Part 02.1
Clyde Mathers felt relieved that it wasn't a long flight home as he returned from completing another semester at the prestigious Ivy League college, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT as it was known to most. It was regarded as the finest college for studying engineering, Clyde specialising in electrical engineering.
He'd felt proud that he'd been smart enough and academically accomplished enough to get into MIT and he loved how it had made his parents proud. But as the plane landed at the airport not far from his home town, Clyde had a lot on his mind.
He'd really only ended up studying electrical engineering because his father Scott wanted him to, in order to train Clyde up to be a big part of his home security business.
When Clyde was younger he was happy to go along with his father's wishes but now he was twenty-two and starting to resent the way his entire future was seemingly mapped out for him.
What had stayed with him was seeing how much happier his younger brother Marty had seemed when he saw him over Christmas. Even though Marty wasn't as smart and just went to the local college instead of MIT, his life appeared to be an endless series of parties, girls, drink and drugs.
Whilst their mother had made it very clear that she highly disapproved of Marty's hedonism he didn't seem to let it bother him and always looked like he was having a blast.
Clyde had told himself that being smarter and more academic would be better in the long run, would mean a better paid job etc.
But after another year of struggling through his studies Clyde was seriously wondering whether he had made the right life decision or whether he was even making his own decisions.
He'd done it all to please his father, but now college life was making him miserable and he was intending to spend his summer break thinking very carefully about his life and future.
The feel of the plane's wheels on the tarmac was a comforting one and he'd never been so glad to be returning home. After going through customs and getting his suitcase from the luggage carousel he headed for the Arrivals gate.
He saw his Mom waiting for him looking just like she always did, her perfectly straight blonde hair in the same shoulder-length bob as when he'd left. She smiled as she saw him amongst the other travellers and he felt glad to see her, though he knew he was going to have to pretend he was happy at college.
During the drive home both Clyde and his Mom had to put up a pretense that everything was absolutely fine and just the same as usual. Marianne was still reeling from the night of illicit, incestuous sex with his brother Marty, though she kept telling herself it was because that damn space cake got her high.
She tried not to think about that as she drove home but Marianne couldn't help notice how Clyde's physique had developed, his bulging pecs on display in a tight-fitting T shirt.
"You're looking in great shape, Clyde, looks like you've been hitting the MIT gym hard!" she said, glancing at his rippling arm muscles as she drove down the freeway in glorious sunshine.
"Yeah, I really find the gym helps me with my studies too, keeps my energy and stamina high. I'll definitely be making the most of the gym we have at home, that's for sure!" he replied, surprised that she'd noticed his bodily development.
"Oh, I feel like I need to get in our home gym myself, I still have my sweet tooth and can't resist a little chocolate now and then!" she said, swerving the car as the memory of being high and horny on the space cake entered her mind, along with memories of sucking Marty's deliciously proportioned fat cock.
"Wohhhh, Mom! You nearly ended up in the next lane!" said Clyde, reaching over and steadying the wheel with his left hand.
"Oh my! I'm such a doofus...just lost my concentration there a little!" responded Marianne, feeling shaken and embarrassed.
Clyde thought this was a bit strange from his normally very careful and sensible mother. But he could never have guessed in a million years that Marianne was harbouring a dark sexual secret about his younger brother.
That had been a couple of weeks ago and since then, as Marty had predicted, Marianne had been overcome with shame at what they did, absolutely disgusted with herself for falling from grace so spectacularly after a lifetime of exemplary Christian behavior.
But even Marty hadn't expected her to act like it had never happened at all the following day. Marty had escaped the house that night by going to Johnny Johnson's party, armed with a freshly baked chocolate cake. He had a wild time at the party, but nothing could possibly compete with the incredible night he'd had with his mom.
On the Sunday, it was all he could think about, yet his mother spent the whole day in church and carried on like nothing had happened between them when she got home.
Things had been very tense around the house since then and he'd mostly stayed in his room to avoid conflict. He kept wondering how long he could hold his tongue around her, wanting to say he didn't regret what had happened.
As the car pulled into the drive Marty felt very relieved that his brother Clyde was home, knowing his presence would help dissipate the tension between him and his mother and give things a semblance of normality.
He walked down to the front door and greeted his brother with such enthusiasm that Clyde thought it was a little bizarre.
"Hey brother! It's damn good to see you!" he exclaimed, walking up to Clyde and giving him a hug.
