English Erotica Stories

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19 min read
Lilly and Angela are now alone, observing each other. Heavy breathing can be heard from both of them as the Face to Face meeting continues. This is not a typical interview, if Lilly desires it, a job is waiting for her at the hotel. It is rather an opportunity for Lilly to showcase her...
11 min read
We all met Sarah briefly in Chapter Two. If you remember, she was the receptionist that young Tom spoke to at the front desk. I was too caught up in Lilly's upcoming Face 2 Face to focus on her properly for you the reader. Apologies for that, but Lilly kind of has that effect on people. Even me...
16 min read
A man around the same age as Lilly approaches her as she nears the entrance of the hotel. He is dressed in very traditional bell boy attire. Brown hair, already receding slightly. Brown eyes. His ears are slightly too big for his thin face. Small slightly upturned nose. 'Cute though. In a very...
13 min read
It is 10 am. It is a Tuesday. It is June. The year is 2101. We are in a country-style kitchen on a planet with many of the same traits as our planet Earth. But things have evolved differently, however, let us not focus on that for now, we have a lady to meet. I'll catch you up as we go. Lilly...
35 min read
Les' POV The first time I met Charlie and his brothers was on my first day in the service of his father, Deputy-Chancellor Larken. I arrived at Sixentia Tower by tube car and took the elevator to the 98th floor where I found my way to the Larken residence, plopped my bag down by the door in...
80 min read
AUTHOR'S NOTE This is part 1 of a series that takes part in the same universe as my series 'Comfort in the New World'. However this series is essentially stand-alone and can be read on its own. In short, in this future world the Guild of Humanity provide mental and physical training to people...
597 min read
Samverse: Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife (Samantha & Chai Novel) The Fictional Happenings in This Fictional Novel Are All Happening in A Fictional Universe Call SAMVERSE Which Is a Parallel Universe Very Similar To Ours. Note: It Is a NON-LINEAR Plot, Going Front And Back in Time. Having...