Part 01
Marianne Mathers was more than happy with her life in the suburbs, living in a nice, gated neighborhood. Marianne was still enjoying marriage to her husband Scott who'd built up a highly successful business in home security systems.
With burglary on the rise, Scott had realised there was a big market for making the most of technological advances in the security arena and he'd worked with experts to create the most cutting edge security equipment out there.
Marianne always slept very safely at night knowing there was cameras and sensors all over her property, and even when her husband was away she felt completely safe.
She was never alone, though, with her younger son Marty going to the local college in the town. He was nineteen and looked it while his older, more academic brother Clyde was away at an Ivy League college but due home soon for the summer.
Marianne loved both her boys and got along with them both, also happy in the knowledge that they would both probably get involved in her husband's business.
While Clyde was the super smart son studying electrical engineering and the technology around security cameras, Marty was more sociable and outgoing.
Marianne felt that Scott would eventually employ him as a sales rep in the business, so she didn't worry that Marty wasn't as academically gifted as Clyde, he had other skills. And, while she thought both her sons were very handsome, Marty was particularly cute as her friends often told her.
The only thing she worried about with Marty was his love of partying and socialising. She'd brought up her boys in a rather strict Christian manner and held herself to very high standards of behaviour, which she had a strong reputation for.
Her friends credited her strong sense of morality for choosing such a good husband and maintaining a lasting marriage in an era where divorce was increasingly common. The closest Marianne came to sin and vice was a weakness for cake and chocolate, but she kept that under control by daily workouts in the home gym that Scott had installed in the house.
While both Clyde and Marty had behaved impeccably growing up, the influence of college life on Marty had become apparent to her. His college was rather more laid back than the highly competitive Ivy League college that Clyde was attending. Marianne had found it difficult to see her son get involved with frat parties where she knew there was drinking, drug taking and casual sex taking place.
Although she'd been a squeaky clean, extremely well behaved college student when she'd been Marty's age, she wasn't naive as to what went on.
The closest thing to bad behavior she'd known was someone offering a joint at a party once. Naturally, she declined and left instantly. She never did go to a college party after that.
But while she disapproved of Marty's partying and hedonistic ways, he was always very well behaved and helpful around the house, always offering to assist with the chores. As she knew his future was secure with a guaranteed role in her husband's ever expanding company she was prepared to turn a blind eye to Marty's youthful indulgences.
She was having to do that a lot lately as it was coming up to the summer break, so it was party season. Marty's social diary was becoming one wild party after another and he wanted to make the most of being one of the most popular guys in his college year.
Halfway through that week he found himself in his room trying to grind out an essay that had to be done by the end of the semester, having already done his finals for the school year.
He just couldn't be bothered with it and was constantly checking his phone, hoping for a welcome distraction. His buddy Frankie came to the rescue, sending him a text about an upcoming party:
'Marty, good one to go to this weekend. Johnny Johnson is hosting a weed party, the rules are you have to turn up with a bunch of rolled joints or you have to bring a space cake! I'm game if you are!'
Marty's eyes lit up at this text, he loved to get high even more than he loved getting drunk and everyone knew Johnny Johnson threw the best parties around. It was guaranteed to be full of hot girls and seeing everyone getting high was going to be a blast. Forgetting all about the turgid, boring essay he was trying to write, he texted Frankie back:
'Count me in, buddy! I'll be bringing a space cake for sure, I know how to make one and, let's face it, my joint rolling abilities are not the best! And a space cake can be so much more potent than a joint, I'll get everyone absolutely high as a kite including you and me! And you know what....I'll make it with that Lemon Volcano weed, it made me feel super horny so it's perfect for a party! Can't miss this one, bro.'
Frankie texted back: 'Oh I heard about that Lemon Volcano weed, dude you're going to get the party absolutely flying, my friend! I'll be there, don't you worry.'
Frankie sent Marty the party details, it was the coming Saturday, just a few days away. The only pain in the ass that Marty could foresee was having to sneak into the kitchen late at night to make the cake, which he felt shouldn't be too difficult as long as he didn't leave a trace of evidence behind.
His mom was the most fastidious housewife he had ever encountered, the whole house was kept spotless and she had some weird in-built detector for finding anything remotely out of place. Marty often laughed to himself that someone as hedonistic as him had been born to such a goody-two-shoes, prim and proper mom like Marianne.
