Part 03.2

Scott had edited down all the footage to only half an hour long, but it was the longest half an hour of his family's life. Marty couldn't believe that his father had become so obsessed with security that he'd set up cameras recording 24/7 in every room and sat there aghast as his first time with his mother was displayed on screen.

Clyde was finding out for the first time that Marty had been the first to have sex with her, sat in pure shock with his mind scrambling to conceive of the consequences.

Would his father ever forgive him, would he cut him out of the business? Was there a way to blame all this on Marty?

Marianne couldn't cope at all, covering her eyes with both hands and weeping as quietly as she could, the proof that she'd become a whoremom filling the room.

Scott had turned the sound up so that her nasty talk was clearly audible, just to shame her even more.

"I can't watch this...." announced Marty and got up from the sofa. As soon as he rose to his feet to leave Scott turned round and pulled the Colt from his holster, pointing it right at Marty.

"You're not going anywhere, son. Sit the hell down..." he growled and Marty could see the fury in his eyes. He sat down with a pounding heart.

"Oh my god...oh my god" whimpered Marianne, completely overwhelmed and now terrified of what her husband might do with a gun in his hand.

"Stop whingeing, whore. Take your hands away from your damn eyes and watch what you've been doing. You all need to see it...." said Scott with a snarl.

Marty felt his own sense of rage and anger building within him, the way his father had spied on them all, the way he was calling his mother a whore in front of them. He glanced across at his supposedly tough brother who looked as white as a ghost, his face panic stricken.

Seeing them fucking their mother in her bedroom was so tough to watch, and Marty could see how this had driven his father to desperation. This was now even potentially one of those tragic stories he'd heard on the news about a husband and father murdering his own family. That now seemed like a distinct possibility.

They watched the footage to the very end and Marianne finally closed her eyes, bowing her head in utter shame. Seeing all her incestuous depravity on a huge screen left her in no doubt about what she was. As Marty wondered how far his father was going to take this, all Clyde could think about was saving his own skin.

Clyde got off the sofa and fell to his knees in front of his father, who stared down at him with an unmoved, stern expression. Marianne took her hands from her eyes then covered her mouth as she feared for her son's life, all their lives.

"Dad....I know you must be feeling so much anger and betrayal right now...but you have to understand what a bad influence Marty has been....he's the one who got Mom hooked on drugs and made her act the way she did....

I think he even drugged me with something as there's no way I would have done that with a clear mind, Dad....please don't think I'm like Marty, I'm not like him. He's made Mom into a whore and me into a bad know he's the black sheep of this family, always has been....".

Marianne looked at Marty and felt even more scared for his life now than Clyde's. She expected him to look absolutely terrified at the way his brother was demonising and blaming him, but Marty suddenly seemed like the strongest masculine energy in the room, looking down at his brother with utter contempt.

Marty had known Clyde was a spineless opportunist out for himself, but even he was surprised by what a pathetic little weasel he was, prepared to see his own brother killed to save his own skin.

Scott mulled this over and thought about the footage. It was true that his wife's descent into sin had begun with the space cake and that was in the house because of Marty.

Dark thoughts ran through his mind....maybe he could just kill Marty and no one would hear with the silencer attached? He could say he's gone missing then dispose of the body in a way to make it look like a drug gang shooting.

Then he could carry on with his business, hand it over to Clyde one day. Maybe even forgive Marianne, eventually. It seemed a better proposition than murdering them all and turning the gun on himself.

He raised the Colt and pointed it straight at Marty's head. Marianne screamed into her hands but Marty didn't even flinch.

He stood up from the sofa and said, "Dad, think about this before you put a bullet through my head. Mom found that cake in the fridge by accident, she didn't know it was full of marijuana. Look at the footage again if you want.

Clyde went looking for my joints and gave them to her, not me. She chose to get high that second time...I didn't drug her and I didn't drug Clyde, he's talking out of his ass to save himself. But if you want to believe his bullshit, go ahead and mur*er me. I don't care anymore..."

Marianne just couldn't believe how cool Marty was under fire, how he was staying calm with a Colt.45 aimed right at his face. Scott looked at Marty and then Clyde on his knees. He felt unsure what to do as he knew there was truth in what Marty said, he couldn't be blamed for everything. And he also didn't want to kill his family, however much he hated them right now.

