Page 02
Her panties were damp. She must have been planning this the whole time we were eating. I knew then that Megan was aware of my long glances up her skirt and had in fact made an effort to allow it. The thought emboldened my already hard dick and I pushed it into her stroking palm as my middle finger found her groove and pressed into her panties. That produced the first, We shouldn't but I ignored it as I knew she wanted me to.
I grabbed the hair on the back of Megan's head and held her firmly while I kissed her long and hard. When we finished, there was another reason for her to gasp than simple lack of oxygen: My hand was inside her panties and my finger was slipping inside her outer folds, seeking and finding her slippery tunnel.
"Ohhhh, Tim. We can't. Really."
My finger slipped easily in and out despite her slick pussy's squeezing attempts to slow it down. I wasn't sure whether she was trying to block it from entering or keep it from leaving. Megan's hands loosening my belt buckle as my mouth closed over hers argued for the latter interpretation.
When the kiss ended, my pants had fallen around my ankles and Megan's hands were now inside my shorts, her soft, slender fingers wrapped around my balls while her palm pressed against the underside of bare my rod. I slipped a second finger into her cunt and gently pushed until both were deep inside, individually searching for her special, personal love spots.
"We can't fuck," Megan cried, her hips bucking on my fingers.
I lifted my hand up and down, accentuating and relaxing the thickness of my fingers.
"Unhh, unhhh, unngghhh," Megan moaned.
"I need you," I whispered thickly, surprised that the inane statement escaped my lips.
"We can... do... each other," she cried between soft moans as my fingers, always deft, learned some of her internal secrets.
"Do each other?" I moaned, my mouth sliding wetly off hers onto her cheek.
"You know," she cried, slipping down my body, kissing my chest as she went and pushing my shorts down. By the time her meaning filtered into my head, she had taken me into her mouth and started bobbing her head up and down my shaft, leaving it slick with her saliva.
Megan's head moved up and down my shaft, one hand following her mouth with a twisting motion while the other cupped my balls, stretching up after the other hand so her fingers could scratch my scrotum. This went on for quite a while and I just stood there, leaning back to keep my balance while Megan stretched up on her knees to work her magic. I emitted appreciative sounds constantly, encouraging her to keep doing whatever she happened to be doing. My hands caressed her hair and one slipped behind her head to press her mouth more firmly onto my cock. I was so close.
Megan stopped!
I opened my eyes and looked down. Why? WTF.
Megan stayed still, both hands hidden under the front of her skirt. Her mouth held the head of my cock and maybe an inch of shaft. I tried to twist her face up to look at me but she kept her head firmly in place. I moved my hands to the sides of her head and she pushed her mouth farther onto my cock. I pulled her head back, almost off my cock, and tried to twist her face up but she resisted again. I pulled her head forward until she made a coughing sound, then, pushed back. Again, I couldn't twist her face up.
Oh well. I pulled her head forward, allowing her head to engulf my tool until I heard the little cough again, this time a little farther along. I only moved her head back a little before pulling it forward again and this time, when she coughed, I held it in place. When she stopped coughing, I pulled her head toward me. There was brief resistance, then Megan shoved her head forward of her own accord and slid down to my root, engulfing my cock in the most wonderful feeling as it's tip slid inside her throat.
I paused there, enjoying the thrill of being inside a woman's throat for the first time in my life. I was afraid to pull back in case I was never allowed back in but Megan's hands, closing over mine and pressing them in to more firmly grasp her head, told me what to do. I began fucking her face.
Slowly, at first. I was afraid of hurting her but Megan's sounds and her hands let me know everything was ok. Faster and faster I moved, my strokes getting longer and longer and my moans louder and louder. I was crouching and Megan had leaned forward to accommodate my head fuck. I was really close now and my strokes became shorter and quicker. I wasn't moaning anymore because I was too busy gasping for air.
"Fuuuuuuck," I cried as I erupted in Megan's mouth, spurt after spurt after spurt until, finally, I was spent.
I pulled out of Megan's mouth without a drop of cum left to mark her face, and fell back onto my ass.
Megan laughed out loud, "Liked that did you?"