The next day he picked up the ingredients he needed from the store and then figured that as he was partying on the Friday night too, he better bake the space cake on the Thursday night.
When it got to midnight on the Thursday he figured his mom would be asleep as she went to bed at the exact same time every night, eleven o' clock.
Figuring that she must be in a deep enough sleep by now Marty stole down the stairs as quietly as he could and, very slowly, turned the handle on the kitchen door, then just as slowly he pushed the door open. There was just a slight creak that gave him pause before he proceeded.
He got to work making the cake, then when the mix was done he started grinding up the dry herb and smiling to himself. He'd only had a little of this Lemon Volcano and he remembered feeling horny as a dog all night and having to jerk off to his favorite milf porn on the internet several times, to satiate his sexual urges.
He couldn't suppress the impish grin on his face, knowing that all these already hormonal and horny college students were going to be imbibing sexual rocket fuel in the form of this space cake.
The hardest part was waiting for it to bake in the oven, having to put a towel under the door to stop the scent of marijuana and chocolate zucchini drifting upstairs and waking his mom. It was certainly a risky endeavour but he knew it was totally worth it. He tensed up as the oven made a loud ping, then had to wait for the cake bowl to cool down enough to touch it.
Once those nerve-racking minutes were over he took the bowl to the huge fridge and made sure he hid it right at the back. He figured it would be safe there until Saturday night and he could now enjoy the party on Friday knowing he had his contribution to Johnny Johnson's wild party, all ready to rock.
The next night he told his mom that he was heading to a party while deciding against telling her about Saturday night as she frowned upon him partying two nights in a row. Marty got himself all dressed up then left the house at 7.30pm, planning on taking it easy at this more regular party.
He didn't want to get absolutely smashed and then turn up feeling and looking like shit at the big party on Saturday.
Marianne requested that Marty be home by midnight and he was actually happy to agree to it, knowing he was going to be pacing himself. He gave her a brief peck on the cheek on the way out, a nice display of affection that she was glad he hadn't grown out of yet.
As he strolled out into the warm summer night to walk the few blocks to where the party was happening she felt a curious flurry of emotions all at once. She was glad she still had one son at home but she could see how he was developing into an outgoing and socially accomplished young man.
She felt a mixture of pride and a curious melancholy at her handsome and confident younger son heading off to experience the heady joys of teenage self-indulgence. She knew she had to let him spread his wings and become his own man but the selfish part of her wished he would just be home more, keeping her company.
Whenever she felt emotional like this she either called up one of her close group of friends to talk it through or just found some solace in comfort food. As she sat on the sofa she thought about calling her friend Cindy but decided against it.
She was just going through the transitional phase of accepting her sons didn't need her as much anymore and she just had to deal with it. Cindy didn't want to have to listen to her going on about her feelings, Marianne told herself. So, still feeling a little blue, she decided to cheer herself up by seeing what there was in the fridge.
She wandered into the kitchen and first checked the freezer for ice cream. She sighed as she realised she'd forgotten to buy some Rocky Road when she was at the store the other day, her favorite. She wasn't in the mood for going all that way for a tub of ice cream and it was too late in the evening for that.
So she just decided that she'd make do with whatever she could find in the fridge. She sighed as she could only find some yoghurt and cereal bars that she'd bought to try to eat something healthy, but she needed something delicious to cheer her up.
As she scoured the fridge she suddenly noticed the cake bowl at the very back of the third shelf and she immediately felt confused, knowing she'd not done any baking for a few weeks. She wondered whether something like that could slip her mind but seeing how much she loved cake, that seemed unlikely.
And when she pulled out the bowl and peeled back the foil she gasped as she saw it was chocolate zucchini, one of her very favorite kinds of cake. She thought to herself that Marty must have been given it to take home from a birthday party or something and then he'd forgotten to tell her about it.
She liked that explanation a lot as it meant that she couldn't think of a reason why she shouldn't eat some now. When she saw a carton of double cream in the door shelf of the fridge, that clinched the deal for her and she pulled out both.
Five minutes later she was sat happily on the sofa, drizzling cream slowly over her chocolate zucchini, teasing herself and enjoying the delayed gratification as she wanted to savour every bite.
She brought some on a spoon to her lips once the excess cream had dripped off and took great delight in taking in a mouthful. The taste of the zucchini was delicious but she immediately sensed a slightly unusual tang to the cake.