Marty sensed it and in a very measured voice said, "Dad, I can't imagine how you must be feeling and I'm so sorry for what's happened...but you're a good man and you're not going to do this. You're going to give me the gun when I walk over....and then we're going to talk it through like grown men...I'm going to walk over slowly right now, Dad....".

Marianne covered her eyes with her hands again, the tension absolutely unbearable. She parted her fingers slightly as she watched Marty take a step towards his father, the gun still pointing at him.

Another step closer and Scott felt panicked by his son's unexpected bravery. He had thought Marty would be the coward in a situation like this as he was the slacker of the family, the loser.

But he felt confused that it was his favorite son Clyde who was acting more like a mouse than a man and he suddenly felt like he knew nothing any more.

As Marty stepped within reaching distance Scott sighed and lowered the gun so that it pointed at the floor. Marty took hold of the gun and Scott took his finger off the trigger, loosening his grip and letting Marty take it from him.

Clyde and Marianne both let out a huge sigh of relief, thinking all the drama was over. But just as resentment had built up in his father, Marty felt serious anger towards both his dad and his brother at that moment.

For years, he'd taken so much shit from them, been constantly reminded that he was the inferior son, just because he wasn't as academic as Clyde and didn't kiss his father's ass like Clyde did.

Seeing his brother on his knees and his father an emotional wreck with tears streaming down his face didn't make him feel sympathy for them.

Clyde had been ready to see Marty killed to save his own skin and his father had been close to doing it. With the sudden feeling of power that having a loaded gun in his hand gave him, he decided he was going to make them pay.

"You did the right thing, Dad...why don't you and Clyde take a seat and I'll get us all a beer from the fridge, ok?" said Marty and Scott nodded, sitting down on the opposite sofa to his wife, Clyde then sitting next to him in solidarity.

Marty headed out of the lounge still wondering what he was going to do next. He suddenly remembered that famous scene in his favorite movie ever, Pulp Fiction, where Bruce Willis ends up tied to a chair. He figured he could use chairs from the dining room then realised he needed rope.

While Scott and Clyde were expecting Marty to come back in with a four pack, he had sneaked out to the garage and returned with a length of rope, which he put over his shoulder.

He dragged two chairs from the dining table to the door where the dining room and lounge were connected, then went back into the lounge. Rather than the cold beer they were expecting Marty was stood in the doorway at the far end of the lounge, and their jaws fell open as he pointed the gun at them.

"I checked the chamber, Dad. Four bullets, huh? You were going to kill all of us then yourself weren't you, Dad? Well, I'm holding the gun now and two bullets each for you both sounds good right now...."

Marianne shrieked and said, "Oh my god, oh my god....Marty....don't do this".

"Relax, Mom.....I'm not going to do that as long as they do exactly what they're told. Dad, Clyde....stand up and walk to the middle of the room...slowly."

Clyde looked at his father, expecting some resistance to this family mutiny, but Scott was too emotionally shot to pieces to put up any kind of a fight. Marianne couldn't believe how brave Marty was being, it was a whole new side to his character that she'd never seen before and it thrilled her.

Once she realised he was completely in control and wasn't going to do anything too drastic or violent she was able to at least steady her nerves a little. They had been pretty damn fraught since Scott had walked in with a gun and the incriminating evidence of incest.

Now Scott and Clyde, who had revealed himself as a total coward, did as they were told by Marty and sat on two wooden chairs with the backs to each other. Marty then took the long length of thin rope in one hand and told them to keep their mouths shut.

"Mom, come over here...." said Marty and Marianne dutifully walked over, loving this stern and commanding side to her son.

Marty handed her the rope and said, "Tie them up good, I have to keep the gun pointed at them in case they get any ideas....".

Marianne looked at the rope and felt nervous but didn't dare disobey Marty, who now seemed to have such authority. Scott and Clyde were too scared to say anything and both felt so humiliated as Marianne wrapped the rope tightly around them. After she was done they couldn't move their arms at all and she even managed a knot at the end that she'd remembered from girl guides.

Even though Scott and Clyde were strong, there was no getting out of their rope binding. Marty grinned as he knew he had his father and brother just where he wanted them.

Knowing he'd nearly been murdered in cold blood by his father and thrown to the wolves by his brother, Marty knew he was really going to enjoy humiliating them even more.

Marianne was dressed just like she used to dress, a beautiful blue and white floral patterned summer dress that made her look like a very respectable housewife and mother.

