Part 03.1

To say things were a little tense in the Mathers household was a bit of an understatement. After falling from grace for a second time Marianne Mathers was in a penitent frame of mind.

In fact, she was so ashamed of having sex with both of her sons while high on marijuana that she found she couldn't even say what had happened in the confession booth at church that Sunday.

She had tried to get both Marty and Clyde to come with her but, although Clyde had pretended to show interest in going, after he'd had sex with his mother it seemed ridiculous to keep pretending he cared about it. So he'd told Marianne that he felt too much of a sinner now to show his face in church and Marty said the same.

It was a pretty good excuse for not going, though Marianne said she would pray for both their souls. Marty felt she sounded unconvincing trying to act like the Christian mom after she'd chosen to get high by smoking the joints that Clyde had found in his room.

She knew she'd completely lost her moral authority and felt even more ashamed of her behavior the second time. At least she had no idea she was taking drugs when she ate Marty's spacecake the first time. Now she had no place to hide from her conscience and so only a contrite confession seemed the only option for her that Sunday.

But, after sitting through Mass and feeling suitably repentant when it came to sitting in the confession booth, she suddenly felt incredibly nervous and stricken with guilt for her carnal trespasses. She knew she had fallen from grace in a spectacular way and couldn't blame anyone for her taboo misdemeanours except herself.

She tried to calm herself as she entered the booth, but this was far beyond the very menial sins she had confessed to before. Now, Marianne had to find the courage to confess that she'd committed incest with both her sons at once.

Even though she knew it was an anonymous confession she couldn't even begin to find the words to explain what had happened. She felt overwhelmed, flustered and claustrophobic, leaving the confession booth and then the church in a hurry.

As she walked home she knew that she'd turned a corner in terms of who she was; for years she had been the person her friends regarded as a paragon of virtue, a model housewife and mother, the one they looked up to. She knew that was a facade she could no longer maintain, she was a different person now.

For all the shame she felt every time she let her thoughts stray to what had happened with both of her sons she felt a huge sense of sexual arousal and couldn't blame being intoxicated on marijuana anymore. She found it so hard to admit it to herself, but she just wasn't a regular mom anymore....she was a whoremom.

That was a hell of a thing for her to accept, especially as her husband Scott was returning home from a month long business trip.

In a way, it was a relief knowing he was coming home as she knew that having both her sons home all summer would be a constant sexual temptation for her.

On the other hand, she wondered whether her sons would be able to contain their desires now that they knew she could be easily tempted into sex. And the next time she didn't even think that being high would even be necessary. She had finally confessed to herself that she felt a strong sexual attraction to both her sons and found herself having constant sexual thoughts around the house.

If it wasn't for her husband arriving home the next day she could have definitely imagined herself succumbing to sin yet again. As soon as she got home she cleaned the house fastidiously, feeling that she had the chance to try to bury her taboo desires. Marianne felt that she should at least put up the pretense of being the normal mom and wife that she had been for all her married life until recently.

When she talked to her husband on the phone that night she made everything sound so mundane and looked away as Marty gave her a knowing smile while walking from the lounge to the kitchen.

As she put the phone down she realised this was going to need an Oscar-winning performance to convince her husband everything was just the same as when he left.

Scott Mathers had completed a very successful business trip across several cities where he'd given lengthy speeches and PowerPoint presentations at numerous seminars for home and business security systems.

With the cutting edge technology he'd been developing with his team he'd found that the high levels of security he could offer clients had led to enormous demand and he was returning home with several contracts to go through.

As he began the long drive home he thought to himself how this was the most successful period of his life; a thriving, expanding business, a devoted wife and two sons who he knew would play a future role in continuing the success of his business, especially Clyde with his MIT placement, which would lead to some serious credentials for designing surveillance equipment.

He just about had it made and he felt like someone returning from a victorious battle after he'd completed the gruelling eight hour drive. Marianne greeted him at the door with a beaming smile, looking her best in a floral sundress.