She swirled it around her mouth, trying to place what this might be, but detected a hint of lemon. She was right, but was completely oblivious to what she was eating at first. As she was inexperienced with drugs she didn't even consider that this might be a space cake, thinking marijuana was only something you smoked.
But as the minutes passed she began to feel increasingly light headed, a sort of gentle but growing euphoria. As the high began to kick in Marianne could feel all her senses were heightening; the cake suddenly tasted even more delicious, the cream so succulent on her tongue. The lame sitcom she was watching on TV began to make her giggle, even though the jokes were pretty weak.
It finally dawned on her naive mind what was happening to her. She'd eaten a cake with marijuana in it, that was the strange taste she'd noticed. By now, she felt like a plane ascending into the clouds or that thrilling feeling of being on a rollercoaster as it builds up to its most climactic moment. She felt her face break into a huge, involuntary grin.....she was high!
She marvelled at how it felt, nothing like the unpleasant giddiness and sensory depression of being drunk, this seemed so exciting and different. All her senses felt doubled and hyper sensitive, everything was in Technicolor all of a sudden.
But beyond the marijuana intoxication she was experiencing there was an even stronger, more overriding sensation....she felt horny like she'd never felt horny before.
She had always had a healthy libido but being a strict Christian she had always been very aware that lust is one of the "seven deadly sins" and she tried to push thoughts of fornication out of her mind.
But now all she could suddenly think about was sex and it gave her a sense of arousal and intense excitement that had been absent from her mundane life for a very long time.
Marianne was a very attractive woman, a natural blonde with her hair in a sexy shoulder length bob. But she always dressed to hide her voluptuous figure, never daring to show off her 38d breasts as cleavage. She knew that if she did she would be faced with much more male attention and carnal temptation.
Yet right now, she felt sexual like she'd never felt sexual in her life before. She'd gotten used to a very dull sex life with her husband, who would give her performative and unsatisfying missionary sex once a month or so when he was home.
Marianne had reluctantly accepted that he was a workaholic who always had his mind on the job. She remembered a couple of years ago that she'd tried to liven up their marriage and sex life by purchasing some erotic lingerie....but he barely noticed and they'd hung in the corner of her wardrobe since.
She suddenly felt a strong impulsive urge to get dressed up, she wanted to see herself looking as sexual as she felt inside at that moment. She put down her plate and licked the cream off her lips then wandered upstairs in a stoned euphoria, her nipples throbbing from the powerful sexual energy that had overwhelmed her.
From the vantage point of being high she could suddenly perceive how boring she had become, never feeling any real joy or excitement, just fulfilling her roles as mother and housewife. Well, she wasn't needed so much now as a mom and she sure as hell wasn't going to be happy just being a housewife, even if she was a pretty good one.
As soon as she got in her bedroom she headed for her wardrobe and started out laying out her sexiest lingerie on the bed. She had a glorious collection of black and red lingerie, silk and lace, basques, teddies, stockings and thigh highs.
Almost all of them she'd never even tried on. She remembered wearing a sexy black negligee in bed that she'd bought to turn her husband on and he hadn't even noticed when he got into bed.
Marianne clearly remembered the deep disappointment she felt when he turned on his side and fell asleep. She'd been burying all these emotions and desires, the frustration and resentment had been simmering under the surface ever since.
So, just for one night, while she felt this glorious sexual energy, she wanted to look and feel hot, sexy, desirable. She spent the next ninety minutes trying on every erotic garment she had in her possession, admiring her reflection in the mirrored wardrobes by her king-size four poster bed. For the first time in years she felt a full woman again; she felt alive.
When she put on a sheer black teddy with a cross-weave cleavage area she actually couldn't believe how hot she looked, she felt vain for even thinking that about herself. But she had to admit to herself that she was in very good shape for 42, all those hours in their home gym paying off.
She decided to combine her sheer black teddy with a tight fitting black skirt, so short that it didn't even cover the hems of the black thigh highs she decided would complete the look.
Stepping into the only pair of black stilettos she owned, Marianne continued admiring herself. She felt like she was finally acknowledging the more physical and carnal side to herself that her religion had encouraged her to repress.
But it was as if eating that marijuana cake had opened her mind in a way that she felt like she couldn't ever go back to being boring ol' Marianne, mom and housewife. No, she was going to make the most of her feelings of attractiveness and sexuality.
Her mind was on fire with tempting ideas...all the fun things she'd denied herself for being sinful suddenly seemed like the most alluring, irresistible ideas in the world.