But seeing Marty dominate such a dangerous situation in a manly and mature way, Marianne found herself feeling turned on almost as much as when she was high.

She realised that power and dominance were just as good an aphrodisiac as taking drugs and she sensed that Marty had sex on his mind, the way he was looking at her.

With his father and brother safely tied up Marty finally relaxed and placed the Colt on a glass table with the safety catch on.

He motioned his mother towards him as he stood in front of his father's chair and said, "Mom, from now on you're going to be my personal whore. After today, I'm going to be the man of this house and if Dad or Clyde tries to threaten me, I'll make sure that the footage of us having sex will be either sent to Dad's business colleagues or sent to MIT's head department.

You see, Dad, by collecting this camera footage and putting it on a DVD, you've accidentally created a bribe against yourself. And now you're going to have to watch me seduce and have sex with your wife and there's nothing you can do about it. You've seen the movie, so here's the live show....".

"You son of a bitch...." hissed his father, impotently straining against the tight rope around his arms like a villain who'd been caught in a kid's cartoon.

"Yes I am....and she's my bitch now...." said Marty with a wicked grin and Marianne felt her cunt getting soaking wet, her nipples throbbing under her dress through her bra. When she'd been high and dressed up in lingerie she felt like she was someone else entirely and felt ashamed when she was sober again.

But now she felt the same strong sexual attraction to her son while dressed as she used to before all this had begun. What she felt for Marty now was primal, her body responding to the feral, dominant masculine energy he was projecting.

She didn't wait for the instruction, she walked up to her son and began rubbing his crotch through his jeans while their lips met. Marty's hands roamed all over her body as they lustfully French kissed, Marty's tongue dominating his mother's mouth as if it was his cock in her cunt.

Marianne closed her eyes, wanting to feel lost in her son's embrace, feeling so intoxicated by his forceful display of superiority, making both his father and brother look so feeble and pathetic.

Marianne had heard of cuckolding but was too naive to understand it; yet the reason she was so deeply aroused, as Marty caressed her breasts through her summer dress, was because Scott was being utterly cuckolded by his own son. Now that Clyde had shown his true colors, Marianne was happy to see Marty humiliate him too.

Marty stopped the kiss and turned his mother around so that he could torment his father by kissing his once sinless wife on her neck and shoulders, his soft, sensuous kisses making her moan.

To really drive him wild he began rubbing his crotch against his Mom's shapely ass and she felt tingles all over her body, knowing her husband was having to watch every excruciating second.

Marty's hands then reached round from behind her and he cupped both her breasts in his hands, massaging her nipples through her dress and bra. He felt them harden against his touch and she let out a sigh of pleasure as he carried on grinding his hard cock against her. It strained inside his jeans like a horny Rottweiler yanking on its owner's chain as it spies a bitch on heat.

"Motherfucker..." snarled Scott, feeling so worthless and humiliated that all he could do was murmur weak verbal abuse at his son.

"Well, I can't argue with that, you're factually right again, Dad...." said Marty and Marianne giggled at the way her son was running rings round his father, making him look more ridiculous and foolish with every word and gesture.

As if to drive his point home, Marty slowly raised his mother's dress while still kissing her shoulders and caressed her ass cheeks before using both hands to gradually slide down her white silk panties.

He took his time doing this, knowing it was driving his father insane and only let them fall to the floor once they'd reached her knees. She stepped out of them and felt the cool air making her glistening cunt lips feel all nice and tingly.

Marty then slowly slid down the zip on the back of her dress and kissed every inch of her bare back as it revealed itself. Marianne felt shivers all over as her son showed a masterful command of making her body respond.

Somehow, his sexual charisma had doubled and he'd turned from a carefree adolescent into a dominant young man since his illicit affair with his mother had begun.

She was loving every second and felt like she could barely breathe as he took off her dress then unhooked her white silk bra from the back, his other hand lifting up her hair so he could decorate the nape of her neck with gentle kisses.

As her bra fell to the floor he reached his hands around again so that he could caress her bare breasts, rubbing her swollen nipples between his fingers.

Just the sensation of his hands on her bared boobs, fingers teasing her nipples, his sensuous mouth all over her shoulders and down her back, sent Marianne into seventh heaven and the sex hadn't even started yet.

He knew it must have been torture for his father to have to watch this but also humiliating for Clyde, who could only hear his mother's moans of pleasure as he sat facing in the other direction.

