Page 06
I didn't slow down until I had spewed my last drop. When I sat back on my haunches to let Mom up, she rolled over onto her knees and started clambering up on the bed but the faint outline of raw ass in the murky light jerked my cock upright again so I shoved her forward onto the mattress and took her from behind. She didn't seem to mind, at least not from the sound of it. That one was just as quick as the first.
The next one was slower. We started off on our sides, facing each other on the bed. We hadn't stopped touching and whispering to each other. Mom seemed to absolutely love the feel of my strong young cock. She rarely let it go and didn't stop making comments about how good it felt, whispering 'Did she really make me that hard' and so on. The next thing I knew, she had raised one knee and pulled me inside. She was almost as frantic as the first time, clearly not as spent as me, so I just rolled onto my back and let her have her way. After that, she was much more subdued.
Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, when the first light of pre-dawn was filtering in through the window, we were dozing one behind the other. I rose up behind Mom and pushed her right leg over until her knee touched the bed and then, as her eyes fluttered open, I straddled her left thigh, inserted my cock, and started to slowly fuck her. She looked so beautiful lying there, taking it from behind. She made me so hot, I lost control and started really heaving into her, rocking her whole body up and down on the bed. Mom braced her hands against the headboard and turned her face down and mumbled through the pillow. I couldn't hear what she said but I think it was, "Fuck me, son."
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
When I woke up, Mom was gone. She must have left to crawl into bed with Dad before he woke up. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her morning coffee when I came downstairs. I fetched a cup for myself.
"Where's Dad?" I asked.
"He's gone for the day with Bob and Rick." There was a long pause during which Mom started to speak but stopped several times. "Mark, I guess you know things are different between us now and always will be but it.. I mean, the sex part, doesn't have to continue."
I was taken aback. Was she kidding? The shock delayed my response and Mom spoke before I could respond.
"I know you've been having a little fun, but I do want to caution you about Margaret."
I started to say something but Mom held up her hand.
"Just let me have my say. I'm sure you could have fun with Margaret but you'll eventually want to move on and she won't make it easy... and that will ruin our friendship, what will be left of it anyway, but don't worry about that. I want you to be happy. That's my foremost concern."
Mom lowered her hand, having said her piece.
"Can I say something?"
Mom nodded, and I spoke.
"Are you kidding, Mom? I don't want to ever stop. I really liked being with you. That was the best I've ever hand." Feeling that sounded a little callous, I added, "Anyway, I love you."
I started toward her but Mom held her hand up again and motioned for me to sit at the opposite end of the table.
"I just want to talk for a few minutes."
When I was sitting, Mom continued.
"I know you love me. I love you too but I don't think we should keep making love. It's selfish of me. You should have your fun like I know you've been doing. You're young and I'll understand."
I stretched my hands out toward Mom and engaged her eyes as sincerely as I could. "Mom, I want to keep making love with you. It's fun," I added.
Mom drew her hands away and chuckled. "Ok, but if you get tired of me, just say so straight out. You won't hurt my feelings. Aside from the age thing, this isn't a normal relationship and it may turn out that neither of us can handle it."
I nodded.
"Promise you'll tell me if you start feeling uncomfortable?"
"I promise."
"Ok." Mom reached out and took my outstretched hands. "And I want you to promise me one more thing."
"Anything," I agreed, eager to please her, hoping we could go upstairs after breakfast.
"I've changed my mind already." I could feel the blood draining from my head. "No more fooling around with Margaret."
That's all? Relief set in. "Mom, I..."
"Straight-forward with each other, right?"
"Right," I answered sheepishly.
"Good," Mom said. "Margaret is my best friend but she can't keep a secret about anything. If you continue with her, she'll tell someone or let it slip somehow and that will draw attention to us, and we can't have that, now can we?"
"No," I answered glumly.
"Come on, Mark. You don't find her all that exciting, do you?"
"No, I guess not. I guess I'm just a young guy, and she's there."
"There are more exciting women around than Margaret."
"I guess so. You, for one," I said, trying to win some brownie points.
Mom laughed out loud. "Nice try, buster, but I'm not jealous of Margaret. I was thinking about someone else."
"Someone else?" I said, adopting the dumbest look I could muster.