She'd always took a very dim view of pornography, all that sin and vice...but now the thought of watching some naughty hardcore pornography sent shivers all over her body.
Marianne couldn't help but to think about sneaking into Marty's room and seeing if she could find something very explicit and hardcore to watch on his internet connection. She wondered what he enjoyed watching himself....
Still dressed like a high class escort, Marianne tentatively walked in her stilettos into Marty's room, feeling even more high as the effects of the cake went through her system. She did feel like she was doing something very forbidden as she sat in his computer chair and loaded up his internet connection.
She didn't know much about the internet but she knew that there was a website called Pornworld where people she regarded as "sinners" would get their salacious kicks. Well, now she wanted to be a sinner too.
When she logged onto to Pornworld she found that she was automatically logged into her son's account. She felt tense all of a sudden, even more so when she saw a tab saying "recently viewed". She knew that if she clicked on it then she would learn what her son enjoyed watching, what turned him on.
Half of her wanted to turn the computer off and enjoy the bliss of ignorance. But the way the cake had stirred up her repressed sexual urges, it felt like she had a devil on her shoulder whispering in her ear: "Go on, you know you want to know what he watches....".
The voice of temptation won out and she took a deep breath, clicking on the tab. She gasped as she saw a list of videos all with the same or similar theme....young men like him with "milfs", older women...some pretending to be the young man's mother.
Marianne felt a throbbing between her legs and couldn't resist clicking on one video called Filthy Milf Seduces Young Hung Stud.
In her highly intoxicated and aroused state Marianne felt overwhelmed to find out that her son had an obvious sexual preference for older women. Not just older women, but particularly milfs and cougars.
As she began watching one of the videos she immediately understood the erotic appeal, the powerful sexual dynamic between a confident and experienced older woman and a young, horny man, young enough to be her son.
Marianne felt herself getting wet between her legs very quickly. Still feeling herself getting even higher as the minutes passed she couldn't resist rubbing herself as she watched a woman around her age sucking off a handsome young stud no older than Marty.
As she rubbed her now soaking wet silk panties with two fingers she let a forbidden thought enter her mind...she wondered if there really were mothers and sons who had sex together behind closed doors.
This thought drove her absolutely wild and she found herself hitching up her tight short black skirt and beginning to rub her increasingly wet snatch through her sodden, soaking panties. Marianne watched in fascination as the older woman flirted with the young man then began rubbing his crotch with her hand while they talked dirty to each other.
It was the first time in Marianne's life that she'd let herself enjoy unrestrained sexuality. She'd never even watched a softcore adult film but here she was, sopping wet for taboo hardcore pornography.
As she watched the milf slip to her knees and start giving head to the horny young stud, it felt like rubbing wasn't enough anymore and Marianne moved her panties to one side, sliding in a finger, then two. Once she saw the young stud fully hard Marianne began frigging herself with two fingers, knuckle deep.
It felt so invigorating to let herself enjoy such onscreen sinfulness, especially when she watched the woman get on a table and spread her legs wide. The stud pushed her thighs apart and began giving her a hard licking.
Marianne had simply never seen anything so sexual in her life, her nipples swollen and throbbing. As he stood up and pushed his cock inside the milf Marianne gasped and finger fucked herself even harder, feeling overwhelmed with arousal.
Oblivious to this, Marty was contemplating returning home early from what had turned out to be a bit of a lame party. There were a few hot girls there but he knew they were the more tame types who just went to parties to be seen and never got too wild. He figured he may as well head home early so he could be in a good state for the real party at Johnny Johnson's the next night.
He made some polite conversation with the party's host and said he wasn't feeling so great. The host was understanding and Marty called a cab which turned up in no time. It was pretty unusual for him to be leaving a party at 10.30pm but he knew he was going to be partying like crazy on the Saturday night, so he didn't feel too boring.
As he paid the cab driver and walked up his long driveway he felt glad that he'd baked the spacecake on the previous night so he could just relax for the rest of the evening.
As he turned the key in the front door and walked inside he wandered into the lounge and was surprised to see the room was empty. He then walked through to the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks as he saw his chocolate zucchini spacecake lying on the kitchen table, a quarter of it eaten.
"Oh fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck...." he said, realising that his mother's sweet tooth had tempted her into eating what she'd thought was just a regular chocolate cake.
Marty clutched his temple with both hands and kept saying, "Oh, this is bad. This is very bad. This is so fucking bad!"