Marty then took great delight in kissing all the way down his mother's bare back then got on his knees and began kissing her ass cheeks. To wind up his dad still further he spread her ass cheeks wide and circled his tongue then flicked the tip against her rosebud.

Marianne squealed and said, "Oh Marty, don't stop....that feels soooo good".

He added to his mother's sensual enjoyment by letting his fingers trace the inners of her thighs all the way down to her knees and up again. For Marianne, this was already the most intense and erotic experience of all and they'd only just started.

Having Scott forced to watch seemed to bring out the bitch in her, yet she didn't feel bad at all. Her husband deserved everything he was getting as far as she was concerned.

As Marty raised his fingers back up her thighs he let his fingertips stray onto her pussy, catching some of her nectar and then licking it off his fingers slowly.

"Mmmm you taste so good, Mom" he said, knowing full well it would drive both his dad and Clyde absolutely wild. They both strained pointlessly against the rope that kept them prisoner and Clyde finally made some noise of his own: "You aren't going to get away with this, Marty".

"Oh that's where you're wrong, big brother. You see, there's academic smart and then there's street smart. I'm way more street smart than you Clyde and there's nothing you can do about it.....and you've proven yourself to be such a traitorous little backstabber as well as a total wuss.... so now I'm Mom's favorite son and that's the way it's going to stay" he said, then pushed two of his fingers deep inside his mother's mound.

She groaned as if in agreement then she felt him push his fingers in deep, down to the knuckle, and began to fingerfuck her while Scott watched, speechless.

Marianne felt absolutely on fire, her whole body felt so aroused, the combination of Marty's natural sexual prowess and this powerfully dominant side to his personality that he'd not shown till now.

The way he was managing to cuckold both his father and brother was a huge turn on for her, especially as she was being used as Marty's whore to humiliate them. And the more Marty humiliated them the hotter and wetter she got.

After a thorough fingering Marty pulled his two fingers out and stood up, reaching round to her mouth and pushing them slowly inside. Scott had to watch as his wife began sucking Marty's fingers, tasting her own delicious cunthoney.

As if that wasn't humiliating enough, Marty turned his mom around and they French kissed once more, the salty tang of her pussy juices on his tongue. He pressed lightly on her shoulder and she took the hint, sinking to her knees.

She began undoing his button fly and slid down his skintight black jeans, peeling down his equally tight white briefs after teasing his straining bulge with a soft caress.

Out sprung his raging boner, twitching as she took it in hand. She began licking the head like an ice cream as she looked up at him with worship in her eyes. Marty felt like her new religion.

Scott had so rarely received oral sex off his wife and now he had to endure watching her giving head to their well hung son.

Marianne could sense Scott's deep discomfort as he wriggled in his chair, desperate to escape, and took Marty out of her mouth. A gloop of precum clung to her lips and she turned her head to her husband saying, "I must say I much prefer Marty's cock to suck it and to fuck much better".

"Whore...." spat Scott, utterly disgusted.

"Yes I am....I'm Marty's whore now...." she said with a grin and even Marty was amazed by how wickedly bitchy she was being to his now totally broken father.

But Marty truly understood that his father had treated her like a trophy wife for years, instead of showing her real love and sexual passion.

Scott then had to watch as Marianne gave Marty a thorough cocksucking.

Without even being instructed Marianne took her now rock hard son from her mouth and got on all fours in front of him.

"My cunt is all yours, Marty. All yours...."she purred, relishing rubbing her husband's face in her new found pleasure. Marty smiled, both his father and brother muttering under their breath.

It had been tough enough seeing it on camera, but Scott felt so utterly cucked as Marty brazenly fed his thick cock into his mother's sluthole and began to thrust.

"This is how you dominate a woman, Dad" said Marty and Scott's face turned a strange shade of rage-induced purple. Marty grabbed hold of his mother's blonde hair and really rammed her hard, knowing he had proven himself the real man in the family.

Marianne felt herself getting just as turned on as when she'd been high on marijuana, now she was just as high and aroused on her son's domination. It was an added thrill knowing she had recently stopped taking the pill, having a young and virile son inside her.

She wondered when to drop this bombshell and it made her clit throb to think about saying it to her husband, who couldn't even get hard enough or fuck her long enough to seed her.

Once Marty had sufficiently humiliated his father by fucking his wife right in front of him, he wanted to see cowardly Clyde suffer a bit as well after his blatant betrayal.

