep contact with her cousin's snatch even as she lost her balance, keeping her lips and fingers glued to her slippery pussy.
With Hanna supported against the wall, Zoey started to fuck the girl harder, her fingers pumping quickly inside her. Hanna gasped and whimpered, gripping Zoey's head with both hands and gyrating her hips furiously. Her eyes welled with tears as the pleasure barraged her senses.
Piper was now oblivious to her surroundings, her eyes staring past the ceiling into nothing as she was devoured by her cousin's hungry mouth. Her legs were sticking up in the air, her hips writhing beneath Kris's face.
Her tits bounced on her chest as she was fucked and licked harder. Her lungs struggled for oxygen as the intense sensations washed over her body.
Kris held on decisively to Piper's thighs, following her hips closely with her face. She did her best to keep her tongue scraping against the girl's clit, slurping up every drop of pussy cream she could find and swallowing it greedily.
Piper finally let out an ear splitting cry, her orgasm blazing through her. Her body shook, her thighs clamping tightly around Kris's head. Kris continued to lap at Piper's cunt, drawing out her pleasure. Her face was drenched in pussy juices, and still she made sure to keep precise contact with her cousin's throbbing clit.
Hanna couldn't help but react when she heard her sister screaming in ecstasy. Her own orgasm was already on the brink, and the knowledge that Piper was cumming was more than enough to send her over the edge.
With her fingers tangled in Zoey's disheveled hair, Hanna pumped her hips frantically, and moaned as her climax exploded. Her hips bounced off the wall over and over, knocking her cousin's head back with incredible force.
Despite the violence of Hanna's thrusting, Zoey kept her lips clamped around her clit, and her fingers sawing in and out of her flowing pussy. She continued to fuck the orgasming girl, forcing her into ever increasing waves of rapture.
Both girls convulsed as their cousins drew out their orgasms, pitching and thrusting their bodies with uncontrolled desire. Finally, they both slowly began to come down, their bodies slouching and their chests heaving.
Hanna slid down to the floor, sitting in front of her cousin. Piper relaxed her thighs, allowing Kris's head it's freedom, and let her legs fall to the bed.
For several minutes, Zoey and Kris sat in front of their cousins, gently stroking their tired bodies as they waited for the girls' strength to return.
When Hanna finally opened her eyes, she smiled at her cousin, and struggled to lean forward, kissing the girl's lips gratefully.
As Piper's energy returned, she sat up as well, and pulled Kris forward into a gentle kiss of their own.
Convinced that they'd satisfied their cousins, Zoey and Kris turned to look at each other.
Getting to her feet, Zoey faced her sister and pulled down her bottoms. Kris, staring at Zoey's pussy, slid to sit at the edge of the bed, and pulled her own pajamas off. They fell to the floor, and Kris opened her legs, presenting her sister with her own hairless cunt.
Zoey, drooling at the sight of her naked lover, walked to the bed, standing directly in front of Kris. The older girl wrapped her arms around Zoey's waist, embracing her. Her face was level with her breasts, and she leaned forward, sucking a nipple between her lips.
Zoey moaned, her hands going to the back of Kris's head, and held her tightly against her chest. Her pussy leaked juices along her thigh, and she shuddered with desire.
"God, Kris... I can't wait. We need to fuck now." Zoey groaned. Eating her cousin's pussy had her desperate for her own release.
"I know how you feel, Baby. I need it so bad..." Kris groaned against her sister's tit.
She leaned back, pulling Zoey with her. Zoey straddled Kris's lap, and pushed herself down, her spread pussy pressing against the top of her sister's mound.
Kris pulled Zoey on top of her, and the two sisters kissed passionately, their hips quickly starting to grind with determination. Their pussies were both drenched, and they frothed with pussy cream as they scraped against each other.
Piper and Hanna watched their cousins fuck. Their strength had returned, and they were both getting horny again. Piper looked at her sister, who was focusing her attention on the view of Zoey's ass bouncing on top of Kris's cunt.
"Hey, Han." she called.
Hanna looked at her sister. Piper patted the bed, inviting Hanna to sit next to her. Hanna blushed, and licked her lips nervously, then got up, approaching the bed. She sat down, and the two girls shared a timid look before turning their attention back to their cousins.
Kris and Zoey were fucking wildly, their hips slapping together as they groped and made out with each other. Their kiss was wanton, saliva covering their chins as their tongues stretched for each other's throats.