He felt panic stricken knowing that his prim and proper, super moral and uptight Christian mother was upstairs and high as a kite. He had no experience with a situation like this and just didn't know what the hell to do.
He figured the first thing he should do was see how she was. He walked up the stairs and, as he reached the top, he could hear noise coming from his room. As he tip-toed across the landing he reached his bedroom door which was almost closed but slightly ajar.
He felt his mouth go dry and his jaw drop involuntarily as he saw his normally austere and sensible mother dressed in black lingerie. Her skirt was hitched over her waist and her long legs clad in black thigh-highs spread wide. They were hanging over the arms of the chair, two fingers plunged deep in her cunt, moaning deeply as she watched Marty's favorite milf porn. It was a lot for him to take in....
He knew exactly what had happened and it was obvious that the strong marijuana in the space cake had made his mother just as massively horny as it had made him...except that she'd had at least three times as much as he had when he tried it and she'd never even taken it before!
That was just the first thing to wrap his mind around as he stood frozen to the spot in the doorway. He couldn't believe how incredibly sexy she looked, never having seen her wear anything more daring than an elegant evening dress split at the knee.
But the way her pert, large breasts were straining against the sheer black cross-weave teddy she was wearing was as hot as anything he'd seen in a milf porn video. And the fact she'd gone into his room and found his favorite Pornworld videos....his head was spinning and his loins were stirring.
As if that wasn't enough, Marianne was so turned on by watching the young stud pull out and cum all over the milf's face and breasts that she went into a deep orgasm, one so strong that it was like nothing she'd ever known.
Her moans turned to whimpers as the juices gushed over her fingers, her body shaking and shuddering. Marty felt his cock swelling to full turgor in his black jeans and suddenly became aware that she could see him standing in the doorway any second.
He stepped back then quietly crept down the stairs as his mother completed her climax. He sat down on the plush white sofa in the lounge and put his head in his hands, trying to process what the hell had just happened.
He didn't care about the damn cake, he could make another one before the party....what was on his mind was seeing a whole new side to the mother he thought he knew so well after all these years.
But it turned out that under that squeaky clean persona his mom had a strong sexual side and the space cake had simply awakened what she had been doing her best to repress because of her faith.
Even harder to contemplate was that she was getting off on the same porn that he loved. Did it just turn her on because she was so high, or did she like the thought of sex with a young man? Did she like the thought of sex with......him?
Marty shook his head, feeling disgusted within himself at the thought of even considering the idea of incestuous sex with his mother. The rules were pretty're allowed to desire anyone's mom except your own, everybody knew that. But goddamn it, she looked so hot in that lingerie, Marty reluctantly conceded to himself.
Marianne, feeling on fire after such an incendiary climax, was still not satiated. In fact she somehow felt even hornier than before. She thought about the cake in the kitchen and felt tingles at the thought of having a little more, to increase her sensory experience even further, to get even higher.
She knew she was out of control but being high seemed to make her desires insatiable. She walked downstairs into the lounge on the way to the kitchen then stopped in her tracks as she saw Marty on the couch with a stunned expression on his face.
"Marty!? You're home! I.....wasn't expecting you home so soon.....I was just trying on some.....garments" she said, pretending to feel embarrassed but actually thrilled that somehow was getting to see her dressed in such a sexy, scintillating way. And now knowing that Marty desired older women made it twice the thrill.
"Yeah, I can see that, Mom....the party was lame so I figured I should come home, Mom...did you have some of that cake that was at the back of the fridge?".
Marianne grinned and replied, "Oh yes, it's delicious...I didn't know you could bake like that, I'm proud of tastes great!"
"Mom...that's not a regular cake...I made it for a very big deal of a party tomorrow's a space cake, it has marijuana in it..." he said, noticing how glazed her eyes were.
"I have noticed the effects it's had Marty....and I love it. I want to have some more, will you have some with me? We can always make another for your party tomorrow...." she responded and Marty just couldn't believe this was his mom saying these words. It was like a completely different person, a hidden side to her that the space cake had emancipated.
"Oh wow, well ok long as I have a cake to take tomorrow..." he said, wondering how much wilder this night was going to get.
"You stay where you are, I'll bring you some...." she said and Marty nodded, trying to keep his cool in this unprecedented situation.
She brought them back a generous slice each and she sat beside him on the sofa as she handed him a plate.