"Marty, you slacker! I thought you'd be lying in bed now it's the summer holidays..." he replied, feeling a bit weirded out by his brother's uncharacteristic display of affection.
"Oh, no way! I want to make the most of the summer, hope you're not gonna spend it with your head in a book, bro!"
"Well, they don't let you sit on your ass all summer at MIT, Marty!" he said, condescendingly.
"Yada yada yada! Don't be bringing home that boring talk about MIT, you deserve to cut loose, bro!" said Marty, showing no offence taken at his older brother's childish little jibe.
"I hope you boys aren't going to be arguing all through the holidays, I don't want to be caught in the middle of it!" said Marianne with a smile.
Like Marty, she felt like Clyde's arrival was timely and they could now go back to being the same old dependable and predictable Mathers family. She knew full well that Marty wouldn't dare bring up what had happened between them now that his brother was around.
But Clyde was sensitive as well as super smart and over the next few days he sensed there was something not quite right without being able to put his finger on it. He thought it was strange that when Marty was home he spending most of the time in his room, when he was known for being gregarious, extroverted and highly sociable.
During meal times they would sit together at the kitchen table and the conversation would be forced as hell, with Clyde having to answer a thousand boring questions about his studies while Marty ate his food in silence, avoiding eye contact with their mother.
At every opportunity, Marty would get out of the house to hang with his buddies or attend yet another summer party. As he couldn't risk baking any more space cakes, Marty was rolling joints with the same powerful marijuana that had gotten his mother so high and horny, then taking them to parties for everyone to enjoy.
Marianne and Clyde began to talk more as they both liked a morning workout in their home gym. Marianne worked out in tight black Lycra leggings and a white crop top, while Clyde would just wear a tight white tank top and loose black shorts.
"Mom, if you've been eating cake and chocolate, you're definitely carrying the weight well! You look in great shape...." said Clyde, impressed by her self discipline and her fitness regimen.
"Well, thank you honey! I try to stay slim, I don't think your father wants to see an obese wife when he gets home. He'll be back from his business trip in a couple of weeks so I want to look my best for him...".
Marianne felt genuinely flattered by Clyde's comment and was glad she'd already shed the couple of pounds she'd put on since she'd eaten the chocolate zucchini cake.
She also kept noticing how toned his muscular thighs were, how nicely developed his torso and pecs were. Marty was the cuter and more handsome of the brothers, but she had to admit that Clyde had become a fine specimen of a man.
She pushed these thoughts out of her mind and tried not to look at her son's flexing muscles as he lifted weights, dripping with sweat. She now knew where those kind of thoughts could lead and she didn't want to be lured into sin again. She told herself that it had only happened because of that darn marijuana cake and would never happen again.
Marianne was hoping the subject of Marty's awkwardness around the house wouldn't come up in conversation, but on the third day of their mutual morning workout Clyde couldn't help but ask the question.
"Mom....correct me if I'm wrong, but there seems to be something going on with Marty, I noticed it as soon as I got back. I can't quite put my finger on it but it's like he's hiding something or avoiding telling me something.
You can tell me, Mom....has he been in some kind of trouble? Has he gotten into taking drugs? I know it goes on a lot at the local college...I'm not dumb....".
Marianne tensed up at the mention of drugs, the memory of how incredible she'd felt when high on marijuana, how it had heightened and inflamed all her senses, how full of sexual desire and lust she'd been that night.
"He's not been in any trouble that I know of, Clyde. I'm fully aware that he's not a conscientious student like you but I can't stop him going to parties...,he's nineteen after all!
Maybe he might experiment a little at these parties but I've never seen any evidence of drugs at home, so I'm not too worried. Once your father gets him a job in the family business I think it will straighten him out and he'll grow up like you have."
Clyde simply nodded and they spent the rest of the workout in silence as Marianne sensed the tension in the air. Clyde liked that his mother saw him as the more mature and responsible brother but the way Marty was behaving still irked him somewhat.
Yet what really bothered Clyde was something he didn't want to admit to himself; he felt sickeningly jealous of Marty's popularity and fun loving lifestyle. He'd been working his ass off at MIT for two years and it had been all work and no play.
Marty had made not even half the effort that Clyde had, yet was having a blast hooking up with hot girls at wild parties and was still going to end up with a great job handed to him by his father!