"Oh Mark. I know the black panties in your drawer aren't Margaret's. They're too small for me, let alone Margaret," Mom laughed again.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I shouldn't have had a girl in the house." I looked properly chastised. "It won't happen again."
"I wasn't thinking of a girl. I was thinking more of a woman with a girl's body, a quiet woman, but a hot one when aroused, I suspect."
I stared at Mom. Did she know? How could she?
"I wondered what Sayuri was doing reaching inside your car." Mom paused to let that little bombshell hit home. "I thought you were giving her something but her hand came out empty, like it had gone in."
Mom was grinning, obviously quite amused by the stupefied look on my face. "Oh, yes," she nodded. "I was standing in your bedroom window. She paused for effect, allowing my rubbery brain to become enlightened. It didn't quite make it and Mom continued.
"I didn't understand then, but I did later, when I found those panties."
Mom smiled as my brain's realization filtered though to my face. Her foot suddenly appeared between my knees, toes stretching forward to press against my balls. "You must feel absolutely huge to her," she whispered sexily.
"Mom," I gasped, as she moved her foot up and down on the hardnes of my rising erection, her heel pressing into the softness of my swollen balls. "I'll put an end to it, I promise."
"Why would you do that?" Mom asked, her foot actively rubbing my now rigid cock.
"Because I love you," I gasped.
"If you love me, then you'll do as I ask, won't you." She rubbed the balls of her feet up and down my erection.
"Yes," I croaked.
"Come over here," she commanded.
I got up and hobbled over to stand in front of Mom. She opened her knees for me to get close and when I stepped inside she pulled the front of my sweatpants down and took my cock into her hand.
"I want you to call Sayuri and tell her to come over here. Can you do that?" Mom asked, jacking my cock near her face.
"Yes, Mom." I hoped she didn't lay into Mrs. Yamato too hard.
"Now, she said, stroking my schlong. "Tell me what you're going to do."
"I'm going to call Mrs. Yamato and get her to come over here," I panted.
"Mrs. Yamato. Yes, I like that. Keep calling her Mrs. Yamato."
Mom opened her mouth and brought my cock close to it, still jacking me with her hand.
"Pick up the phone and call her."
Mom nodded toward the phone on the table. As I picked it up, Mom told me to dial in Mrs. Yamato's number which she relayed to me. As I dialed, Mom instructed me to tell Mrs. Yamato I was here alone because my parents had gone out for the rest of the day and to convince her to come over. "Be explicit," she concluded.
"Hello, Mrs. Yamato?"
Mom started jacking my cock faster.
"it's Mark. ... Yeah, I missed you to. ... I'd love to see you next week but I was wondering if you could come today, like you suggested."
On the word 'come' Mom pushed my cock against the side of her face and grazed it along her cheek. When it was positioned in front of her mouth, she licked the underside of its tip.
I groaned into the phone.
"What? Oh, nothing."
I gasped when Mom's head suddenly shoved forward and enveloped the head.
"Nothing. No, my foot slipped and I stubbed my toe. Listen, can you talk freely?"
"Ok, What, uh, are you wearing?" Mom's mouth slipped down my shaft, and returned.
"Just a kimono?" I lifted my hand onto Mom's hair and urged her head forward. I liked this new game.
"Are you wearing anything underneath? Mrs. Yamato?" I added the last bit for Mom's benefit, which I could immediately feel she appreciated. "No? Can you reach inside and tell me how they feel? ... They're stiff already?"
Mom's head was moving steadily now without any urging from me but my fingers curled through her hair and followed her head motions anyway. I pushed into her mouth and she placed a hand on the front of my hip but let me continue adding a small push each time she completed a downward stroke.
"Can you wear the same white blouse and short black skirt you did the other day? ... Yes? Good, but don't wear a bra. ... Nobody will see you, you're coming right over aren't you? ... When? ... As soon as we get off the phone. ... Ok, but wait. Wear those black panties. ... I know, I've got them. It's a good thing I found them before Mom or Dad did. ... You don't? Well, don't wear any then, Mrs. Yamato. ... Because I like calling you that."
I panted audibly on the phone and jammed my cock as far as I could into Mom's mouth. She gagged, but quickly allowed me to resume fucking her face, partly with the assistance of my hand which now tightly gripped her hair.
"I'm touching myself," I explained in response to her query about why I was breathing so hard. "I can't wait 'til you get here, Mrs. Yamato," I panted louder for her benefit.