"'s so good, got the thickness and texture just right...I could eat a whole other one right now!" she exclaimed.
"That probably wouldn't be a good idea, Mom...the marijuana I used in that cake is very strong...." he said, wondering how high she'd be after devouring another large slice. He remembered how quickly the cake took effect compared to most edibles, the sheer strength of the marijuana kicking in after only minutes.
"Would you like me to feed you your piece of cake?" said Marianne, a sensual idea that had just leapt into her sex-filled mind.
"Er...sure, Mom" replied Marty, thrown by such an unusual question, which he couldn't think of a better answer to.
He was soon glad that he hadn't objected as his mother took the slice of chocolate zucchini in her hand and leant in towards his mouth, her pert breasts bursting out of the top of her sexy, sheer black teddy.
The atmosphere suddenly became very intimate as Marianne brought the cake to his mouth and he took a small bite, the taste of lemon zest reminding him how incredibly strong he'd made it. Marty could feel the euphoria slowly start to build and the intense horniness soon arrived once again.
The effect it had taken on his mother was almost beyond belief, her thigh rubbing against his as she carried on feeding him his cake like she had when he'd been a small boy.
She felt her nipples throbbing, as feeding him like this brought back blissful memories of when she had breastfed him, even though the deep sensuous pleasure it had brought her had made her feel rather guilty at the time.
The thoughts and pleasant memories of breastfeeding made her nipples throb and, as the extra slice began to kick in, she lost all sense of inhibition.
"That cake tastes pretty good, Marty. Maybe you'd like something else to put in your mouth...." she said in a sexy whisper that made Marty's cock swell and strain against the fabric of his jeans.
He watched in mesmerised awe as his formerly angelic mother pulled her teddy off her shoulders and down over her breasts, revealing them in their bare glory, her areoles reddened, he nipples as hard as rubber bullets.
"Why don't you have a little suck on these like you used to, Marty...." she said, leaning her pert breasts right up to Marty's mouth. He looked at her in disbelief for a second then gave her a look that she felt was him asking for permission. She gave a brief nod with a smile.
Marty was feeling seriously horny by now as the high kicked in. This wild situation was so far outside of everything he'd known in his home life that it felt like whatever happened was never going to be discussed again.
He tentatively latched his mouth on his mother's left nipple and began to suck slowly. Marianne closed her eyes as the heavenly pleasure took hold and all she could say was, "Oh my god, oh my god....don't stop, don't stop....".
Marty felt a little bad for doing something so sexual that was once so innocent when he'd been young. But there was something about that which really made it deeply erotic now, as he moved his mouth from one hard nipple to the other.
It got even better as Marianne couldn't resist letting her hand stray down to his crotch and began to softly caress the prominent bulge in his jeans.
Marty felt his balls tingling as his Mom whispered, "Oh my...haven't you become a big boy....Mommy wants a big boy like you....".
As he suckled his mother's breasts he simply couldn't believe such naughty words were coming out of his mother's mouth. All he knew was this was the horniest, most taboo situation he'd ever been in, hotter than anything he'd ever seen in a porn film. This was real. This was mother and son incest....
As they were both high, especially Marianne, they were both in no rush and wanted to savour every second of this sensual opulence. Marty sucked and licked his mother's bare breasts for the next forty minutes, both of them addicted to the unique erotic thrill it gave them both.
After so much attention, Marianne decided it was time that she gave her son a reward. She smiled at him as her hand caressed his crotch once again and found him just as hard. She moved her breasts away from his still eager mouth then began slowly undoing the buttons of his jeans.
"Would you like Mommy to suck your cock?" she said softly, looking her son straight in the eyes.
"Yes....yes I would" replied Marty, his voice laced with understatement.
As she pulled down his jeans, then his skintight black briefs down to his knees, she marvelled at the sight of his manhood.
"My beautiful son has a very beautiful cock. That does deserve Mommy's mouth...but don't cum just yet....Mommy wants you inside her" she said, knowing that too much sensual pleasure from her loving mouth could end the party too soon.
But Marty had already left a party too soon and had no intention of blowing his load prematurely. This felt like an unique occasion where his Mom was acting so far outside her normal behavior owing to the powerful aphrodisiac effects of the Lemon Volcano marijuana.
He just wanted to enjoy every second of this deeply taboo situation and had to breathe deep as Marianne took his hard, thick meat in her hand and brought her lipstick-coated lips to his cock and wrapped them round the bulbous head.