"Awesome," I croaked, barely able to speak.
I watched as Megan got up and retrieved her bra and blouse, then slipped the bra on with practiced expertise. She managed to get one arm through a sleeve and had started on the other before I stood and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her face up for a kiss.
"Maybe you should put your pants back on," she suggested, moving her hands between us to button her blouse.
"We're not finished yet," I said, seeking her lips again.
Megan continued buttoning her blouse while I kissed her. I put everything I had into the next kiss and was relieved when her hands pulled out so she could wrap her arms around my neck. After the second such kiss, we paused to catch our breath and my hands found the zipper on Megan's skirt.
"We can't, Tim," Megan whispered, her lips still nibbling my neck. "We can only play."
Megan kept her arms around me. I let the skirt fall around her feet and ran my hands over her ass, then hooked my thumbs inside her panties and dragged them down her buttocks to the back of her thighs.
"No, Tim. We can't fuck," she whispered, but her mouth found mine and her tongue slipped inside.
The panties were pushed down to mid-thigh. My hand pushed under Megan's ass and my fingers stretched forward so their tips could skid through her wet groove.
"You can't fuck me," she repeated hoarsely as my fingers pushed into her cunt.
"I'm not going to."
Megan pulled back and scrutinized my face.
"I'm going to 'do' you," I explained.
"Do me?" she asked, her face screwing up into a quizzical expression.
"Like you did me," I explained, pulling her backwards to the couch near the far side of the room.
Megan followed as I tugged her across the room, walking with a little difficulty since her panties were still stretched across her thighs. I navigated around the coffee table and sat down on the couch. I looked up at her with my head crooked over the back of the plush leather.
"See what you can do with this," I said, and pushed my tongue through my lips and to one side, holding it out like a stiff little cock.
Megan stared at me, comprehension flooding her face but her body was as still as a statue. The moment passed and she quickly pushed her panties down to her knees and stepped out of them. As soon as she was free, she clambered up on the couch, feet straddling my hips. Megan crouched, leaning her knees against the back of the couch and carefully brought her pussy close to my face. She waited for me to lift my head to lick her but I stayed still.
Megan laughed, a low, thick, throaty signal of deep satisfaction. Her hands met in front of her breasts and the buttons began losing their grip on the blouse for the second time that night. The blouse was tossed away with a flourish and the bra followed, pulled slowly up Megan's outstretched arms and flung off with equal relish.
"Now," she cried, "let's get down to business."
With that, she grabbed the hair on the top of my head and pulled my face up and forward, fitting it between her legs and moving it around until my stiff little tongue-cock was where she wanted it. Slowly, she began grinding her pussy on my face.
"Now I know why you like this so much," she husked, gyrating on my face a little faster. "Oh, yeah. Now I see."
Megan worked her pussy all over my face. I concentrated on keeping my tongue as stiff as I could but otherwise exerted no control over its movements or those of my head. Megan's pussy was Queen, just as she had let my cock be King half an hour ago. After she had satisfied her outer lips, she pulled my little stiffy inside her cunt and really went after me, pulling my head this way and that, holding it in, shoving it off, whatever thrilled her on the spur of the moment.
I don't know how long Megan used me but I can confess that I now have a much better understanding of just how much pleasure a woman can stand before losing control and letting her pussy take over completely. I was literally exhausted by the time she drenched my face and she was completely dressed again before I made a move to get off the couch. I didn't feel bad accepting her help to get dressed; in fact, I kind of enjoyed it. My neck was sore and I favored it for days.
In the following weeks, you might have thought that night had never happened. Both at work and during our family visits, Megan acted as if nothing had. She didn't act either more or less friendly toward me, yielding absolutely no sign that there was anything between us except when we were alone with no chance of being surprised. Then, and only then, Megan flashed me a special smile, one immediately known to those communicating in such a way that everything was understood, that everything was ok.
Still, I didn't know if that night was to be a single memory or if it was a song to be played again. Every fiber of my body wanted to hear that tune. It must have been obvious, at least to Megan, but other than those smiles I received no other hints.