"Well, you're a sight for sore eyes, Mari! It's great to be home, that was an epic journey home...I feel like goddamn Ulysses..." said Scott as he gave his wife a hug, completely oblivious to the shameful sexual antics that had gone on under his own roof.

"It's so good to have you home, Scott! I've made us a lamb casserole, I hope you're hungry!" she said, feeling happy and grateful to return to her normal role.

As she held him tight she wondered if maybe she could put her uncharacteristic discrepancies behind her and somehow get back to the person who she used to be. Deep down, though, she knew she'd become someone else.

Marty and Clyde emerged from the lounge to greet their father, though both sons found it hard to look him straight in the eye knowing what they'd done together....fucking their mother, his wife, in his marriage bed. Changing the sheets couldn't hide that fact but Scott gave both his sons a warm hug, their guilt and shame hidden behind forced smiles.

"Great to have you back, Dad!" said Clyde, patting his father on the back as they shared a warm embrace.

"It's good to see you Clyde, hope you're still enjoying MIT! I've got big hopes for you, wait till you hear the contracts I've got from this business trip".

"That's awesome, Dad! MIT is going great, enjoying it more than ever!" replied Clyde, lying through his teeth.

Marty stepped forward to offer a hug to his father, knowing he was the inferior son in Scott's eyes.

"Good to see you, Dad." he said, offering a more reticent hug than his brother.

"You too, Marty. Hope you're staying out of trouble and not partying too much!" replied Scott and Clyde felt once again like he was his father's favorite son, with good reason.

Marianne could sense the moment of awkwardness as Scott showed more affection and respect to Clyde than Marty and it made her wince a little.

She turned on her heel and went back to the kitchen, sensing there was a building tension already between Scott and their two sons. The two brothers were almost like Cane and Abel in the Bible, she thought to herself.

She served up the lamb casserole in the dining room and the rest of the evening passed without incident. Scott bored them all with his tales of corporate seminars and how much money they were going to make from the numerous security contracts he'd been offered.

After the main meal, Scott told Mari to bring in a bottle of red wine so that he could propose a toast. Mari did as requested and poured some wine in glasses then brought them to the dining table, two at a time.

Scott sipped his Merlot and nodded at Mari approvingly. Mari smiled back, actually feeling genuinely grateful to be back to being a domestic goddess, doing something wholesome and innocent.

"Mari, that casserole was wonderful, thenk you honey......ok, so I should really make a toast. You know, this is the first time we've sat down as a family together since Christmas. I just want to say it feels really good to be home, seeing my beautiful wife again and seeing how you boys are let's raise our glasses and drink to the Mathers family, we have a glorious future!" said Scott and everyone clinked their glasses in muted celebration.

Scott, feeling his family were hanging on his every word, returned to his very mundane anecdotes about the banal corporate goons he'd met on his business trip.

Marty was bored almost to tears as he listened to his father, while Clyde tried to maintain an appearance of deep interest, enjoying the feeling of being his father's preferred son.

As Marianne cleared the dessert bowls Marty said he was feeling tired and escaped to his room, happy to leave Clyde to kiss his father's ass. It all seemed so meaningless after they'd both taken their mother in the bed that Scott would be sleeping in that night.

It bothered Marty a lot that what had happened would all be brushed under the carpet and would remain a dark family secret. He knew that they had both betrayed their father by their sexual shenanigans with their mother in his marriage bed.

He couldn't believe how Clyde could actually look his father in the eye, but that's exactly why he thought Clyde was such a soulless asshole, just out for himself. Although both having sex with their Mom had eased their sibling rivalry somewhat, Marty still held his brown-nosing brother in contempt.

That night Scott was in such a good mood and the red wine had stirred up what there was of his libido. Scott and Marianne sat in the lounge talking, or rather Marianne listened to her husband talk endlessly about himself.

She could sense that he was thinking about suggesting sex and all she could think about was how boring and predictable it was going to be. Yet she wanted to try to at least attempt being a regular wife again.

Yet when Scott did finally suggest they head to bed to "continue the party" she found it so hard to feign enthusiasm, but just about managed it.