It was a feeling beyond description as he lay back against the sofa and let his own mother give him head, both of them high as a kite and still rising. For the first time in her life Marianne was absolutely loving giving oral sex, she'd done it for her husband on occasion but never enjoyed it.
Marianne knew she was high and horny, but there was something so sexy about sucking off her own son and she loved the deeply sinful feeling it gave her. It was an incredible feeling of being both a mother and a whore at the same time....a whoremom.
As she worked her luscious lips up and down his meaty, veiny shaft she felt her pussy lips wet and tingling. Marianne also began to feel butterflies in her stomach as she knew she wanted to go the whole way, she absolutely had to experience it.
Marty didn't know at first if she was even seriously contemplating giving more than a blowjob, but he hadn't forgotten her words...."Mommy wants you inside her".
The look she gave him as she took his cock from her lips with a sticky trail of precum clinging to them made him think of those words, and that look was exactly what she meant. They swapped positions so that Marianne was lying back on the sofa and Marty couldn't help but tease her first.
With her skirt hitched up over her waist again Marty dragged off her panties and she kicked them off with the toe of her black heel across the lounge. Both felt so grateful that they had the house to themselves, free to experience this night of divine decadence.
As he spread his mother's thighs and then her plump pussy lips he caught sight of her labial folds glistening under the low light of the lounge. Marianne tensed up at the sheer exhilaration of knowing her son was about to lick her in the place he first came from.
She closed her eyes and waited for that forbidden feeling. He teased her even more by kissing the tops of her legs, the hems of her thigh-highs, then finally ran his tongue over the soft, pink folds of her labia.
"Ohhhhhhh....don't stop" said Marianne, moving her hand onto his head and holding it tightly in place. He could feel her getting wetter with every lick as he gorged his mouth on his own mother's mound for the next fifteen minutes.
With her senses heightened and magnified by the marijuana the intense sensations of sexual pleasure were like nothing Marianne had known before. Marty found himself with a wet face before long, the scent of his mother intoxicating his own senses.
He probed, licked and prodded her pussy with a relentless tongue, wanting her to have the deepest most intense orgasm she'd ever known.
Marty had been a horny teenager but had never got to have the sex with older women that he craved until now. Yet his own mother was so hot, hotter than any onscreen milf, that he couldn't believe it was actually happening.
Marianne could feel the surge of an orgasm building inside her as Marty's tongue worked harder and faster, lapping at her flaps, sucking on her throbbing clitoris like a pacifier. That sent her hurtling over the edge into a tumultuous climax, her body beginning to shake and shudder.
Suddenly, Marty was gulping down the gush of his mother's cunthoney, drinking down all he could as some trickled down her thighs and dripped onto the royal blue carpet. Marianne had to grit her teeth not to scream the place down, tugging on Marty's hair as a seismic Big O took full hold of her.
Even when it subsided she didn't feel satiated yet, in fact she wanted even more. She really did feel like his whoremom now and wasn't afraid to say it.
"I want your cock in me....put your big cock in your whore of a mother" she said lustily and breathlessly, making Marty's cock twitch.
Giving each other oral sex was certainly filthy but she knew this would be crossing the line into full-on mother son incest. So taboo, so erotic.
Marianne laid back on the sofa with her legs spread like a perfect whore and Marty wasted no time lining up, feeling as aroused as her and keen to prove himself as a lover.
The moment of entry was the most intense moment of all, Marianne looking down and letting out a breathless squeal as he pushed in the mushroom head of his cock, then every inch of his thick length.
"Oh my god...oh fucking fuck..." was all Marianne could manage as she felt her own son inside her.
Marty was determined not to cum as he entered all the way down to the base of his cock and they shared a frantic, feral French kiss as he began to fuck her, feeling like a perfect fit.
For Marianne, Marty beginning to fuck the very place where she gave birth to him was instantly overwhelming. She felt her shaking legs wrapping round his back as he pumped into her, Marisnne sinking back into the sofa and rubbing her breasts with her fingers.
She felt like she had submitted to him entirely the moment he entered her, no longer just his mother but his whore to do with what he pleased.
"Fuck Mommy, a bad boy for Mommy, she needs it so much...." she moaned, barely controlling her lust fuelled words. Marty instinctively knew that she really wanted him to dominate her now and it felt like a challenge to his virility and sense of manhood.