Then, one day, at a neighborhood barbecue, I arrived in Bob and Mary's kitchen to get another beer from the fridge just as they and Megan were carrying food out to the backyard. I stood beside the door to let them pass, first Bob and then Mary. Megan was carrying her tray in one hand and, as she passed me, the other briefly dropped and grabbed my crotch, unerringly finding my soft cock and giving it a healthy squeeze.
Well, you can imagine that my mind couldn't focus on anything else that night. All the jokes went over my head but I laughed along with everyone else. Sometime, later in the evening, Patti asked Megan if it was true that she wasn't joining Neil and the kids for the first week of their holiday.
"No, I can't," Megan replied. "I have to work. You know how George is."
Everyone groaned and nodded. After the conversation had passed on to another topic and other people, Megan's eyes found mine. Breaking her rule of no signals in the presence of others, she gazed intensely at me steadily without smiling.
"Can you take this over to Neil and Megan's," Pattie asked. "I meant to get it there this morning but forgot about it and Shannon's picking me up to go shopping in a few minutes."
I looked at the bag Patti had set on the kitchen table.
"It's just some dishes she left at Bob and Mary's last night," Pattie explained.
"Ok," I said.
My mind was in turmoil on the way over to Megan's. I wanted desperately to see her but wasn't sure when Neil was leaving. I didn't trust myself not to give myself away in her presence so I was enormously relieved to see Megan's BMW in the driveway but not Neil's SUV.
I rang the doorbell but there was no answer. I contemplated leaving the bag of dishes on the porch but then I wouldn't have an excuse to return so I carried them back to the car. Halfway there, I changed my mind and walked around to the side of the house, reached over the fence to unlatch the gate, and slipped into the backyard. I rounded the corner of the house and there she was, placing a running sprinkler down on the grass.
She was so gorgeous. By the splashes of water on the thin cotton summer dress she hadn't managed to stay clear of the sprinkler when she had picked it. Megan let go of the sprinkler and ran away but she only took two steps before stopping when she caught sight of me.
We stood for a frozen moment, staring at each other. The sprinkler finished its sweep and returned, slowly rising to its zenith and then falling toward Megan, encompassing her in a cool rain that should have made her shriek but had no observable effect. Megan continued to stare as the sprinkler descended over her and sprayed down her body from behind, then reversed itself and retraced its path, climbing up until it finally swept away in the other direction. Megan was dripping wet.
I set the bag down on the grass and walked toward her. Still staring at me with an expressionless face, Megan stepped toward me. I walked faster, she hesitated; I started to run and she trotted, holding her arms out. We collided and whirled around in a desperate, gripping hug, laughing in glee. I smothered her laughing lips with my mouth.
We fell to the ground, laughing, kissing, laughing... kissing.
I don't recall pushing her dress up; I certainly don't remember taking it off. Megan was suddenly naked and my shirt was gone, then my shorts were down. We rolled around on the wet grass, the sprinkler spraying over us, our bodies straining to get as close as possible to each other. There was no laughter now. We were making love. We hadn't coupled yet but there was no doubt that we were about to do so.
There wasn't a single no, or don't, or we can't. I rolled on top of Megan and tried to enter her, accepted me and our legs entwined with a mutual shout of joy. We moved with frantic deliberation. We weren't fucking, as she said we couldn't, we were making love.
It seemed to be forever that we strained and rolled around on that wet grass, every inch of our bodies yearning for the scorch of the other's skin. When we finally finished, Megan picked up her dress and waited while I retrieved my clothes. She took my hand and led me into the house. The bag of dishes was now forgotten by the corner of the house. Megan took me upstairs where we made love for the next two hours.
"We can't stop it," she explained to me between couplings, though I think she was explaining it to herself as much as to me. "This passion can't be denied. If we try to fight it, we'll lose control and give ourselves away and that will ruin the lives of Neil, Patti, and our kids."
I nodded, in full agreement.
"I love Neil and I know you love Patti. If you and I were together we'd be too wrapped up in each other to be good parents and we might even burn each other out."
"What do you suggest?" I asked.
"That we meet like this whenever we can so we can keep a lid on it because we know we'll be together as soon as possible."
I nodded again.
"You have to be more careful."