Mom pulled back but I stepped closer, leaning over her to keep my cock in her mouth.
"Hurry," I gasped into the phone, tossing it onto the table with a loud clatter. I grabbed Mom's head and held it still, while I humped her face.
"Mark? ... Mark?"
I could hear Mrs. Yamato's voice from the phone. I wondered if she could hear the sloppy sound of my cock jamming in and out of Mom's mouth or the gurgling sounds she was making. I worried about being too rough on Mom but her hands were holding my hips in place rather than pushing me away. I slowed down but moved my cock further inside her mouth for several long shoves, then grasped her head tightly and jammed in a series of shorter thrusts. Mom moaned and I started to come, quickly filling her mouth and then again as Mom swallowed, emptying it, twice more, leaving only a little to spill out onto her chin. I stepped back and Mom wiped her mouth, then got up.
"Good," she said. "I want to you to tease her for a long time when she gets here. Take her up to my bed and tie her hands and feet. Come on, I'll get some belts from my robes." Mom grabbed my hand and pulled me from the kitchen. "Hurry," she said. "You know she's only around the corner."
"Remember to take your time," Mom continued as we climbed the stairs. "Get her really horny."
"I will," I promised.
I had mixed feelings about this. Of course, I had been in sexual situations with others in the same room but they were other teenagers at parties preoccupied with each other and were only making out, not having actual sex. Well, except for that one time when Sean poked that new girl on the couch in his rumpus room and we all egged him on. But that was someone else. Nobody had ever watched me screw anyone and if I'd had the opportunity I don't know that I could, not with everyone watching.
Still, the thought of having Mrs. Yamato in front of Mom made me real hard. I would have thought that having my mother watching me fuck someone would have turned my raging boner into a limpid penis but go figure. And who would have thought my super-normal mother would get off on watching other people do it, especially her son?
I guess didn't really know myself or my mother at all.
At the top of the stairs, mom turned around an looked at me in disbelief.
"You wait downstairs, " she shoved me back onto the steps. "And don't start anything down there. Bring her up here to my room, not yours."
"Ok, ok. I got it," I grumped.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Mrs. Yamato was almost half an hour late. I opened the door as soon as I heard her heels on the sidewalk. She laughed at the obvious eagerness on my face and the further evidence she spied as soon as her eyes dropped to my pants.
"May I come in," she laughed as I grasped her hand and pulled her through the doorway.
I shut the door and spun around to face her. She looked stunning in the short, black skirt she had worn the other day. Underneath, she wore black stockings and high-heeled pumps. On top, she wore a designer leather jacket wrap which she was already taking off. When she removed her arm, I took the sleeve and she spun around to remove the rest of the coat, leaving it in my hands. It was a different white blouse than before, a fancier affair that was more silky than cotton which made it settle more closely over her small breasts which were obviously not covered by anything. I didn't have the breath to say anything but "Wow."
Mrs. Yamato smiled and turned her head down in a demure pose, "Thank you."
I started to hang her coat up in the closet, mainly because I thought she wouldn't tolerate it being chucked to the floor.
"Maybe we should keep that handy in case I have to leave quickly," she suggested.
"Ok." I couldn't really tell her she didn't have to worry about Mom, now could I?
I couldn't wait any longer. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her, bending down to kiss her. Seconds later I had swept her off her feet and was slow-walking her toward the stairs. Setting her down on the first step, we pulled apart, both gasping for air, but quickly moved together again. My hands found her little butt and pulled her onto my hardon which was now aligned with her pussy. Immediately, she ground herself into me, digging her feet into the step to push herself forward hard, and thrust her tongue deep into my mouth. I raised one hand up to grasp a handful of her hair and pulled her head back, looked into her glazed eyes, and refastened my mouth onto hers. Her right leg rose up and she dug her heel into my ass, pushing herself forward with her left foot which was still on the first step.
She bit me on the lip as our kiss broke, shoved me back and ran up the stairs, laughing. I chased her. Go slow, Mom had said. I didn't see how that was going to be possible. Mrs. Yamato 'fell' as she reached the top of the stairs, falling onto the landing and turning around to look at me, bent over the top step, one hand reaching behind to pull her short skirt up to reveal a bare bottom perched inches above the ends of her black stockings. She laughed as I stumbled, waving her tight buns around in an lewd invitation. It was hard to believe this was the demure Mrs. Yamato, the quiet one in the neighborhood.