Marianne followed her husband into their room and felt a sharp pang of guilt as she looked at their king size bed, knowing just a couple of nights ago she'd had both her son's cocks in her, inside her willing cunt and mouth.

It had been the best sex of her whole life and she felt a sense of depression at having to pretend she desired her husband, who was a few years older and thinning on top. He'd been handsome when they married, but now she had Marty and Clyde for youthful handsomeness and they were both ten times the lover Scott was.

He told Marianne to lay back and, for the first time in as long as she could remember, he gave her oral sex. Having dragged down her panties she felt his breath on her pussy and she realised she just wasn't wet at all. Her lack of arousal was suddenly a huge concern so she closed her eyes and pictured Marty doing that to her on the lounge on the sofa.

How every lick had felt so divine yet so forbidden, how wet she'd become so quickly. Those strongly erotic memories began to make her cunt sopping wet and her husband thought it was his extraordinary tongue work. It turned her on knowing the real reason for her glistening mound...,

When he entered her it felt underwhelming after the thick, meaty cocks her sons were endowed with, but she was able to imagine them taking turns inside her. Once again Scott thought it was his sexual prowess that was making his wife moan so much.

As Marty lay on his bed he could hear his mother's moans, but he knew intuitively it was him and his brother she was thinking of.

Marty wondered if he could tempt her again even while his father was home....the thought was so arousing that he came all over her bare chest as he imagined risking fucking his mom with his father downstairs, oblivious.

Meanwhile, Scott had unfortunately lost his erection from too much wine. Marianne tried to be sympathetic as he pulled out of her with a flaccid cock and she went to sleep unsatisfied.

But the next day Scott woke up early feeling sprightly and full of energy. He fixed himself a quick breakfast before anyone else was up and went straight to his study. Scott was excited to know how his very latest surveillance equipment had performed while he'd been away.

He'd used his own house as a prototype for a radical home security system which had a series of cameras set up both outside and inside the property. Before he'd left he had set up cameras in the corner of every room of his house.

The technological innovation that was getting clients so excited was that he'd developed a program that could analyse huge amounts of camera footage and then only show the moments of activity.

This meant that every single thing happening in the house was captured on film then condensed into easy to view footage. The idea was that this would be a way to not only protect against burglaries or identify burglars, but to identify anything remotely suspicious such as burglars attempting to get in the house, but then deciding against it.

Scott had spent years honing the equipment and computer programming with his team. He had used his own house as the canary down the coal mine, to see how effectively it worked before he could confidently sell it to his clients as the ultimate in home surveillance and security.

With just the click of a few buttons, he was able to analyse the enormous amount of camera footage captured while he'd been away on business. Scott was expecting the footage to be dull and uneventful, his wife attending to her many chores, his son Marty working on assignments in his room.

This was exactly what he found during the first week of footage and the same for most of the second. All that time had been condensed to remove the vast majority of footage containing no activity on camera and he was ready to fast forward through more footage of Marianne doing laundry and loading the dishwasher.

But when it got to the Friday of the second week he watched with a knowing smile as Marianne showed on screen, hunting in the fridge for something to eat. When he saw her bring out a bowl covered with foil he chuckled, knowing her weakness for cake.

But on his computer screen he could see the camera footage of every room in the house and suddenly he saw his wife in their bedroom trying on lingerie. This was so unlike Marianne. The footage was sped up so that he could see her trying on several different garments that were all very sexual.

He'd never seen this side of his wife before and he didn't even know she had so much sexy lingerie like that in her wardrobe, but she looked a completely different woman with her cleavage bursting out of a sheer black teddy.

Her husband watched in quiet disbelief as he saw Marty enter the house and discover his half-eaten cake in the kitchen. Scott sat in his chair dumbfounded as he watched his wife and son in the lounge, Marianne feeding cake to Marty.

But Scott felt his jaw fall wide open as the footage showed them kissing, then Marianne baring her breasts and bringing them to Marty's mouth. Scott went into a state of shock as the footage showed them enjoying oral sex. With his heart now pounding, Scott clung to the hope that this was as far as it went.