I nodded. She was right. I had almost given us away the night before.
"I know it seems unfair to Patti and Neil but we can't undo what's been done. Why ruin what we all have just because they don't have the same needs as us?"
I nodded. I wasn't about to say no.
"I think we should count ourselves lucky for finding each other," Megan went on. "We might have saved two marriages. Maybe we all would have gotten divorced or lived unfulfilled lives. I think this was meant to be."
I kissed her. Maybe I just wanted to show her that I agreed with what she was saying, or maybe I just wanted to make love to her again.
Megan did things Patti never would and I tried things with her I just would never contemplate doing with my wife. Patti would freak out if she thought it was gross whereas Megan would simply say no or laugh it off though she seemed willing to try anything once. Except anal.
Three weeks after the day of the sprinkler, I was again working late. Megan had left on time with everyone else. I worked for a couple of hours and then went out for some take out. When I returned, it was dark and the parking lot was empty. I had been kind of hoping that Megan might have come in to work after going home for supper but no such luck. I was hungry to eat the extra food anyway.
As I approached my office, I was surprised to see the lights off. The door was ajar so I assumed the janitor had been in and turned them off by force of habit. I pushed the door open and brushed the switches up with my left hand as I entered and then stopped.
"I thought you'd never get here."
Megan was sitting at the far end of the office, on the floor, in front of the black leather couch. Her legs were stretched out on the rug, parted to allow room for her hands which were buried inside her dress.
"I'm not hungry," she said. "For food, anyway."
Megan raised her knees, letting the dress fall to her hips. She adopted the most wanton look I think I'd ever seen on a woman.
"Don't just stand there. I have less than an hour."
That prompted me into action. The food was dropped and I began undressing as I moved toward her. I had forgotten to close the door and hoped nobody was left in the building.
Naked, I made the final approach. As I did, Megan got up on her knees, mouth open, but then fooled me by turning around and laying her head on the seat cushion. With her head bent so she could look back, Megan reached down to grasp the hem of her dress and lifted it up and onto her back. She wasn't wearing panties and her pubes, glistening from her exertions while she waited for my return, beckoned.
This is the kind of thing Patti would never do. It was lewd but not sluttish. It was perfect. I crouched behind her and guided my cock into her wet pussy from behind.
As soon as I gained entrance, she looked back into my eyes and panted, "Fuck me. I need it so badly."
That got me into full stride within three strokes, as I sure she had planned. This was the first time Megan had let me take her from behind but far from the last. As it turned out, it was one of her favorite positions and one that Neil didn't particularly care for. Well, I did. I whaled on her behind, encouraged by her moans and hoarse whispers egging me on. I got so carried away I slapped her rump hard like I'd seen on some porn videos.
Well, that was a mistake. Suddenly, I was shoved back and my cock was dangling in the air. Megan was whirling around, straightening up on her knees. I didn't see her hand swinging around.
Thwack! My head reeled back and to the side.
"Ouch!" I yelled.
"Hurts, doesn't it?" Megan cried.
I nodded. Megan turned halfway back and bent over, resting her chest on the floor, lying with her face turned to look at me and her rump held high, a large red blotch where my hand has slapped her ass.
"Now, fuck me properly," she commanded.
I did as I was told.
One time, many weeks later, I was fucking Megan from behind when it occurred to me to fill her winking eye with the tip of my thumb. Without thinking, I did just that. Of course, as soon as I did it, I braced myself for an adverse reaction but was pleasantly surprised to be rewarded with an abandoned series of moans as my thumb wiggled about in her ass.
This became a regular feature when we did it doggy style and also when Megan rode on top of me. I would wait to near the end, just when she started to lose control, before inserting my long finger into her butt. She really loved that, her butt alternating between slamming down on my rigid cock and jamming back to impale her ass on my finger. What a dilemma.
However, whenever I tried to slide my cock up to slip the tip into her little bung hole, Megan also denied me.
"I like you fingers but I'm not letting that thing in me," she would say, usually with a soft, accompanying laugh. Quite often, Megan would soon after do something special as a consolation prize, like let me spurt a little cream on her face after blowing me.