It didn't seem fair at all. When were the fun times going to start for him? All he could see ahead was more study, more work. He was sick and tired of it all.
That evening they sat around the dinner table and Marty shovelled down his spaghetti carbonara at lightning speed.
"Honey, you'll give yourself indigestion eating that fast..." said Marianne and Clyde said, "Mom's right. Chew your food, bro...".
Marty didn't even finish his mouthful before getting up from the table and announcing, "This was delicious, Mom. But I've got invited to a pretty good party, only just found out about it. I'll try to be back for midnight, ok?"
"Hmmm well, ok. As it's a Friday. I want both you boys to come to church with me on Sunday, it's important that you make sure your faith stays important, to keep you on the right path..." replied Marianne, happy to play the lecturing Christian mom once again.
Clyde shook his head with apparent contempt, Marty seemed to be partying every other night. He was acting like the disappointed morally superior brother, but inside he wished he was going to parties too.
Clyde's disapproval was noted by Marty as he left the dining table in the kitchen. He just felt glad Clyde was never going to find out how his wildest hedonism had actually happened at home in the lounge with their seemingly angelic mother.
He had initialky hoped that Clyde being back home would have made things easier. But Clyde had already reverted to being the annoying older brother, telling Marty how to act, even how to eat.
Marty was enjoying being a free spirit far too much to put up with that bullshit from his brother and he left the house as soon as he could.
Yet when he arrived at the party, he realised he'd forgotten the most important thing: the joints he'd rolled full of the dynamite marijuana that was guaranteed to get every party flying. He'd had to switch to rolling joints as he couldn't trust his Mom to not eat another space cake.
The party's host Andy was pretty cool about it, saying, "Dude, don't worry....why don't you chill out, have a few beers....there's already people passing joints around".
"Thanks Andy, but I really wanted to get people smoking my joints, this weed is the strongest stuff I've ever had, when they smoked it at Johnny Johnson's party, the whole place went crazy!" explained Marty, feeling such a dumbass.
"Well maybe you can go grab them from your house a bit later, people are still arriving's not far to walk, right?" replied Andy.
Marty smiled at how cool his friend was being about it. "Only twenty minutes walk...sure, I can get the joints a bit later. Thanks for not being a dick, buddy!"
"I know you're not bullshitting me, Marty, so we're cool. Now get drinking...." said Andy with a huge grin, handing Marty a cold bottle of beer. Marty flipped the lid and drank it down, so glad he'd escaped the weird atmosphere at home.
It was going to be difficult to think of an excuse for going back for the joints, especially with Clyde being such a smartass, but he knew he'd think of something....
Meanwhile, back at the house Clyde was brooding as he sat in the lounge with his mother, still bothered and irritated by Marty's carefree attitude. Yet he did really enjoy his Mom saying she now saw Clyde as the morally stronger, more Christian brother.
"I think it's great that you're encouraging us to go to church on Sunday, Mom. I've been meaning to reconnect with my faith a lot's been on my mind" said Clyde, lying about his non-existent religious impulses in order to try to gain more favouritism from his mother.
"I'm delighted to hear that, Clyde! Hopefully your influence will rub off on Marty, he could do with getting back on the Christian path." she replied, pretending to be more impressed than she was.
She'd felt like a fraud as a Christian ever since she'd had incestuous sex with Marty and no amount of church going since had alleviated her sense of guilt and carnal sinfulness.
Clyde smiled, delighted to have found a way to impress her, or so he thought. As he sat there brooding he became convinced that it would only take a cursory inspection of Marty's room to discover some illicit substances.
If Marty was using drugs regularly then he had to have a stash at home, Clyde thought to himself. He decided that it was his moral duty to search his room, find whatever drugs was in there, then confront Marty with them when he got back from the party.
He knew his Mom would approve and felt like it was something an older brother should be doing. It was for Marty's own good, he told himself.
"Back in a bit, Mom" he said, Marianne just assuming he needed a bathroom break. Clyde headed up the stairs straight into Marty's room, immediately going through his drawers and cupboards, desperate to find some incriminating evidence.
He felt flustered and annoyed when he couldn't find anything at first. He was about to leave the room when he casually decided to throw back his bedsheets then looked under his pillow, not expecting to find anything.
But his eyes lit up when he saw a silver cigar case underneath the pillow. He opened up the case and inside were around ten well-rolled marijuana joints that Marty had forgotten to take with him in his rush to get out of the house.