He felt himself falling apart inside as he then watched Marty enter Marianne, Scott stunned beyond measure seeing his wife and son committing incest on camera.

With a strange sense of horrified, morbid fascination he watched all the footage of their incestuous sex, almost disbelieving his own eyes. But there it was, captured on camera for posterity.

Feeling like he'd taken several blows to the head, his hand shook as he moved the computer mouse, speeding up the footage of the next few days. Then he saw Clyde arriving home from MIT. He wondered whether Clyde, by far his favorite son, had any inkling of what was going on between his mother and Marty.

Scott watched the footage of Clyde and Marianne working out together in the gym and didn't think too much about it. He was impressed by his son's self discipline and devotion to staying in shape.

These were exactly the kind of qualities that he looked for in his employees and Scott felt relieved that at least he had one son who hadn't betrayed him. He watched with interest the moment where Clyde went into Marty's room and discovered Scott's silver cigar case.

Scott looked in the drawer of his desk and saw the cigar case was indeed missing. "That son of a bitch...." said Scott under his breath, already contemplating violence against Marty.

But he watched in amazement as Clyde went for an evening workout and Scott then watched saw his wife stood at the back door, smoking a joint.

Suddenly, it clicked. Scott, naive as he was, realised that Marianne must have gotten high off that cake, a marijuana cake that he'd seen Marty making, without knowing what it was.

"That little bastard got my wife high and seduced her. I'm gonna kick that boy's ass...." said Scott to himself, stamping his fist on his desk. But then he watched Marianne go upstairs while Clyde was in the shower.

The bathroom was the only room he'd not set up a camera in, but he watched with mounting horror as Marianne dressed up like a whore once more and walked into the bathroom.

Scott clung to the forlorn hope that at least Clyde had resisted temptation. But then the footage showed his wife lying on his marriage bed in a black evening dress and thigh highs, then Clyde standing in the doorway, naked.

Scott gulped, realising that his favorite son was about to betray him on camera as well. He covered his eyes, unable to watch, but something made him part his fingers and he saw Marty arriving home, no doubt from a party.

"Oh fuck, no....not both of them! Not in my marriage bed!" murmured Scott, feeling utterly humiliated and emasculated.

He started to whimper as his young, good looking sons took advantage of his inebriated wife. The moment where both sons came all over her face and breasts was particularly galling to Scott. He sat in a state of shock.

Scott felt like he had spent decades married to a woman he didn't know at all, had no idea how sexually wild she could be. He felt totally crestfallen, a stranger in his own family.

He spent the next two hours alone in his study with his head in his hands, trying to regain his composure. Scott had come home from an arduous business trip feeling euphoric and victorious, hoping to share his success, his well deserved rewards for his endeavours.

Yet now he had to face the fact that it was all for nothing, his family life was a sham. He thought about all those nights out he'd turned down with the good group of buddies he used to have. He'd traded a social life for his family and a successful business.

But what was it all for if his own wife was a drug taking slut underneath her respectable veneer? If his own sons were both treacherous and untrustworthy? He had no answers and began to weep as quietly as he could at his desk.

As he sat in his study with the door locked he mulled over his predicament and decided he needed time to process what had happened.

He knew it was going to be very difficult to hide it, but he wasn't ready to confront his wife and sons with the evidence of their shame, he was still deep in shock. So he resolved to try to act normal as best he could.

Over the next few weeks, that's exactly what happened. Marty and Clyde didn't really see any change in their father's behavior but Marianne, being his wife and gifted with female intuition, noticed he was a little subdued and taciturn.

She took it personally as she was trying her best to be a good wife, to look her best for him.

He could see the effort she was making for him, but he knew her angelic behavior was the result of a guilty conscience rather than a pure heart. Marianne tried to flirt with him at times, to see if she could ignite the sparks of passion in him, but to no avail.

In fact, Marianne felt like this was the end of her sex life. Her husband didn't want sex with her and not even Marty would risk seducing her with his father in the house. As a Catholic, she'd never felt too comfortable taking birth control and decided she may as well stop taking the pills entirely.