As I lowered my knees onto the stair on either side of Mrs. Yamato's butt, she leapt over the top stair and ran down the hallway, shrieking with laughter. She ran right past Mom's room but I caught her before she could get into my room and dragged her back.
"Don't you want it?" she husked, pushing her ass into my bulging groin.
"Yeah, but in here," I rasped, pulling her into Mom's room.
"You are a naughty boy," Mrs. Yamato cried as I spun around and launched her toward Mom's bed.
She stumbled for a couple of steps before bracing herself with her hands on the end of the bed, swayed her butt at me again while looking over her shoulder, then stood up and slowly removed her blouse, coyly looking around as she peeled it off her shoulder. When she pulled the sleeve off her arm, she twisted to the side and arched her back to thrust her nipples out from the perfect position to emphasize their spearing profile.
"Take off your clothes," she whispered.
She watched with obviously eager anticipation as I quickly pulled my shirt over my head, downed my sweatpants, yanked my socks off, and then playfully eased the waistband of my shorts out to allow my cock to spring forward from my stomach. I pushed my shorts slowly down my muscular thighs, then lifted each knee up in turn to remove my shorts. Naked, I stood at full height and arched my own back to magnify my physique, hard cock wavering proudly in front of me.
Mrs. Yamato stared at my cock. Her breathing was shallow, in keeping with the mesmerizing stillness of her body. I was startled when I realized that her gaze had suddenly shifted up to grip my own eyes. Slowly, she liftered herself backwards onto the bed, her eyes holding mine with a piercing look that kept me standing as still as a statue. Even my wavering cock froze in mid air.
Mrs. Yamato sat on her haunches, the short, black skirt riding very high up her thighs to allow her knees to bend back so her feet could reside on either side of her thighs. She smiled but the look in her eyes held me back. I wasn't being invited in yet. Mrs. Yamato swung her arms back and placed her hands onto the bed, palm down, fingers facing toward me. She blew me a kiss and pushed herself backward, leaning more and more on her hands as her weight shifted and her knees lifted from the mattress. She ended in an enlongated inverted U, head hanging back so far I could see her hair dangling down to the bed through her open legs bracketing an extremely enticing pussy split by a narrow pink strip.
In the absence of her riveting eyes, I was ready to leap onto the bed and violate that pink sanctuary, but something held me back, and I knew exactly what it was. Above the arched spine, on either side of the the crest spanning the distance between Mrs. Yamato's firmly planted feet and hands, sprang two new sources that magnetically reoriented my attention: her enchanting nipples!
Staring at them — first from one to the other, then managing to keep both in focus — I realized that Mrs. Yamato's nipples were not abnormally long, they were simply beautifully longish nipples perched upon a small base. Arched back the way she was, any woman's breasts would be minimized, and Mrs. Yamato's were essentially nonexistent. Except, that is, for their very essence and the target, truth be known, for the many horny observations of women I exercised on a daily basis. I loved tits, but it was mostly the lure of the hidden nipple that drew me in.
Mrs. Yamato had been holding her pose in silence. Sensing my invitation, I took two faltering steps and carefully eased onto the bed between her knees. Leaning over, I cautiously stretched my body over hers, barely grazing her tummy with my chest, until my mouth was poised over her right nipple. As I lowered my lips to that quivering mini-stalagmite, my cock found its way under the black skirt, skidding along Mrs. Yamato's thighs until it found and nestled on her stretched pussy, perfectly in line with the moistness exuding from that delicious pink slit. As I forced my lips over the stiff pillar, my tongue slipped moistly along the underside, the tip folding around it as it reached the more tender skin of her breast.
Mrs. Yamato didn't make a sound but I groaned in ecstasy and then inhaled, sucking hard. Mrs. Yamato pulled her nipple out of my mouth, the twisting motion of her chest rubbing her moist lower lips across the large blood vessels running along the length of my aching cock. Ah, joy! Mrs. Yamato shoved the nipple of her left tit into my mouth, scraping between my lips and onto my tongue. Again, I groaned and launched an even stronger inhaling suck, trying to squeeze her nipple against the roof of my mouth so hard it couldn't escape like its sister had done.