"Bingo...." said Clyde, feeling like he'd uncovered the reason for Marty's weird behavior since he'd gotten back. He figured that Marty must have "borrowed" the cigar case from their father's study, who liked the occasional cigar.
Clyde was pleased that he'd uncovered the evidence he was looking for and went downstairs with the cigar case in his hand. He walked into the lounge and his Mom gave him a warm smile, then noticed he was holding something.
"Whatcha got there?" she asked out of curiosity.
"Mom, don't be mad......but I felt it was my responsibility to look out for Marty's best interests. I decided to see if he had something in his room that he shouldn't have....and I found this under his pillow. It's Dad's cigar case, Marty has filled it with marijuana joints, Mom. Marty is bringing drugs into the house!"
Marianne had to feign surprise at the sight of the marijuana joints and exclaimed, "Oh my god, I had no idea! You did the right thing by telling me,'re a good son to your mother. I'll have to talk to Marty about this tomorrow and then make sure he attends church on Sunday....".
Clyde nodded, feeling pleased with himself and the praise he was getting for snitching on his younger brother.
"I can keep the joints in my room if you want, Mom? I'm sure you don't want drugs just lying around the house..." offered Clyde.
Marianne knew that these joints contained the substance that had changed her life forever, made her feel alive in a way she'd never known before.
She knew they'd made her behave more wickedly than anything else she'd experienced...but she just couldn't forget the memories of the sensual pleasure she'd felt that night, on the very sofa she was sat on now. The marijuana was right in front of her and this time she knew the effects it would have. The temptation felt unbearable...
She could have just let Clyde hide them in his room till she was ready to confront Marty, but, acting on sheer impulse, she found herself saying, "Oh, I can keep those in my handbag till I'm ready to talk to Marty tomorrow, it's not an issue....".
With that, she literally snatched the cigar case from Clyde's hand which surprised him, but it happened so fast that he didn't quite know what to say.
Feeling awkward and a little confused at this slightly odd behavior from his Mom he announced, "Um, sure thing. That's cool, you know best. I'm gonna have an evening workout, I didn't feel in the mood this morning...".
The reason he'd stopped using the gym in the morning was the awkward sexual tension he'd been feeling when getting sweaty lifting weights with his mother there. It had made him feel uncomfortable to feel his Mom's eyes on his body, as well as seeing hers on display in tight Lycra, so he'd decided to switch to working out later in the day. Like everyone else, he saw any flirtation between a mother and son as strictly forbidden and taboo.
Marianne was excited that he was going to leave her alone with the marijuana, even though she'd never smoked a whole joint in her life. As soon as she knew he was in the gym room in the basement of the house she felt an overwhelming temptation to smoke one of the joints on the patio, so that the scent would be blown away.
She felt frantically exhilarated as she opened the cigar case and picked up one of the exquisitely rolled joints that Marty had perfected with recent practice.
"Dammit, I need a light..." she said, realising there must be one in her husband's study. She knew her son would be an hour doing his work out and felt tingles all over her body as she slipped into the study room and slid open the desk drawer.
Sure enough, there was a cheap propane lighter with enough in it to light up her joint. She left the study and headed straight for the back patio, knowing that the devil on her shoulder was winning against the angel on the other. But she just wanted to feel that euphoria and desire again, even though she knew she was falling from grace once more.
She hastily opened the patio door while Clyde was pumping iron in the basement gym, oblivious as to what she was about to do. Of all the possibilities that he'd considered, his mom developing a liking for taboo, incestuous sex while high on marijuana had not been one of them.
But as Marianne put the joint between her lips and lit the tip she breathed in deeply, craving that sense-heightening euphoria like nothing else she'd ever craved. The first toke made her cough and splutter, her virginal lungs so unused to the acrid smoke.
But she persevered and could taste the hint of lemon that she remembered from the cake and knew this was the same lethal potency.
What she hadn't expected was the high to hit her almost instantly and within a couple of minutes it felt like she was experiencing the world in Technicolor once again.
As the high took told of her she smiled and felt her nipples begin to throb, her clitoris start to pulsate as wicked sexual thoughts began to flood her mind.
She became very aware of her situation and her own deepest desires that she'd been doing her best to suppress since her night with Marty.
She thought about all those mornings in the home gym with Clyde, the unspoken sexual tension they'd shared, the moments she'd caught him glancing at her body as she worked out in tight Lycra.