He'd had sex with several girls and was only just starting to learn that girls and women love to be dominated. Now was his chance to prove his sexual mettle. He knew that when she was sober she'd probably be utterly ashamed of what they'd done together while high and so he realised this could be his only chance.
He grabbed her hair and pulled it while she was still on her back, then began ramming hard into her sopping wet fuckhole, making a satisfying sticky, slapping sound.
Marianne could barely catch her breath as she felt her son take full control, indulging herself in the filthy feeling of utter sluttishness and whoredom. She was now at the peak of her marijuana intoxication and just wanted her son to do whatever he wanted with her.
Marty felt he could dominate more from behind so he said sternly, "Get on all fours, Mom, get on your knees...".
She did as she was told, slipping off the sofa onto her knees and getting into position so that she had her arms propped up on the sofa and her bare ass and pussy waiting for attention.
The sight of her gorgeous, full, shapely ass in front of him made him want to caress it and he did so, saying "Are you ready for your son's cock from behind, Mommy?".
"Oh... fuck yes...fuck your drugged up mother like a white trash whore, show me what a real fucking feels like you sexy young stud, my sexy stud of a son....".
That made Marty's cock twitch and he fed his rock hard meat back in his new favorite cunthole.
She was so wet by now that he slid back inside with ease and in this position he could grab hold of her hair much more tightly, forcing her back to arch as he scrunched up her hair in his tightened fist and yanked hard.
Building up a head of steam, he pounded into his mother whose face was being pushed into the sofa, then pulled away again as he yanked her hair tight. She felt herself drooling as her son took complete sexual ownership of her, just like she wanted.
"You own Mommy now...I'm your rag doll, your can fuck Mommy in all her slutty holes..." she shrieked, delirious with debauched desire.
Marty was loving taking her doggy style like this, feeling truly masculine and dominant for the first time. Those last words about fucking all her holes stuck in his head as he looked down at the delicious pink rosebud between her ass cheeks.
He knew that as a formerly strict Christian there was no way she'd had a cock in her ass before, but now seemed like the perfect time to try it.
Marianne was already feeling her legs becoming weak as her strong son rutted her hard and fast. But she suddenly felt her rosebud tingling as Marty spat on it, an attempt to lube her up a little before he pulled out of her pussy and pushed inside her very tight ass.
Marianne felt a sharp pain as her rosebud stretched to accommodate his girth, but he was able to push inside, his cock so wet from her cuntjuices. She gripped the sofa with both hands and tried not to scream as she felt the full force of her son's length in an orifice where no cock had ever entered before.
The pain was soon commingled with deep pleasure as she knew that incestuous anal sex was as slutty and sinful as it got, exactly the feeling she craved. But what drove her really wild was her son's full ballsack swinging against her cunt as he began fucking her ass with total abandon.
Feeling her rear end rammed full of cock made her want to rub her clit to add to her depraved delight even more. She reached underneath herself, getting her hand between her legs and stimulating her throbbing clit with the tip of her finger.
"Oh my god....that's it...fuck your dirty, filthy Mommy deep in her ass you horny stud, fuck your nasty Mommy....make Mommy cum! Make Mommy cum!!!!" she screamed, loud enough for the neighbors to hear. She was past the point of caring about that, feeling another epic orgasm begin to grab hold of her.
She thrust two fingers inside her cunt and frigged herself hard as Marty drilled her reddened, stretched rosebud with a relentless energy. He could sense that she was on the verge of cumming again and Marianne suddenly felt her pussy walls grip her fingers tight as her climax engulfed her. She felt her whole body shake and shudder, the tightening of her pussy making her ass tighten round Marty's cock.
He now felt like he was proving himself as a dominant lover and as Marianne pulled her fingers from her pussy, she began to squirt liquid pleasure all over his ballsack as her tight ass started milking the spunk from his balls.
The combined sensation overwhelmed Marty and his mother felt torrents of warm creamy seed spurting deep inside her anal cavity, right at the apex of her strongest orgasm of the night. Her copious cuntjuices trickled down over her thigh-highs.
Her shrieks and squeals became so loud that Marty had to reach his hand over his mouth from behind and she moaned into his fingers, not caring at all who heard them.
Marty treasured this incredibly erotic and debauched moment, knowing that tomorrow, when his usually very moral mother was sober, she would be horrified by what they'd done while high.
But just for tonight, beyond anything he could have ever imagined, Marianne had been his whoremom....