Kris's fingers dug into the flesh of her sister's butt cheeks, pulling her down hard again and again. Their pussies mashed together powerfully. Zoey's legs were spread open wide on either side of Kris's hips, and her clit smashed directly into her sister's pubic bone. Kris's cunt was being scraped repeatedly by Zoey's open pussy, and they were both seeping pussy juice all over each other.
Zoey's hands gripped the sheets on either side of Kris's head as she bounced on top of her. Her tits slapped against her sister's over and over again. Their bodies were covered in sweat, and they whimpered desperately into each other's mouths.
As they watched their cousins, Piper and Hanna both slowly moved their hands between their legs and began to openly masturbate. They didn't dare look at each other, but focused on the action in front of them.
"OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIT!!" Zoey suddenly shouted, shooting up to a seated position on her sister's body. She gripped Kris's sweaty breasts for support, her hips writhing excitedly as her orgasm exploded.
Kris whimpered, feeling Zoey maul her sensitive tits and pummel her cunt with her thrusting hips sent her over the edge in seconds. She squeezed her eyes shut, choking and gasping as ecstasy shuddered through her spasming body.
The sisters knocked their bodies together violently as they came, their movements causing the bed to shake on creaking legs.
Piper and Hanna gaped at their cousins, overwhelmed by the intensity of their passion. They stopped masturbating as they watched Kris and Zoey climax, too stunned and enthralled to move even their fingers.
After slamming her cunt down one last time against her sister's, Zoey slumped forward, falling back into Kristina's arms. The two sisters held each other's trembling bodies, their muscles slowly relaxing.
Zoey buried her face in Kris's neck, and straightened her body on top of her sister. Kris wrapped her arms around Zoey's torso and kissed her softly on the temple. The room fell quiet for several minutes, apart from the shallow breathing of the recovering sisters.
"That was incredible!" Piper finally breathed, breaking the silence.
She pulled her hand from between her thighs, and reached for her sister's hand. Hanna jumped, surprised when she felt Piper's touch. Enjoying the sudden contact, though, she smiled, and laced her sister's fingers with her own.
Zoey and Kris saw their cousins take each other's hands and smiled at each other.
"There's nothing like the love of a sister." Kris sighed.
The girls kissed, then slowly pulled themselves up, separating and climbing their way to the head of the bed. They lay on either side of their cousins, Kris next to Piper, and Zoey next to Hanna.
Kris leaned forward, gently kissing her cousin on the lips. She cupped the girl's cheek, and gently turned her head until she was facing her sister.
At the same time, Zoey got behind Hanna and pulled her hair back over her shoulder. She pressed herself against her cousin's back, pushing her toward Piper.
As Piper and Hanna slowly leaned toward each other, they both blushed, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Piper bit her lip, and Hanna tilted her head. Their lips gently touched, and they both sucked in their breath as they experienced their first kiss.
Kris and Zoey grinned at each other over their cousins' shoulders. They ran their hands down the girls' arms, taking their hands and guiding them to touch each other. Hanna's fingers grasped Piper's breast, and Piper's hand slid up Hanna's inner thigh. Their kiss deepened, and they moaned as they pressed their bodies closer.
Passion had ignited between the two less experienced sisters, and they slowly began to explore each other without the need of their cousins' guidance. Hanna squeezed and massaged Piper's tits, causing her nipples to ache with arousal. Piper's hand slid between Hanna's legs, cupping her mound and sliding a finger between the slick pussy lips.
Hanna whimpered as she felt Piper's finger slip inside her. Eager to reciprocate, she slid a trembling hand down to her sister's pussy, touching her tender folds.
Zoey and Kris sat back against the headboard, watching Hanna and Piper make out and finger each other. The girls were getting more excitement, their fingers pumping in each other's foaming pussies. They whimpered and groaned as they ate each other's mouths, their tongues wrestling desperately.
Eventually, Hanna wrenched her lips away from her sister's, kissing her way down her throat to taste her flesh.
"Oh, fuck... Sis... Are we really doing this??" Piper moaned, incredulous. Hanna lifted her head, looking deep into her sister's eyes. Her face and chest were a bright shade of pink.
"We are, Sis. I... I don't know if this is right... but... I need you so badly." she whimpered.
Both girls continued to finger each other, and their lips crushed together again.