As for her tormented husband, Scott was a decent enough man who'd played his hand well in life till now. But this was too much for his huge ego to bear and the resentment continued to build within him.

He began to spend more and more time alone in his study, with the believable excuse of working on his business contracts. But he would spend hours staring into space, contemplating, ruminating. His deep sense of anger and humiliation was dragging his thoughts into the realms of a dark side he didn't even know he had.

Scott began becoming fixated on thoughts of revenge on his own family, something that hitherto would have been pure anathema to him. But the more he mulled it over the more he felt that they should pay a serious price for what they'd done.

In his negative mindset he began imagining the worst case scenario. What if his house were burgled and he had to hand over all his surveillance footage? Then his dark family secret would become known by everyone as the gossip would spread like wildfire on the grapevine. His thinking was illogical and paranoid, but he knew that level of humiliation would be a fate worse than death.

Scott was losing the thread of his rational mind. The part of him that kept everything in perspective was being subsumed by a mounting hatred for his wife and sons, the people he had loved the most.

He began drinking neat whisky to numb his emotions, but it also served to make his thoughts even more aggressive and extreme. He never could take his liquor too well.

Scott began to have dark fantasies about taking revenge on all three of them. Naturally, as a home security expert, he had a healthy collection of firearms at his disposal in the event of intruders in his house.

Yet, increasingly, the idea of loading up one of his guns and taking out his whole family and then himself seemed to have a grip on his tormented mind. Marianne sensed something was wrong but he kept himself hidden away in the study with the door locked and she knew it was best to not disturb him.

Scott's drinking became a little more every day, his thoughts and fantasies unmoored from anything sane and reasonable. He felt done with being a good guy, he just wanted this pain inside him to go away and a violent ending seemed the only way out.

He would sit at his desk tending a glass of malt, tears welling in his eyes at the drastic solution he was seriously thinking about carrying out.

A few days later, in a similarly wrought state, it was simply the sound of his wife's laughter coming the lounge as Marty made a good joke that finally tipped him over the edge.

Scott had obsessively collated all the most incriminating footage of incest and debauchery, then burnt the data to a DVD so he could present his family with the shameful evidence.

He then walked over to his locked gun cabinet, opened the door with a shaking hand and pulled out a Colt.45, loading it with hollow point bullets in four of the chambers.

One bullet each for Marianne, Marty and Clyde, one for himself. He put a silencer on the end to make his potential murders inaudible to the neighbors. In his mind, the voice of his conscience told him to put the gun down, that this was a terrible thing to do.

But the festering resentment he'd acquired since discovering his family's betrayal seemed to override any sense of morality he had left.

He was a shadow of his former self and his sons hadn't even noticed. Scott pulled out a holster from the gun cabinet as he knew he wasn't going to be doing any shooting straight away.

He wanted them to have to watch the excruciating footage first, like he'd had to.

As he left his study and walked through the hallway to the lounge he could hear Marty cracking jokes and both Marianne and Clyde laughing like hyenas. They won't be laughing for long, Scott thought to himself.

As he walked into the lounge with a blank expression on his face and dead eyes the laughter stopped suddenly. Marianne instantly knew something was seriously wrong with her husband.

She sat up on the sofa that she'd been reclining on and said, "Scott, honey? Are you ok? What's wrong?".

Marty and Clyde looked at each other with a quizzical expression having not noticed their father's mental deterioration, Clyde shrugging as he sat back on the sofa. They all watched with baited breath as Scott walked up to the huge TV in the corner of the lounge and opened up the DVD player.

Marianne felt deeply nervous about the way Scott was acting and sensed it was leading up to something big. Scott put the DVD in the player and stood back from the TV with the remote in his hand.

Still not making any eye contact with his family he hit the button on the remote and the security camera footage began to play, starting with Marianne eating the space cake. Marianne felt her mouth go dry, her hands trembling.

She watched in total shock and horror as it dawned on her that the reason why her husband had been acting so out of character was that he'd been carrying around the knowledge of what had happened.
Next page: Part 03.2
Previous page: Part 02.2