He pulled out of Marianne, his cock wet with her cuntjuice then, just to torment his father a bit further, he hit play on the remote so that Scott had to watch Marty and his mom on the TV again, having sex straight after the space cake.

There was no escape from his humiliation and he'd never felt such a weak, pathetic man.

Marty then pulled his mother to her feet and they kissed with deep passion, the sexual electricity between them so powerful. As soon as they moved across the room in front of Clyde, Marty latched his mouth on her swollen nipples.

Clyde tried looking away as his double dose of humiliation was delivered, but the sounds of his mother's pleasure filled his ears as Marty pushed Marianne up against the wall and lifted up her legs.

Clyde flinched as he saw the look of joy on his mother's face once Marty was back inside her. She wrapped her legs tightly round his back and screamed, "Fuck me, Marty! You're so much more of a man than your brother! So much bigger than your father! Fuck me like a real man!".

Marianne had felt just as disgusted as Marty to see Clyde prostate himself on his knees in front of his father and blame his brother for everything, so she was happy to make him pay.

With the DVD playing the scene of Marty fucking Marianne when she was high, it was double domination. As Marty rammed harder and faster into her, she knew it was time to drop her bombshell.

"Marty....I want your cum in me...I stopped taking the pill weeks ago....but your father couldn't even get hard for me....knock me up with your potent cum, fuck a baby into Mommy!" she shrieked and even Marty was surprised at that, but it made him thrust into her even harder.

He'd not even considered the idea that he could get his mom pregnant. But now that it was a possibility it brought out the primal instinct in him to breed, and there was nothing more dominant and natural than impregnating a woman.

Clyde and his father were being driven to distraction and were both rambling incoherently as the sound of Marianne's moans filled the room, both from the TV and from her own throat as she let it be known that Marty was the man for her.

"Don't you dare fucking cum in my wife!" howled Scott, feeling like he was losing grip on his sanity. Marty had to stop himself laughing at that but stopped thrusting for a moment to whisper in her mother's ear. She smiled and nodded.

He pulled out again and took his naked mother by the hand, leading her back in front of her husband. This time he told her to lay on her back on the carpet right in front of Scott and there was something so primal about getting inside her again in the missionary position.

Marianne wanted her husband to see Marty seed her and once he'd worked up a vicious thrust she began saying, "Do it Marty, seed your whoremom, put a baby in my belly, shoot your sexy semen where it belongs....deep inside your mother!!!!"

Marianne wrapped her legs tightly around Marty's back, trying to pull him deeper into her, desperate for his fertile fuckmuck. He felt the semen swirling in his balls, but he maintained his control as he rutted her relentlessly on her back. He knew the longer he fucked her, the more his father and brother were humiliated.

Scott was literally bawling like a baby by now, which was just what Marty wanted to see.

The pace of his fucking gradually increased and both Marty and Marianne sensed they were building up to a gloriously intense finale. Marianne could feel herself getting carpet burns on her back as Marty took her as aggressively as he could, but she didn't care. The pain seemed to add to the pleasure, knowing her son's domination was complete.

Suddenly, Marianne felt the deep need to feel her favorite son unload inside her, an unbearably strong desire that took her over.


His mother's filthy, debauched words finally sent him over the edge. He felt his balls tighten up into his body, the white heat of sexual ecstasy overwhelming him.

Both Marty and Marianne went into a deep orgasm at the same time, her pussy walls gripping his thick cockmeat and milking every drop of fertile semen from his full balls, yearning for him to impregnate her awaiting womb.

She felt several loads of creamy jizm spurt deep into her, knowing her son's seed was as virile and potent as it gets. Marianne felt herself shudder and shake as waves of depraved sexual pleasure seized hold of her.

The warm surge of his spunk made her go into her most intense incestuous climax yet, her juices gushing over her Axminster carpet while the scene of Marianne being fucked by Marty the first time played loudly in the background.

Marty had never shot such a huge load and his balls ached as he came his final drops, so keen to inseminate his mother in front of the father who hated him.

Marianne savoured the feeling of so much semen swimming deep into her, hoping this would be the moment he got her pregnant. As their climax subsided Marty lay on top of his mother and they tenderly kissed as she looked into her son's gorgeous brown eyes.

"I'll always be your whoremom, Marty...I belong entirely to you now" she said. And she meant it.
Previous page: Part 03.1