Suddenly getting a naughty idea, Zoey turned to her bedside table, opening it's drawer. She pulled out the strap on and grinned, then gently brushed it against Hanna's arm.
It took some effort to get her cousin's attention. Hanna seemed obsessed with the taste of her sister's lips... But eventually, the girl turned her head, seeing what Zoey had in her hand. Her eyes went wide, and she moaned, pulling her hand from Piper's pussy.
"Oh, Pipes! Can.. can you fuck me with this? Please??" she asked, taking the toy from her cousin.
Piper looked at the phallus and licked her lips.
"Yeah... yeah! God... I want to fuck you, Han. So fucking bad!"
She grabbed the strap on, and quickly put it on, climbing to her knees. Zoey helped Hanna lay back on the pillows, while Kris helped Piper tighten the device around her hips.
Looking down at her sexy sister, legs spread and pussy drooling, Piper leaned forward, supporting herself on her hands and kneels. She bent down, kissing Hanna again, and the younger girl wrapped her arms around her sister's neck.
The girls melted together, kissing hungrily, and Piper lined herself up with Hanna's pussy. She slowly pressed her hips forward, plunging the dildo into her sister.
Hanna whimpered against Piper's lips as she was filled by her fake dick. She gripped her sister's neck tightly, her hips wriggling to try and get more of the toy inside herself.
Once the strap on was completely inside, the two girls pressed their bodies together, hands exploring and tongues dueling passionately. They started to pump their hips, their breasts rubbing together as they fucked in a slow, steady rhythm.
Turned on by her cousins' erotic display, Kris got to her knees and crawled behind Piper's pumping back side. She leaned forward, taking the sweaty flesh in her hands and slowly ran her tongue along her crack.
Piper shivered, breaking her kiss with Hanna. She looked back at her cousin, who was grinning up at her from between her ass cheeks.
"Don't stop." she groaned, her eyes smoldering. She reached back, spreading her ass with one hand, giving Kris easier access. As she opened herself to her cousin's hungry tongue, she never stopped thrusting her dildo into her trembling sister.
Zoey watched the twosome become a threesome, and decided she too wanted to be an active participant. She smiled, suddenly remembering another toy she had in her bedroom.
This one had rolled under the bed during her last love making session with her sister, and she quickly reached over the side to retrieve it. It was another strap on, but this one had a smaller, thinner dildo attached to it, perfect for anal sex.
She got to her knees, and came up next to her sister, showing her the toy. Kris's eyes lit up. She took the device from Zoey, and wrapped her arms around the younger girl, kissing her deeply in appreciation. She then pulled away, quickly sliding the new device up her slender thighs.
Piper was oblivious to what her cousins had planned, having gone back to making out noisily with her sister. She was fucking the girl harder, and they were both whimpering as the toy between them pleasured both of their pussies.
Piper squeaked with surprise when she felt the touch of plastic against her backside. She looked back again, seeing Kris kneeling behind her and pushing a small dildo up her rectum. Her cousin moved slowly, knowing just how to work the toy up inside Piper's virgin ass.
While she watched one cousin violate her from behind, the other crawled up to the head of the bed, leaning over and pressing her lips hungrily to Hanna's. Lost in waves of uncontrollable bliss, Hanna eagerly returned the kiss, not caring who made love to her as long as her pleasure continued. Piper turned, watching her sister and cousin make out, and groaned as she watched the sexy display.
After kissing Hanna for several minutes, Zoey could feel her pussy juices dripping over her thigh. She pulled back and licked her lips, climbing up onto her knees again. Her cousins both watched her sexy body as she lifted one leg and straddled Hanna's face. She bent forward, spreading her ass in front of Piper's lusting eyes, and leaned against the headboard.
"Make me cum, girls." she said, wiggling her hips playfully.
Hanna hesitated, then tentatively lifted her head, running her tongue through Zoey's moist pussy lips. Piper watched her sister taste her first pussy, then turned her attention higher, leaning forward and pressing her own tongue into the center of Zoey's ass.
Zoey groaned, pressing herself back against her cousins' mouths and gripping the headboard tightly. It wasn't long before both girls were licking her with enthusiasm, and she struggled to hold herself up on her trembling thighs.
Kris, meanwhile, was now thrusting hard into Piper's tight asshole. Her own pussy buzzed as the inner pad of the strap on she wore scraped against it. Piper's ass bounced back and forth between Kris and Hanna, both fucking and being fucked more and more frantically.